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*** Special shout-out and thanks to my editor, Schadenponi! ***

*Important!*Patch 1.89 Notes*
-Overwatch is awesome!
-Still planning the contents for the next chapter.
-The Slice of Life tag has been removed and replaced with the Adventure tag because I say so.
-Added the Alternate Universe tag because, without it, this story might confuse people.
-Once the upcoming chapter, 'One Small Step For Man' is published, this story will officially be considered a HiE (Human in Equestria).
-Description has been changed and updated.
-Bacon is awesome

The hero of this story, Creme Fraiche, had just finished moving his stuff into his new apartment --- after being told that he was to be transferred. Everything in his apartment seemed to be in working order at first, until he discovered the broken bathroom mirror.

During his search for a replacement, an old lady from a mystical-looking Chinese antique shop gave Creme exactly what he needed: a mirror. But the hero soon discovers that not only does the mirror doesn't show his reflection, it shows something else entirely: a cerulean-coloured pony with a rainbow-coloured mane --- with wings, too.

And it can talk.

*Author Notes*
-Twilight Sparkle is an alicorn in this alternate universe, however she has never been to the human world, nor has she met any humans before. To put it in more simpler terms: the events of all MLP: EqG movies never took place in this AU. Deal with it.

-As of the chapter 'Beyond Earth'. I quickly realized that the direction that my story is heading for will no longer be considered as a Slice of Life. Therefore, (since the two tags are counted as 'conflicting categories') I had it removed, and replaced (Adventure) to avoid any further complications, confusion and complaining.

-Bacon is awesome.

-This adorable cover art is done by the amazing DShou from deviantart! Do check out the dude's other works!

Chapters (20)

An informational pamphlet provided free of charge to all citizes of Equestria who may be considering breeding with a member of a different sentient species, to let them know their options.

Chapters (1)

Twilight sparkle is thrown into the world of Undertale, meeting many friends, enemies, and certain evil flowers along her journey back to the surface.

Chapters (10)

Twilight has ascended into an alicorn, and with that ascension comes new dangers and threats. What better way to hold back those threats than with a new body guard. But Twilight wasn't expecting her new protector to be a wolf, and neither were her friends.

Chapters (57)

Sequel to A Mother's Love.

Growing up is difficult. However, growing up among an entirely different species is even harder. For the adopted humans of Queen Chrysalis it'll be even worse. As they will experience xenophobia and discrimination from their own subjects. With the love, wisdom and support of their family they will grow to above it. To hopefully one day be a beacon of hope for Changeling-Human relations.

Chapters (12)

This story is a sequel to The Moon, The Flower, And The Door

Effective Immediately, This Story Has Been Cancelled.

"Anyone Can Be A Wizard..."

Morning Glory has succeeded in passing Princess Luna's test, and is now her personal protege... and soon to be her foster daughter. All seems to be sunshine, lollipops, and fluffy puppies forever... until Luna makes a discovery regarding the young filly's parentage, one that could wound the young filly's heart terribly. Keeping this information a secret seems wisest, especially given the connection the young filly has with Celestia's new student, but it soon becomes clear that this is just the tip of the iceberg, as the filly begins exhibiting strange and seemingly inexplicable talents. The young filly seems intent upon becoming a wizard, in spite of being an earth pony. Is such a thing possible, and is Equestria ready for it? And if so, what kind of a wizard would she be?

One thing soon becomes clear: No matter what the outcome turns out to be, something big is about to happen in Equestria, and when it's all over, nothing may ever be the same....

Chapters (12)

"...The test ends when you open that door."

Princess Luna has begun searching for her own personal student, and her test has hit a small snag: Not a single unicorn, out of the dozens of applicants, has passed. In fact, every last candidate has failed the test in seconds.

But just what is the purpose of this test? And how can somepony pass it?

A young earth pony named Morning Glory is going to find out.

Chapters (1)

Screwball and Mothball's marriage is great! But life is gonna change after they find out about their new foal. Mothball and Screwball are new in this situation. Not only them will have bumps in the road, but their children too. Join them through their adventures and problems. This is my first story I really hope you like it!

Amazing cover art by: Sakura

Special thanks to: Mystic in Shadows for editing ^^

Chapters (21)

Convinced she'll never find peace after the Anon-a-Miss incident, Sunset Shimmer decides to leave Canterlot High for good. When her friends go after her, they wind up getting lost and falling underground. And when Sunset falls in after them, she's left with a choice.

Escape to the surface and keep her sanity or risk losing herself in the darkness.

Crossover with Undertale. Comission from calinjc

Chapters (20)

~A crossover with Civilisation: Beyond Earth~

Equestria is living on borrowed time. By controlling the movements of the sun and moon, the Unicorns, and later the Princesses, were able hold off the death of their star. But now that time is up, and Ponykind wants to survive, they will have to copy a species they discovered only recently, and take to the stars in search of a new home.

If you like the story so far, leave a like to show your support:twilightsmile: . If there are some parts that you feel are weak (i.e. Structure, Continuity Error, Characterisation) please feel free to point it out in the comments. This story will get better as it goes on both in content and structure. Trust me:pinkie happy:

Credit List:
Co-Authors: Architect Ironturtle, Brother Malachai
Editors and Proofreaders: Architect Ironturtle, Savoured Thoughts, Malefactory, Curious Quill
Artists: Hei201, CheshireTwilight

If you like to know the progress of the story, head over to my user page and check the story progress box.

Featured: 07-1-2016 Thank you guys!

Chapters (16)