• Member Since 25th Nov, 2014


just a guy that likes to read

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This story is a sequel to "I'm Tired Of All This"

Alternate title: Titles Are Hard. It's been a week since Rainbow Dash saved Scootaloo after she jumped in to Ghastly Gorge and Rainbow Dash is keen for her to go back to school, as well as make good on a promise. What happens though when despite her best efforts, the little filly still can't fly?

You call in the one guy who can make any filly fly.

This story is a direct sequel to my story "I'm Tired Of All This" and you really should read that story first. An OC will be introduced later in the story. Here's hoping I don't get torn to pieces for that! Alternate universe tag thrown on to be safe because this fic totally disregards the events of S3, most notably Sleepless In Ponyville and Magical Mystery Cure.

An audio recording of this, and the prequel story, is being done by Shimmering Honor and can be found on this youtube channel. Finally, this fic now has a sequel that can be found here.

Chapters (93)

One night, an amazing display lit up the sky over Ponyville. A comet, brighter than any in living memory, was making its way through the sea of stars. The residents of the town gathered en masse to witness the spectacle. As was the tradition for such an occasion, many ponies made a wish on the celestial body, hoping that maybe, just maybe, some of them might come true...

Chapters (11)

"All my life, I've wanted to fly
But I don't have the wings, and I wonder why
I can't break away..."
Most pegasi figure out flying easily enough. Heck, most of them figure out how to do it before they even get their cutie marks.

But not me. I couldn’t do it, no matter how hard I tried. I couldn’t even hover. Not for more than a few seconds, anyway. And not even Rainbow Dash, the greatest flier in Equestria, could seem to help me. We tried everything, and I failed every time. Day after day, I tried – and day after day, I failed, until finally I was ready to just give up. I’d never be able to do it. Nopony would ever be able to help me to fly...

...until one day, somepony did.

Chapters (1)

Scootaloo only wants to spend her birthday with her idol. Rainbow Dash would normally love to accommodate her, but… she doesn't want to talk about it. So nopony'd better ask.

Featured on Equestria Daily!

Thanks to Nicknack, presentperfect, and amacita for feedback.

Chapters (1)

Twilight walks into Quills and Sofas to find out, to her surprise, that Chrysalis works there.

Art made by Kamikakushi!

Now with a silky smooth Youtube reading by Wayart Narration!

Chapters (1)

It's almost Mother's Day. Scootaloo comes to Rainbow Dash with a startling question, but then backs off, feeling ashamed she asked it. Rainbow Dash, taken off-guard by the question, starts to question both herself, how she feels about Scootaloo, and about her past...

Chapters (1)

An accident leaves Scootaloo fighting for her life, and while everypony tries to offer what help or comfort they can, a few may just learn something new: exactly what it means to be a sister.

Featured on Equestria Daily!

Thanks to a number of people who helped review this, including Logician, Ion-Sturm, Vimbert the Unimpressive, samurai anon, Present Perfect, and Chris.

Chapters (1)

YouTube Reading by untamedwaters.

It's not easy being a child living with the knowledge that your mommy is never going to get to watch you grow up. But this was a young Rainbow Dash's reality. Despite her mother's cancer, Dash's family had still been a very happy trio of ponies. But all fairytales must end.

Rainbow Dash's father has come to terms with the approaching departure of the mare whom he called his 'angel'. When the time had finally come for her to say goodbye, would Rainbow Dash be able to accept that her mother will die?

"Mommy's going back to Heaven." It was such a comforting thought to Dash, but she didn't want her mother to go.

(Side-story to What's Really the Most Important, to shed light on what happened to Rainbow's mother. This is technically a prequel, since it takes place a good... 18 years beforehand!

Cover Art originally by TheToughestFighter


http://thetoughestfighter.deviantart.com/ )

Chapters (1)

Twilight's caught a special type of flu, and it's up to none other than Princess Celestia to nurse her through it. A special, tender little moment follows in this most unexpected of circumstances.

Chapters (1)

Spike wants nothing more than a perfect Hearth's Warming, but as the only dragon, he can't help but feel somewhat isolated. However, he has a plan to fix that. He buys Twilight the perfect gift, hoping it will help build his courage, so he can ask her an important question. One that will change both of their lives forever. But before he can give it to her, he accidentally ruins it.

Written for Nonpareil Fiction's Hearth's Warming contest.

Chapters (1)