• Member Since 25th Nov, 2014


just a guy that likes to read

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Big Mac is a wise stallion. Growing up in a house full of mares he had learned that secret language that mares use. Though as good as he is, Rainbow Dash is not like any other mare out there; can he figure out her issue? Hot chocolate and snuggles always seem to help. Join Big Mac as he tries to get to the root of his fillyfriend's problem, or die trying.

Thank you to Arbarano for all the edits!

This is for CategoricalGrant's snuggle contest. I hope I do well, but it was a good challenge to help shake off the rust that has been covering my fingers.

Art belongs to the very talented ArtistCoolPony

Featured 12/1/17

Winner of the CategoricalGrant's snuggle contest.

Chapters (1)

All Rarity wanted to do was mourn the loss of her friend. Twilight Sparkle's ghost has made this a rather difficult thing to accomplish. Good thing Rarity's in denial about the spirit following her around.

Chapters (1)

Pinkie Pie claims she has Annoyingitis! Oh dear! The 'doctor' she went to says the only way to cure it is to annoy your bestest friend, Twilight Sparkle.

Story requested by Multiversecruise.

Chapters (1)

Time is a fickle thing. It never seems to spend much time with you, nor does it seem to depart when you want it to the most.
This story is about an alicorn who has all the time in the world, but desperately wants to give it all away.
Because forever is a long time...

Inspired by a certain Book of Living Magic and a cat named Screech, and Dreaming with Ponies.
Featured on Equestria Daily.
Proofread by Ex-Nihilos.

Chapters (1)

Now a powerful alicorn princess, Twilight regards her immortality, her friends and the very concept of time itself.

Now with awesome Audio Reading:

Thank you SO much, Sojourner!!

Chapters (1)

Waking up with a hole in the head might seem like a bad way to start your life, but what if you deserved it?

"Every pony like me should be shot in the head at least once."

When he discovers the entire wasteland hates him, the amnesiac Ripple, once Two-Kick Rip the raider warlord, sees his wounds in a very new light. On a path that's half vengeance and half bid to redeem himself, he must rid the wasteland of his old gang and another, much more sinister foe.


The cancelled sequel is over at Fallout Equestria: Echoes of Chaos.
This fanfiction is based on Fallout Equestria by Kkat; a familiarity with the source material may aid your enjoyment.

Chapters (24)

Dear Princess Celestia,
About that Spike-looking toothbrush. It’s not what it would seem…

Preread by Majin Syeekoh and Tidal

Chapters (1)

Two ponies walked across the equestrian wasteland. A mysterious mare behind a mask and an oversized stallion. They aren't there to be heroes, they don't want to make new friends, and they aren't trying to make the wasteland a better place. But just how easy is it to remain neutral in the wasteland?

(My first attempt at any form of pony fiction, and my first FoE sidestory, and the first bit of writing I've ever published. Here goes nothin'. Cover art credit to Sw1tchbl4de on deviantart, and a super awesome job it was!)

Chapters (10)

Twilight Sparkle has made a number of homemade clones to act as her while out with her friends. Why? More time left for the original Twilight to study, of course.

If only she weren't so absolutely terrible at making clones.

Sex tag added due to Sexy Sparkle.

Chapters (16)

Celestia is worried about her sister; Luna talks to herself constantly and refuses to go beyond the palace walls if she can help it. Thinking a kindred spirit will help, Celestia (with much additional persuasion from Fluttershy) asks Discord to spend an evening with Luna to get her to open up, even if just a little.

And much like anything involving Discord, almost none of it goes well.

Co-written by: Marcibel

Proofread by: Moldyshishkabob

Cover art by DuskyAmore

Chapters (1)