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I used to love the idea of a human getting to visit Equestria. It sounded like a good way to set up so many shenanigans, except it's plagued with boring characters or really cliché ones or... the dreaded Sue.
I never expected it to happen. For real.
No, that's not real. What am I saying? Tom's... missing. Yes, and I will find him. He's not in the show... that's ridiculous. Don't say such things! My little brother can't be part of the show! It's just a coincidence that this little alicorn showed up, spoke with his voice, has the exact same personality and is based on his personal design for his alicorn OC!

What am I supposed to do now?

Chapters (59)

One human, life incredibly boring and depressing, has turned to My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic for comfort. The show is his only provider of any sort of happiness in his life. One night he has a crazy thought: what if Equestria were real? Any place would be better than living his current life. And it just so happens that a link between the two worlds might be possible.

But this isn't the first time communication between the two worlds has been tried. And the truth about the past might not be revealed until it's too late.

Chapters (6)

A Human girl and a Pegasus find themselves merging together when a spell backfires on them.
On the first birthday after they merge together, they finally decide to write down their tale.

Chapters (9)

Earth and Equestria collided and only the elements of harmony could save the day.

That was a month ago; now over a hundred former humans have to make the best of their new lives as ponies. Alexis Kingston was a twenty two year old telemarketer, and rather surprised to find herself a pegasus and the head of the Humans in Equestria Club. She never wanted to be a hero, just keeping the new ponies sane would be challenge enough, but with the barrier holding reality together leaking yet more humans on a daily basis, ancient evils and modern technology probing for weaknesses and the end of two worlds looming, she may have to be.

With thanks to Luna-tic Scientist, Lord of Dorkness and Thornwing for help with pre-reading.

Proudly part of Twilight's Library and Tag-a-long's Book Club :scootangel:

Chapters (19)

Dreams can take strange turns, but lucid dreams are not supposed to. That’s the whole point, to change the dreamworld through lucidity. However, when he tried messing around with his own subconscious, William signed up for far more than he ever thought he was going to.

Now, Reality seems to be following arbitrary rules, cartoon logic and the fact that he cannot change back from his ridiculous alicorn form is just vanilla icing on the bizarre cake.

And unbeknownst to him, a certain Princess is infuriated by the intrusion in her domain.

That awesome piece of coverart was drawn by the equally awesome mix-up, that you can also find on his dA account here.

Chapters (14)

Made the Popular Stories section: 10-7-2015

It was all just a simple joke really: You star gaze and if you happen to see a shooting star then you make a wish no matter how crazy it is. I did just that by wishing to be a pony for a laugh knowing it wasn't going to come true and come to find out I woke up as a pony ... a Bat Pony Guard thanks to Luna.

Am I happy? Of course because it's mostly every bronies dream to be a pony so I'm not overly shocked even if I'm sorta surprised that it even happened in the first place.

Now I have to deal with family and the outside world since I was planning on doing pony shopping! ... Yeah, this will be a very interesting day for sure to see the types of reactions I will get... at least my coltfriend doesn't mind having his lover as a pony for the time being.

Luna!! You clever clever pony!

Cover photo cropped from this - https://derpibooru.org/2103554


Warning: This story has moments between Male/Male and Stallion/Male ... nothing to the extreme, but if M/M is not your thing at all then it's best that you don't read this story.

Okay, so this is a different and hopefully better version of my first story - Thunderclap and Thunderlane Go Shopping

Now if any of you actually read that half disaster of a story then you might be wondering: "Why is he even trying to redo it?"

The answer is simple: I know that story is bad. Hell, I'd probably cringe trying to read it... at least the sequel to it was much better in my view.

Also, I'm trying to see if I can do a much better job with this story compared to the first one since I'm changing so much stuff and not making it easy on myself.

So if you decide to read this anyway then I hope you can actually enjoy it.

One last thing: By doing this story, I actually have ideas for two sequels!

And one more last thing! This story is unedited, but I tried to fix what I can!

Chapters (8)

Firefly the pegasus foal loved magic. He loved spells, enchantments, magical objects and the way magic could be used to transform and animate objects, to make them more useful to ponies and to let ponies do what would otherwise be hard or even impossible. The only problem was that like most ponies Firefly could not cast a spell, and he never would, and that was just the way things were. When he grew up, Firefly moved to Ponyville and he decided that just because it had never been done didn't mean that it never could! The result changed Equestria forever.

This story is a compendium of my entries in Obsolescence's OC Slamjam contest of early 2015, in which I was runner up (my series are listed under "Firefly's Author"). Here are the links to the OC Slamjam contest and the OC profiles if you and interested, but these are not needed to read the story.

NOT A SPOILER: this story is very loosely based on the microcomputer revolution in the late seventies and early eighties, in which I was intimately involved (yes, this means I'm in my fifties). I hope this story will give the reader a bit of the feeling of what those heady days were like when the incredible power of computing escaped from an elite few into into the hands of even the most modest person, and of the very special people who had it in them to think different and make it happen.

Chapters (10)

"I've traveled the world, seen many things and found my way out of everything. But how can I keep from getting close to ponies who care so much, and for no real reason. Yeah i saved a life or two but why is that so special to them, oh well. But i can't just let them in, i can't let anyone in...."
A pony with something to hide has come to Equestria, and by mere chance has befriended the royals of this new and strange land. What will become of a pony who wanted to be alone in a new world of friendship?

Inspired by the MLP Analyst group, this fan fiction fetters many of them such as mad munchkin, silver quill, doctor wolf and others.If any of you from the MLP Analyst group happen to be reading, i hope you enjoy with everyone else.

I'd sit tight everyone, the chapters may seem short at times but this story is going to be a long one, have fun.

Chapters (21)

If Celestia and Luna were born during G3.5, how did Celestia and Luna become the masterful rulers and mages we all know? Friendship. Who were these friends? And what kind of adventures did they have from the sweet and easy G3.5, to more difficult, dark and dangerous G4/FiM?

Chapters (5)

Worlds apart, Princess Celestia's dream comes into contact with a human on Earth. To her, he's a handsome stallion with a funny accent. To him, she's a gorgeous woman ruling an odd kingdom. As they go to sleep each night, they dream of each other and a bond develops that neither one expected, only to be tested as things begin to change on Earth.

Chapters (6)