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Saro-Terrent is about as far from the manipulative, suave changeling infiltrator stereotype as you can get, but Princess Twilight has chosen him (for some reason) to help bridge the gap between changelings and ponies. Now he needs to give a talk to the foals at Ponyville Elementary about changelings, but there's just one problem:

He's kinda terrified of ponies.

(This story acts as a standalone, but is also part of a larger sequence of stories. Click here to see how it fits in with the other stories of the 'Iqqelverse')

Chapters (5)

Apple Bloom was just helping her sister at a local farmer's market when she met the most unusual employee at a stand. What follows is a filly getting the most unusual and depressing advice she's ever received.

This is a MLPXUndertale crossover. May contain minor spoilers to Undertale.

Chapters (1)

Frisk, a small colt, climbs a mountain in search of a hiding place. After all, King Sombra is a harsh master. What he finds up there is extraordinary.

A MLPxUndertale crossover. Enjoy!


Epic Arts done by Darkheart_Reads

Chapters (11)

Dash loves her son Clay and a has become a respectable mother. But what were things like before she accepted her responsibilities as a parent? How did she react to raising a foal on her own? How did she come to be called mommy?

This is a in between story of Dash raising Clay in Wings for a pony, taking place after chapter 2 and before chapter 3. Read Wings for a pony first before reading this story for full comprehension.

This story was proofread by: Bookplayer

I do not own the image, nor did I draw it. Credit for image goes to UP1TER, Teh Resistance for clean up and coloring.
Credit for altered image goes to Vidaldas.

Chapters (7)

Clay has always looked up to his mother Rainbow Dash, even though they aren't related by blood. Yet he can't help but feel that he could only truly belong with her if he was a pegasus instead of an earth pony. Clays obsession with wanting to fly will send him on a journy he never thought possible and teach him that family doesn't have to be blood deep.

This is my first fanfic, give advice and critacism, but please go easy.

Special Thanks to Carnelian for the cover art. And my brother for getting me into fanfiction.

This story was proofread by Tsubaki Rehooved and BookPlayer

MLP: FIM is owned by Hasbro and the HUB

Listen to the audio reading by Mr.Fail55 aka zmuscle

Connected stories are:

Wings for a Pony: Becoming Mommy

Wings for a Pony: Dinky's Sky

Wings for a Pony 2

Chapters (31)

Recently rewritten. Contains occasional adult humor and violence.
On a request from Princess Celestia, Twilight Sparkle and the rest of the mane six explore an abandoned mansion located deep in the woods. While doing so, they unwittingly stumble across an enchanted mirror that scrambles their DNA and pops out three brand new bouncing baby ponies. Hilarity and drama ensue as the mane six must cope with being suddenly thrust into motherhood, as well as protect their new foals from a dark god that wishes to use them for his own sinister gain.


The three foals. by Freefraq on Deviantart.

Chapters (2)

True friends do everything together, but the night after Princess Twilight’s coronation, the bearers of the Elements of Harmony decided one of those things would be to go out clubbing.

It was a particularly bad idea.

Eleven months later, they find themselves doing yet another thing together which even the best of friends should avoid doing together.

Delivering foals.

My editors (who would like to remain anonymous): Masked Ferret, Tek, Docontra

Warning: Rated T because it contains scenes of childbirth (but not M because it doesn’t show… you know). Although all of you have gone through the process at least once, you may not remember just what was involved. Trust me. It’s both terrifying and worth it.

Picture source: Wiki

Chapters (1)

Hi there! My name's Kevin. I'm just an average Changeling. I always get into all kinds of crazy adventures, which can range from trying to overtake a city, to getting sealed in a volcano for 1,000 years, to anything in-between. Shortly after I hatched, I decided to start keeping a journal. I don't know what jokester thought it would be funny to put that journal on the internet, but here we are. Take a read, if you feel especially compelled to violate my privacy.

Chapters (1)

Is she a unicorn? No. But is she magic? Absolutely. After Princess Twilight is asked by a young earth pony to turn her into a unicorn so she could learn magic, Twilight, with the help of Celestia, sends her to a place where she can finally learn magic, but she doesn't exactly fit in. In fact there are quite a few differences between ponies and humans. She tries to do well, but being constantly teased and harassed doesn't make it easy.

For my illustrations of this fic, click here

Chapters (8)

Derpy was on her regular mail route when a sudden crash caused her to meet the most peculiar creature. A little creature called Temmie. Now, she finds herself promising to help the little guy get home. Little does she know, the creature has a charm that will make anypony want to befriend the lovable little guy.

This is a MLPXUndertale crossover. May contain minor spoilers to Undertale.

I would like to thank Brony Dragon for the cover art!

Featured on Fimfiction's main page on 1/24/2016!

Chapters (6)