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The forest is alive.

Everypony knows that. What they don't know is how the forest controls itself. Like how does the forest appears to harvest its own fruits, move its own clouds, and raise its own animals?

And if a menace threatens the forest, how can it protect itself? After a forest fire decimates a large portion of the Everfree and a dryad sapling goes missing, the ponies of Ponyville are blamed for the act of arson and kidnapping. Can Twilight Sparkle and Resin the dryad prevent the Everfree Forest from unleashing its vengeful wrath upon all of Equestria?

Formerly known as "FOREVERFREE". Currently accepting applications for editors and pre-readers. May or may not join the Discord livewrite chat.

Chapters (4)

A hundred and twenty years have passed since humanity almost completely vanished from Earth and the world moved on without it. Today, on an archipelago off the northern tip of Scotland, there is a small town that has been repopulated by a peculiar little herd of equines.

Its young leader sets out to carry on his father's legacy, as difficult as the old pegasus' long shadow may make it for him. Life is harsh on the northern isles. The aftershocks of the magical transformation event are about to make it interesting as well.

A side story to Starscribe's fine work The Last Pony on Earth.

Since chapter 16 the story is edited by Doppler Effect and Fistfire. So is the beginning up to and including chapter 3 by now.

Cover art by the amazing quiet-victories.

Chapters (20)

This story is a sequel to The Ambassador's Son

Lord Sapphire lays dead and Tacksworn is in ruins, but Chiphoof Irontail has come home to his adoptive father, Sharptooth the dragon. Amidst the destruction and chaos, the community and the circles of friendship within must rise again to face an uncertain future. The young scion of the Diamond Expanse Clan must now face his greatest threat as the forces of war build to a crescendo. With his friends by his side, together they will uncover forbidden mysteries and face off against ancient powers that have lain dormant for centuries.

Chapters (27)

After finding a young colt, Celestia decides to adopt him but can she keep up with her royal duties and the young colt by herself and what secrets does this young colt hold?

Chapters (9)

A noble earth-pony family, fallen somewhat on hard times, is killed in a mining accident. They leave behind a single male heir, who is in sore need of a guardian, and of protection. Celestia takes the young pony under her wing and delivers him not to ponies - not earth, unicorn or pegasus - but to a dragon, an ambassador, an old friend of hers.

Playing a game which may just be deadly to the uninformed, the dragon decides that the one path open to him to ensure the safety of his charge and to carry out his sworn duty, is to adopt.

Chapters (23)

Jason's life has grown dull. While some may have thought that the weekly monster attacks might have kept him on his toes, he had grown to learn that as the norm around town. Now, after months of living in Ponyville, he can't shake the feeling that there is a void in his life. He follows his usual routine every day: breakfast, a quick shower, followed by a quick walk to the park to read the newspaper. One morning, he finds two parents playing with their filly in the playground. As he watches, an idea sparks within his mind: why not adopt a pony of his own?

Featured on Equestria Daily

Chapters (35)

Applejack is a steadfast, reliable pony. Loyal to her family and friends, always ready to take responsibility, she’s someone who found her place in the world a long time ago. And she’s happy with it.

But anything can change.

Now she’s faced with a question: where’s the place in the world for a pony who can accidentally turn a mountain inside out by thinking too hard?

Also available as a custom-tailored ebook because I’m some kind of psycho who thinks XML is “fun”: EPUB, AZW3, MOBI

Chapters (6)

As the elements were unleashed, the Nightmare knew it was over. But it would not let it's fun end. No, it would not be left behind. It would find another world to bring to ruin. As for the poor sap that was left in It's place? He was going to get blasted, what did it matter what he ended up getting from It?

Cover Image by NetherWalker

Realized there was no link, so I'm adding two, one here and one in the chapter. After the events of Don't Underestimate the Power of a Bored Mare , the juicy bits that I cant put in a T fic: Defining Love

Edit: I swear, half of you are uncultured heathens. The thing in the image with the Nightmare's hair is a substitute doll

Chapters (107)

(Set 6 years after the FMA Magna's end, this will be following the magna continuity)

Alchemy, the science of understanding a substance, breaking it down, and restructing it into a new form.

Twilight Sparkle, a mage, must now figure out how to handle this science as she is thrown into a different world after saving her trusted assistant. Her magic gone, she learns from an experienced Alchemist as she goes off in search of the only stone that can bring her home.

Chapters (19)

Marshall is in a rut, drifting without a purpose. Rarity is in a rut, looking for inspiration. By chance they meet, despite living in different universes, and find what they're yearning for with the aid of the other.

Fair warning:

Out of necessity (for various reasons), the story is told from the point of view of an original character. Character interaction and development is an integral part of the story's plot, and said plot really takes its time to unfold. Also, there's a man-to-mare element, although it takes a backseat to the main elements of the story. If you don't care much for any of those things, you may want to pass this story up.

...Also, I haven't watched My Little Pony: Romance is Magic, so bear that in mind when you consider reading this story. :derpytongue2:

Additional tags: lighthearted; adventure.

Chapters (18)