• Member Since 25th Nov, 2014


just a guy that likes to read

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Always fearing for her friends' safety, Twilight Sparkle takes it upon herself to create body doubles to use as protection.

Each body double looks just like the original.

Sounds just like the original.

And is also highly explosive.

Twilight Sparkle wants you to ignore that last part.

Chapters (1)

Spike finds something interesting while cleaning. Something that he never thought somepony would treat so poorly. If only he knew the significance of the item he'd just found.

Reading by StraightToThePointStudio

Reading by The Audio Project

Reading by Pony&Wolf Productions

Chapters (1)

Pinkie Pie grew up on a farm filled with dreariness, rocks, and a depressive family who struggled with their own emotional issues. Though she's the odd one out, and her cutie mark is her very expression of joy, Pinkie Pie is no exception to what has been handed down to her, and what runs in the family.
She attempts to navigate life with her difficulties that she's doing her best to hide, and though she's kept it up for a while now, perhaps in her act she's meant to break a leg in order to get to the healing.

Important Note: This story takes real examples from my daily struggles with depression and anxiety and could potentially have content that is triggering, depending on your sensitivity. Please read at your own discretion.

Chapters (1)

After a crash leaves Rainbow Dash with the mental state of a child, her friends look after her. At the moment, It's Fluttershy's turn, but she's handling the situation well. Even though, and of course she would never admit it, the strain is starting to get to her. But just a little. Rainbow Dash is her friend, and Fluttershy would sooner die than let her suffer. She can take it.

She can take it.

Just a heads up, this is a might bit darker than my usual stuff.

A commission for Hoovier

Chapters (1)

Twilight Sparkle, Element of Magic and Hero of Equestria was thought lost in the event known as the Canterlot Catastrophe. But when a recon unit lead by Princess Celestia and Luna to see is anything can be salvaged from the castle finds traces of a survivor that leads them to her everything changes. However no one can live through what she has and truly survive intact, what will she do when she is saved? Will she even be the same pony, or something... else?

Chapters (15)

Scootaloo slowly opens the rusty pronged gate...
“Rainbow, you here?”
“Hey kid! ... What’s up?

*I REALLY suggest you look at this AFTER YOU READ and you still don’t understand the plot. Reading it first will RUIN THE STORY! So DON’T!

No spoilers! ;)

Chapters (1)

Rainbow Dash hates rainy days! They can ruin an absolutely perfect day, that is until she sees it from Big Mac's perspective when she spends a rainy night with him.

Written for the MacDash Writing Contest 2.0

Chapters (1)

Here is a collection of stories from all kinds of ponies and from all over the wasteland. Some are so old that they've become mythological tales, while some still remain fresh in the minds of the ponies that first witnessed them.

Chapters (3)

What's one of the more embarrassing things you could ever have happen to you? Getting a wingboner in front of all your friends seems pretty high on the list. Twilight is of course grateful for her wings, but they do have their downsides. Lucky for her, a good friend won't mind comforting you even under such awkward circumstances.

Rated T for: Sexual themes

Featured story on June 2nd 2018
Holy shit, I didn't expect it'd be a popular story at all. Thanks you guys. <3

Chapters (1)

My name is Frosty Winds. I was just your typical, rank-and-file Enclave scout. I had an ordinary life, living in contentment among my loving family and good friends. Things were good.

At least, I'm pretty sure that was the case; I honestly can't say for certain anymore. One moment, I was being recruited to take part in a routine Wasteland scouting mission, and the next moment I wake up as a prisoner of the Steel Rangers.

On the bright side, I’m not missing much. Just all of my memories. And my left foreleg. Nothing important, really. Pile on a disease I’m not vaccinated against and being a few clouds short of a weather system probably doesn’t make any of this much better.

As if that wasn't enough, apparently I made a deal before I lost my memories. If I don't complete my task I agreed to within a month, I'll die. Of course, it would be helpful if I could remember what the agreement was.

So here I am, floundering aimlessly about the Equestrian Wasteland. I have absolutely no idea what happened, what I should do, or how to uncover the secrets that lie within my stolen memories.

Help. I need an adult.

(Read the official Prologue here!)


I'd like to thank Kkat for creating this amazing world of Fallout: Equestria!

Thanks to Toaster Repairpony for the awesome cover art!

Equally great thanks to my editors Unknownlight (all) and LeprechaunPoni (Chapter 29 and onward)
Previously edited by K4 (Chapters 1-21) and mikemeiers (Chapters 22-27)

Follow Frosty's out-of-universe adventures here!
But wait! Frosty's been spotted in other universes as well!
Somewhere in the Jerichoverse
Somewhere in King Sombra's Robotic Retaliation
Fallout: Equestria - Outlaw (In canon, too! Current rewrite isn't there yet.)
Fallout: Equestria - Frozen Skies (In canon, too!)

Chapters (34)