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Rainbow Dash's father is dying in hospital. All Twilight can do is watch and offer some comforting words.

Words are powerful things. They can hurt, and they can heal; you just have to know the right ones. But when somepony loses their father, what are the right ones?

Chapters (1)

When Rainbow Dash hears from Scootaloo about a double of the rainbow maned pegasus roaming around in Ponyville, she and Scootaloo head to Twilight for answers. Twilight then tells them that this was actually a doppelganger, a very dangerous ghost that can only be defeated by an enchanted band, found only in a haunted house in the Everfree Forest.

This is my first fimfic I made for that Halloween contest on EqD. I did my best so I have no regrets.

Chapters (1)

Starlight reminisces about why she has a love of kites, and is gladdened by the return of Maud Pie.

Just a small slice-of-life-type fic that I've never really tried before now. Hope you enjoy!

Chapters (1)

Due to sudden changes in Twilight's schedule, Starlight Glimmer and Trixie end up babysitting Flurry Heart for a day. Everything is fine.

Well, except maybe a thing or two.

Preread by Door Belle, hawthornbunny, and Bootsy Slickmane

Chapters (1)

Dash introduces Scootaloo to the customs and traditions of the Pegasii Tribe. (Side story to "The Care and Raising of Pegassii")

Chapters (1)

King Sombra is defeated and the Crystal Empire is saved. But the triumphant Elements of Harmony don’t realize that the return of the Crystal Empire has brought back another menace, a cute and annoying menace. And now it’s wreaking havoc on the poor ponies of Ponyville.

Set during Season Three.

(Gremlin illustration by Jason Rainville, © Hasbro)

Chapters (1)

Somepony crashes into Applejack's barn in the middle of the night. Applejack becomes horrified once she sees who it is and does everything she can to teach that pony a lesson they will never forget and make it stick with them for the rest of their life.

Chapters (1)

This story is a sequel to Discord Goes On Vacation

After the events of "Discord Goes On Vacation", everypony returns to their normal lives. That is, until Fluttershy is charged with saving Ponyville from a flood by building an Ark!

The not-so-long-awaited sequel to "Discord Goes On Vacation!"


Chapters (1)

This story is a sequel to Matters of Principle

For as far back as she can remember, Vice Principal Luna has had no choice but to stand by and watch her well-meaning sister get in all sorts of trouble. Now, with supernatural threats appearing from another world, Luna finds herself losing faith in her ability to make any real difference in her students' lives, or Celestia's.

Perhaps a visit to that other world will provide some perspective.

Edits: nanashi_jones

Chapters (5)

Dash's friends ask her an important question. However, it's an awkward one. And the answer is even more awkward. Oops.

In my actual headcanon I ship Dash with Twilight, but I thought it would be funny to write a story about straight!Rainbow Dash. So...here you go. Rated teen just in case.

Chapters (1)