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Takes place in the Sombra Universe from the Season 5 finale

War has taken up the lives of many ponies. One of these ponies being a Pegasus mare named Rainbow Dash. Rainbow Dash, one of the soldiers, meets a stallion by the name of Soarin. They soon become closer and closer as the war goes on. Their relationship results in them marrying each other and having a daughter named Aura Mist.

Unfortunately, due to the circumstances, the two must give up their little filly. They grieve almost everyday for the little girl they could have spent time with. As for the filly herself, Aura Mist is given to a loving family. Although, she does have her curiosities. Where did she come from? How did she get tot his family? Who really are her parents?

Will Aura Mist ever find her real parents? Will Rainbow Dash and Soarin ever be reunited with their little filly?

* Contains some characters from The Next Generation of Harmony
*Yes, Spike and Rarity are married and have a kid in this story. Don't ask how Spike was born and how Him and Rarity met cause the answer I don't even know. I chose a couple from my other story.

Chapters (3)

If there are three things Principal Celestia can't stand, it's paperwork, princesses and her past. Unfortunately, the first makes up her job... and she desperately needs the second to help her resolve the last.

Chapters (1)

Tonight, Soarin and Rainbow Dash are going to try experimenting in the bedroom. Rainbow's a little nervous about Soarin's strange request. She doesn't want to hurt him, both figuratively and literally, so she goes to get some advice before the big night.

Written for the Monthly Shipfics group.

Chapters (1)

Starlight's village is coming along just fine. With fifty ponies following Equality, everything is going well. However, she still needs more ponies, especially earth ponies, to help build Our Town. Fortune favors her when she comes across a strong earth pony mare scouring the ground for unique stones.

Now the only thing left is to recruit her into the cult, right? Well, it may be harder than Starlight anticipated.

Chapters (1)

“We're flying high,/We're watching the world pass us by./Never want to come down,/Never want to put my feet back down on the ground.” –Depeche Mode, ‘Never Let Me Down Again’

Rainbow Dash is given a chance of a lifetime, to fly with her favorite Wonderbolt, Soarin. However, as she spends time with him, she begins to like him more and more. But how does he feel?

Art done by DespisedAndBeloved on deviantArt.

Chapters (4)

Princess Luna not wanting to attend the Grand Galloping Gala has Princess Celestia worried about her sister more than it should.

The cover art belongs to Lulubell and all credit goes to them. Takes place before 'The Best Night Ever'. Buy this story! Contribute to the TVTropes page!

Chapters (1)

Rainbow Dash has been traumatized by losing her wing. A wing to some Pegasi, might just be a misfortune, however for this rainbow cyan pony it's more of a symbol of a lost loved one that just died.

Chapters (6)

Ember wants to see the rise of a smarter, friendlier dragon society in the future. For her dragon subjects, this presents quite a steep learning curve.

Chapters (1)

Aria’s hand is cramping up at her workspace, so Sonata tries to improve the ergonomic positioning of her desk.

…that doesn’t quite happen.

Preread by Waterpear!

Based on an idea from Posh. Poor soul had no idea what he was getting into.

Chapters (1)

Featured on Equestria Daily - 4/30/17. Thanks very much! :heart:

Hearth's Warming's glow is alive in every heart. As a gesture of kindness to their friends, three ponies toil away in the great hall of the Palace of Friendship, creating a fine feast to usher in the season.

But what happened to the hollandaise? How will everypony face its loss? What happens when no condiment is left behind, and is hollamustaketchsrirachanaise sauce any good over steamed asparagus? These questions and more will be answered within!

Happy Hearth's Warming! :heart:

(This story is probably going to make a lot more sense if you at least listen to "Say Goodbye to the Holiday" first, but it's probably better if you watch the entire related episode.)

Chapters (1)