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This story is a sequel to The Art of Rainbow Engineering

Beyond the familiar colours of the rainbow, lies a wider spectrum of light. Rainbow Dash and Twilight Sparkle investigate the world as seen in infrared.

Can be read independently of The Art of Rainbow Engineering.

Chapters (1)

This is my first time doing a Hearths Warming fic, so I beg you to bare with whatever crappiness you find, please.

Rainbow Dash has to help make snow for the upcoming Hearths Warming celebration. While on her job, she spies a filly on the ground. Concerned for her, she goes to see what is wrong. After finding out that the filly is an orphan, she adopts her with the thought already forming in her mind to spend Hearths Warming with her. Now she has even more motivation to work twice as hard, other than just her own self challenge.

Chapters (2)

A sequel of "Be Like You." Spitfire calls Rainbow Dash into her office to give her some news. Long after the greatest flyer in all of Equestria has achieved everything she ever dreamed, an echo still resounds.

Chapters (1)

*SPOILERS - Please skip to the story link below if you do not wish to read the synopsis

*Also please note: This is a FlutterCord fanfiction, but it is NOT a "shipping".
It is about them seeing each other as FAMILY. Please keep that in mind
Synopsis: This is a short story about my headcanon as to why Princess Celestia chose Fluttershy to befriend Discord and not somepony else. Considering Discord never had a true friend before and Fluttershy has never mentioned her family at all, both of them were lonely for companionship beyond the Power of Friendship.
Fluttershy filled the void of lonliness with her animal friends, not that the other 5 didn't matter, but Fluttershy wanted someone to love and take care of as her own family, in turn the countless animals.
Now that Discord is reformed and has Fluttershy to take care of him, both he and Flutters both got what they wanted.
Discord got a friend, and Fluttershy got someone to take care of as family.

This short story explains the dreams Fluttershy has with longing for that family connection and the unconditional love of caring for someone and having them love you back, and the realization that Discord was alone in this world and needed her just as much as she (didn't realize) she needed him.

Chapters (1)

Watching the beginning of the series, I noticed just how well Apple Jack seemed to know Rainbow Dash and how she could even pull on her tail without even so much as an angry stare. They seemed to know everything about each other. This story is my explanation of how that relationship might have started.

Also Scootaloo is in there so, yay!

An audio of this story was done a while ago and I forgot to link to it:


Chapters (1)

Something is causing the pegasi to follow an irresistible urge to hug their ground-bound cousins, leaving Ponyville foundering in a mildly annoying emergency. Twilight Sparkle ventures into the no-more-dangerous-than-usual town in a desperate attempt to solve the cutesy crisis and finally get her study time back.

Inspired by shortskirtsandexplosions' story Herald.

Chapters (1)

Fast pace one shot

A creature of light and dark stands before him. Only he stands between it and the mare he loves and her daughter. There is no chance of him wining here is were he will die. The least he could do is fight till he is nothing but dust in the wind. Anything to save the ones he loves.

Chapters (1)

This is a short story about Starswirl the Bearded. It is also a story about an Earth Pony. However, this is not a story about two ponies. This is a story about one pony.

One shot.
Depending on reader response, I may do more stories about Starswirl.


Chapters (1)

Rainbow Dash and Rarity do to each other what Fluttershy has done to both of them, and what they have done to her, but not each other - biting each others' tails!

I like seeing Rainbow Dash and Rarity together and I want one to bite the other's tail in the show, but they have never been paired together this way, even though they've been on both ends of this with Fluttershy. As to the RariDash, this might not strictly be shipping, closest it gets to that is finding each others' tails to be cute and wanting to bite them, even though they do get very affectionate to one another.

I wanted to go for a more cute lighthearted story one after the adventure-themed battle ones I usually do.

Cover art is a modification of Applejack biting Rainbow Dash's tail in The Ticket Master, with Rarity when she bites Fluttershy's tail in Putting Your Hoof Down.

Chapters (2)

This story is a sequel to A Pie Without Filling

Set two months after the events of A Pie Without Filling, reading that story first is advised. :twilightsmile:

Cheese lets his thoughts wander as he strolls around town. Only to find that a solution might be right under his nose.

Chapters (1)