• Member Since 25th Nov, 2014


just a guy that likes to read

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After being brutally rejected by Rainbow Dash once again, Scootaloo is left distraught. that is until a kinder pegasus comes into her life and shows her some compassion.

Picture by Kloudmutt http://kloudmutt.deviantart.com/

Chapters (9)

This story is a sequel to Will You Be My Friend?

Scootaloo returns to Ponyville after the night in the forest to complete Luna's and her parent's request to find a friend. Will she find one, or will hunger and the elements of homelessness overtake her first?

Chapters (1)

As Scootaloo starts to look up to her more and more, Rainbow Dash wonders if she has what it takes to be a good sister.

Chapters (2)

It's a very important day for Rainbow Dash, and all she has to do is bake a cake. The only problem is, she's never baked a cake before.

Chapters (1)

When you meet a pretty girl you like, what happens next? Does a huge love story spark out? Or does a deep tragedy happen? Or is it ignored?
Love is weird, and this describes of how love is most of the time for some folks.

Chapters (1)

'I'm sorry girls, I need to leave for a while. I can't tell you why or where but I have to go.'

That letter was the last we heard of her for years. When she returned she wasn't the same mare she was before, she had changed and not for the better.

what happened to you Rainbow?

credit and big thanks to my co-author super57

Chapters (2)

Vinyl Scratch and Octavia moved in together a few months ago, and have been together even longer. Be that as it may, Octavia has never seen her lover without her trademark glasses, and she can't help but wonder why.

Now with a reading by Sojourner!
A/N: I'm hella stressed this week and just needed to write something cute to make me smile. Bestship, ho!

Chapters (1)

One night a year, on the Eve of the Summer Sun Celebration, Princess Celestia is sad, at least according to Twilight's observations. She has a plan, a boardgame, and is determined to try to cheer up her mentor.

No clop, but suggestive content.

Chapters (1)

Being subtle isn't Rainbow Dash's strong suit. At all. So when Applejack asks her point blank what she thinks of Rarity, she doesn't hold back.

Not her best idea.

Pre-Read by: SapphireColors | LoneUnicornWriter

Reading by LandonWho

Chapters (3)