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The Cutie Mark Crusaders attempt to get their cutie marks by raising the dead.

Done as a request on 4chan.

Chapters (1)

Everypony knows how competitive can this particular duo get - Rainbow Dash and Applejack.
So just a few weeks after getting the Elements of Harmony, it's natural for Rainbow Dash to start thinking about who got the best Element.
What she uncovers will change a lot.

I've started this story a long time ago, hence it takes place early in the series (duh) - that means unicorn Twilight and the Elements of Harmony!

Chapters (1)

Celestia prepares for another routine day at the castle with the recent addition of teaching her new, young student. However, an impromptu structure made from books causes a slight change of plans.

Inspired by the cover art and it's description, both used with permission from the wonderful Nova Quill.

Chapters (5)

After Twilight Sparkle transgressed as a Princess and the Golden Oak Library was destroyed, she began to question herself.
A visit from a certain earth pony might help her face her doubts.
Set around the end of Season Four.
Slight TwiJack/AppleSparkle friendshipping.
Edit: Thank you Awesomo3000 and xgfhj for advice on editing!

Chapters (1)

When Scootaloo and a new student get into a fight at school, it's up to Rainbow Dash and Twilight Sparkle to teach her the importance of Griffon/Pony relations by reading the story of the first encounter between a Griffon huntress and a Pegasus soldier.

Now on Equestria Daily

Cover Art By

Editing and Pre-reading done by

Chapters (2)

Prequel to Fat Stacks... of Books.

Little filly Sunset Shimmer needs something to occupy her time. She’s already read all her adoptive mother’s books, so a trip to the library is the logical solution. Unfortunately for everypony not a princess or the daughter of one, things quickly get out of hoof. The consequences of what follows means things will never be the same again!

These things are mostly books… Almost exclusively books.

Cover art created for this piece by the wonderful and talented Nova Quill!

Check out her stories in the link above and more of her wonderful art here!

Chapters (1)

"I can handle the cold. I'm a pegasus. Pegasi are supposed to be able to handle the cold. Sure, most of them have a warm, fluffy cloud home and a nice warm bed...and this is the coldest winter I've ever had to survive through...but I'm tough. I'll be fine...It's just a little cold weather..."

Thanks to my pre-reader: Mcstuffins
Cover art: kanashiipanda
"Alternate Universe" in only the strictest sense. Some things deviate from the show's canon, but only by a little

Chinese Translation: Link
Russian Translation: Link

Chapters (1)

Spike and Scootaloo talk about family and the everyday things in life they're thankful for.

Written for this contest.

Cover image by haydee.

Chapters (1)

Life has been hard for Scootaloo.

But can she overcome her struggles and find a way to go on?

Will she want to once the truth is revealed?

Featured on EqD 9/1/14
Now with a dramatic reading by DRWolf here.

Chapters (1)

Future Wonderbolt, coolness incarnate, and all-around awesome. Is it any surprise that everypony wants a piece of Rainbow Dash?

Not that she wants anypony to take a piece, mind you. All she wants to do is live her life. That's something she finds pretty hard to do when everypony she meets falls in love with her on sight, though...

A day-in-the-life story about an awesome pony in a crazy world.

Artwork by laberoon.deviantart.com

Chapters (7)