• Member Since 25th Nov, 2014


just a guy that likes to read

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"The night will last FOREVER!" But Nightmare Moon soon finds out that overthrowing a government without a plan of her own leads to some very interesting questions when it comes to ruling a small pony nation. Luckily, eleven ponies are ready to provide help, even if Nightmare Moon doesn't want it.

Seriously...why didn't she consider the crops?

--You might like this story if you also like:--
Comedy Skits from Monty Python, Saturday Night Live, Whose Line is it Anyway?
Derpy Derpy Derpy!
Nightmare Moon being defeated with Logic
Ponies just being incredibly persistent with an evil ruler
Logic being used to bring out the silliness of an evil plan
Space, the moon, things happening on the moon that shouldn't be physically possible because DERPY

Chapters (1)

On the day of Nightmare Moon's return, she ponynapped one of Celestia's royal guards for interrogation. However, she might be getting more information than she wanted to know.


Credit for cover art goes to ZantyARZ

So I thought of this after remembering a very funny skit from "A Bit of Fry and Laurie." I thought it would be funny if I did the same skit, but with Nightmare Moon and a Royal Guard.

This is also sort of an apology for not finishing "Princess Luna Received a Love Letter." So I hope you all enjoy this one!

Featured 02/13/2018!!! Thank you!!!

UPDATE: I found out a couple of people have done a reading of this story. I am so happy! Here they are if you would like a listen.

Pony&Wolf Productions on 9/13/2023

Agent0Fluffy on 2/15/2023

Chapters (1)

Twilight has a problem, not that she'll admit it. Spike has a solution, not that she'll listen.
Written for the Comedy (Is Serious Business) contest.
Art by: Dilarus

Editors: The Best Dasher

Featured on 2/10/2018 I love all of you :yay:

Chapters (3)

200 years after zebra megaspells ravaged Equestria, a pony wakes up in an odd facility. The bad news is that he's confused, without memory, and hears voices in his head. The other bad news is that everything around him wants to kill him.

There is no good news.

Fallout: Equestria created by Kkat. Thanks for the great story!
Cover by Drawponies! Thanks for the amazing picture!

Chapters (2)

It has been nearly two hundred years since the megaspells rained fire down on the world, reducing it to a tainted wasteland. The ponies of Equestria get on by, but only just.

A lucky few survived in great underground shelters, the stables. Among these is the lost, and almost mythical, Stable 84. It was said that the stable in question was home to not ponies, but creatures who could change their faces with but a thought.

But that was just a myth, there was no way that the Equestrian Hive was real. Right?

(Be warned, spoilers for Fallout Equestria, Project Horizons and Pink Eyes may occur.)

Fallout Equestria is by Kkat, and can be found here.
TVtropes page here.
Cover art by Skijaramaz!
Edited by RC2101_Copey.
Featured on 18/03/2018.

Chapters (50)

Princess Twilight Sparkle has recently returned from a diplomatic mission to Gryphonstone. While she has gone beyond the borders of Equestria many times in the past, this is her first official state visit as a princess.

As a way of celebrating her success Princess Celestia hosts a tea party, during which the other monarchs of Equestria share stories about diplomatic blunders. These include Cadance's bout with Saddle Arabian purity laws, Luna's near beheading, and Celestia's ordeal with limes.

Cover Art is done by Baron-Engel.

Edited by Tempus.

Written for Aragon's Comedy (Is Serious Business) Contest under the prompt, we learned something political.

Sex tag is for sexual language/references and not actual sex, death tag is for mentions of death, and dark tag is because it does get a lil dark here and there.

Now with a Russian Translation!

Oh hey, this fic got featured on Episode 210 of Pony 411. That's kinda super cool.

"That said, Luna's story is hysterical, and there's some great sexual and relationship comedy in here. Worth it, on the whole." - PresentPerfect, Recommended for Laughs, Febuary 28th

Chapters (1)

This story is a sequel to You're Not Fine

Friendship is a give-and-take relationship. Fortunately for you, Pinkie doesn't ask for much, and she has plenty to give.
Maybe it's time to start giving back.

Chapters (21)

Spike starts noticing strange things occurring around him, a weird voice keeps rambling everything before or while it is happening. The whole thing is starting to take an effect on his psyche.

Hopefully, this is just an odd event or just a bad joke pulled by his pink hyperactive friend.

Written for the F*** this prompt nº 16

Note: Probably by the time this gets approved the contest will be closed.
Second note: beware of nonsense and grammatical mishaps.

Chapters (1)

It all started with a simple question. A simple, innocent question. Who could have guessed that it would lead to uncovering one of the deepest, darkest secrets in Equestria? Certainly not Pinkie, who must now face the ramifications of her curiosity, due to a question better left unanswered.

Why do we only speak Equestrian?


Edited by lordelliott
Featured 5.12.2017

Chapters (1)