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This story is a sequel to The Most Annoying Infestation

Rainbow Dash's plan was just to relax and read Daring Do books all night long. Too bad it was interupted by a certain bat pony colt, begging "Blue Mommy" to have a sleepover with him.

This is a contest entry for ocalhoun's Big 250k Contest.

Review by MixMassBasher

Awesome Reading by Winged T. Spears

Chapters (2)

One-shot story to Chaotic Ink's 'The Witching Hour'
I am not a monster, I am not a pony- what I am is up to you to decide, reader, I'm not what I was, and probably never will be again. I hide in the shadows, and under cover of night to avoid them, and I intend to keep it that way...

This is a one-shot now a story!

Cover-art subject to change.

Chapters (13)

Not long after winning the honor of carrying the Ponyville flag for the Equestria Games, Scootaloo finds herself struggling with schoolwork, friendships, and of course, her inability to fly. While working on an assignment for school, she discovers the existence of a group of powerful psychics that Equestrian royalty consult for many things - including helping parents choose a name for their newborn foals.

Curious, Scootaloo pleads for Princess Twilight Sparkle to meet them and ask the one question that she direly wants to know - "Will I ever be able to fly?"

Despite Princess Celestia's warning, Twilight meets with them - but is the truth worth the price she may have to pay to herself and Scootaloo?

Story takes place after "Flight to the Finish," and then branches from there.

Beautiful cover art was completed for me by my wonderfully talented sister!

Currently undergoing revisions for conventions and grammar issues. Being my first story, there are more than I would prefer.

It has a TVTropes page, put together by Godzillawolf! Right Here!


Chapters (22)

Although Luna has transitioned nicely into Equestrian society, she still has one thing left to do, get an apprentice that can rule beside her

Chapters (5)

Lily is hungry, but the only person around to feed her is her sleeping father. So, what does any child do when they're hungry? They wake their parent and ask for food.

My Patreon. Help support me if you like my stuff! :rainbowdetermined2:

Chapters (2)

In the future, we'll colonize the solar system, cure cancer, clone the human genome, and build trans-dimensional hoodies that can summon tiny talking horses from an alternate universe.

It's pretty snazzy.

Cover art by xioade.

There is no beginning and no ending; only hoodies and the poni poni poni that fill them.

Chapters (26)

All Scootaloo wanted was a family that cared for her, not one that treats her like trash. Her parents bring her down every day, and ridicule her for the smallest mistakes. The only one that seems to care is her big sister, but not even Rainbow Dash can help her out of this predicament. Desperate for an escape from her torment, Scootaloo ends up lost in the Everfree Forest. One fateful encounter will bring two creatures from an entirely different world into Scootaloo's life, their arrival will either put her on the path to true happiness or even greater troubles....

(I had to add Romance later on because of the ship I created.)

Chapters (43)

There once was a story about the beautiful dark alicorn who moved the moon. In the tranquil countryside, a young boy listened to the story, looked at the stars, and imagined. He grew up and fell in love with the ruler of the night … and she loved him, too.

It was perfect, except for one nagging doubt in the back of the quiet boy's head: she was a character from a children's story.

Winner of the Writeoff Association's "Written In The Stars" competition! ** Featured on Equestria Daily ** Featured by The Royal Guard (twice! :twilightblush:)

Rated ★★★★★ by Louder Yay! "This is, perhaps, a Lucky Dreams story for grown-ups. ... Plenty of magic and friendship here, but also sadness and loss ... a clear classic."

Highly Recommended by Present Perfect! "An excellently written story about an emotional encounter between the titular characters … yet a good bit more than that. If you like reading, you will like reading this."

Recommended by Titanium Dragon! "This story had an excellent style to it, a sort of fairy-tale-like quality … really, this is a work of original fiction which pokes at MLP in only the barest of ways. But that doesn't mean it isn't relevant to your interests."

Art: Assembled by me. Luna vector by azur-wing.

Chapters (1)

Born from a loving mother and conceived by a legendary and powerful unicorn. Young Heavy Weight grows ever so stronger himself as he befriends Twilight Sparkle and Shining Armor. Growing up by their side as he is taken through a world of magic, drama, love and pain. While under the care of princess Celestia, who will do anything to control his growing magical power.

Chapters (11)

He had to look down to see her. A pony, a creature no bigger than a goat, stood on his doorstep. Her pale blue fur and ragged, blood-red mane couldn’t have looked more out of place in a town of goats and minotaurs. Kev stared at her, wondering what to do. His father would’ve chased her away with a club and a string of obscenities. His grandfather would’ve eaten her. His great grandfather would’ve eaten her and not gone to prison for it.

A story about one minotaur’s relationship with his society, his family, and his wife.

Featured on Equestria Daily
Edited by PresentPerfect
Cover art by Ruirik
(In progress) Reading by ABagOVicodin:
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4

Chapters (9)