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Twilight has discovered the secret to predicting everything that will ever happen without the need for time travel.

Will she be able to out-predict even the king of chaos himself?

Chapters (1)

What joy, I've a treat for you:
A lovely warm dinner of Scootaloo stew.

It’s sweet and delicious,
I'm so sinfully kind.
I left in the hooves,
I hope you don’t mind.

With huge thanks to Bad Horse for pre-reading!

Chapters (1)

There is something you need to know.

When you go out there inflicting harm to yourself, you're harming me as well. Sometimes things don't go how you'd like them to go, it's a part of life. Eventually, we move on, learn from our mistakes and accidents, and hold our heads high.

Nopony is perfect, and you have nothing to prove to me, or anypony else.

I love you just the way you are.


Originally written for the Twidash 3.5 Competition found here.
Winner of the Rainbow Dash group contest found here
Proofreading and editing done by my lovely friend Bookish Delight
Art by JinYaranda which can be found here.

Chapters (1)

Pinkie has finally had a bad day, and she needs some time to decompress. Just a night of herself, gummy and some ice cream and she'll be all better tomorrow. However, Rainbow Dash wont have it. This isn't shipping by the way, but feel free to call it friendshipping.
Please read and review. I will love you forever. Unless you don't want that, but you know, your call.

Chapters (1)

(This story is a prequel to Birthday Built For Two, though it is not required for you to read that to understand this fic. Takes place between "The Times They Are A Changeling" and "To Where and Back Again". Proofread by Smity1038 on Deviant Art.)

Starlight accepts the fact that Sunburst is Flurry Heart's Crystaller, and that means he's going to act a bit odd at times. But for whatever reason, the stallion now seems to be acting even odder. A fact that puzzles Starlight to no end when she decides her trip to the Crystal Empire is an excellent opportunity to pay Sunburst an unexpected visit.

But before Starlight can even find the time to ask Sunburst about his behavior, she finds herself getting roped into something most unexpected, helping Sunburst foalsit Flurry Heart for a day.

Just how much trouble can one alicorn foal cause for two fully grown unicorns with no prior babysitting experience, quite a lot actually. But maybe the experience will give Starlight the answers she needs about Sunburst? Or perhaps Sunburst will slip up and tell her himself?

Chapters (1)

Rainbow Dash always thought of pushing herself to the limit, but when she tells Twilight her true goal in life, she recieves an response worth remembering.

(My Little Pony is own by DHX Studios and Hasbro Inc. I take no profit but the will to freely express my form of literature and enjoy the any wonders it provides.)

(This is also a late gift for a dear friend who's birthday passed two days ago. She loves Rainbow Dash and Twilight and the best gift I can provided is this. Hope you enjoy it! ;)

Chapters (1)

Principal Celestia hates the mornings. She makes it through the start of her day with a nice cup o' joe. But what happens when Canterlot City has no coffee whatsoever? Calamity ensues in the form of chatty baristas, blindfolded Sirens, and students who refuse to understand that there are not to be electronics on school grounds!

Part of the Coffee Trilogy, which also includes: Sweet Sixteen (Thousand) and Pinkie and the Bear-Monkey

Chapters (1)

Rainbow Dash thinks of Fluttershy as a little sister. She never said it out loud of course, but it didn't change how she felt. So, when Rainbow Dash finds a depressed Fluttershy alone in the park, there's only one thing she can do.

Hopefully, no one will see.

Reading here.

Chapters (1)

After Rainbow Dash's pet tortoise Tank finally goes into hibernation for the winter, the usually plucky blue Pegasus finds herself even more depressed and lonely, and having no fun coping with her pet's absence. A touching tale of separation anxiety, and a surprise solution...


After the events of 'May the Best Pet Win' and 'Tanks for the Memories,' here now is a story idea I've been pondering for nearly a year now: What if Tank wasn't the right choice for 'Best Pet' after all? And...what if the first runner-up got a second chance to prove himself? Just read for yourself, and see.

Chapters (1)

While the rest of Ponyville sleeps, Rainbow Dash asks herself a question she has been avoiding for a long time. Does her life have a meaning?

AUTHORS NOTE: This fic is relatively short, but has a deep meaning and a direct relation to my own life. Just recently, I went through a strange phase of depression, unbelonging and unimportance. However, I eventually was able to overcome this phase, and chose to leave this fic as a reminder to anyone out there who reads it. EVERYONE MATTERS! Even when you feel like you don't. Never give up on yourself or everyone else will give up you too.

Chapters (1)