• Member Since 25th Nov, 2014


just a guy that likes to read

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Dovetail was a security officer in Stable 61 when that stable opened its door for the first time in 200 years. Chosen along with her best friend, Lilybloom, to be the first scouting party into the world above, these two mares will face their biggest hardships ever. Their tale will take them on the journey of their lives: from the comforts of their stable home all the way to the Frozen North and into legend.

Theme song is out! Thanks to the amazing Ethan Sight for it! Go listen to it here, and please support him by buying the song on itunes: |Link|

**While I’ve done my best to make this piece new-reader friendly, a familiarity with the amazing original work, Fallout: Equestria, by Kkat, may help your understanding of this story and the fantastic universe it is set in. Please check that out here if you so choose: |Link|**

Book One Cover art by SpiritofthwWolf (Me) and Piecee01

Edited by: TheHerpestOfTheDerp (First 4 Chapters), Eeveexpert (Chapter 5 and Forward)
Pre-read by: Eeveexpert

Chapters (8)

Mr. Horse's pet courier has been murdered and his property stolen. And while the price on the killers' heads is good enough to get any bounty hunter's attention, it's the bonus for returning a silly little poker chip that draws Dead-Shot in.

A pony could retire on that kind of jackpot...

Chapters (28)

While Twilight is testing a new long range teleport on the request of Princess Celestia something goes wrong and she is transported to a place where love and harmony is a thing of the past and killing is the way of life.

The Mojave Wasteland.

Now Twilight must find a way to get back to her friends in Equestria and survive her stay in the apocalyptic wasteland inhabited by everything that has learn to call this eradiated land their home.

(My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic crossover with Fallout: New Vegas)

Editor: Grammer_Nazi
Pre-reader: Bum
Cover Artist: Wadusher0

Chapters (76)

Not everypony who crawls out of a stable can be a Littlepip or a Blackjack. Some try and fail. Some just give up after a while. Some are still alive fifteen years after they emerged, admittedly, crippled or insane, but hey, this is the wasteland. Cyborgs Anne and her brain damaged mother Lee are forced to return to the hell hole that created them in order to find out what was done to them almost two decades ago, and that means putting down their tools and picking up their guns again.

Chapters (39)

Twilight is not okay. That much is certain. She hasn't been okay for a very long time. It's been so long since she's felt anything but numbness and apathy...

Trigger Warnings: Suicidal thoughts and actions, depression, eating-disorder, and anxiety.

Chapters (1)

This is the tale of a drake craving freedom.

Spike wakes up every day to a nagging roommate. His days are spent doing chores he neither likes nor dislikes. And, to make matters worse, Rarity's heart is still as distant as ever.

So he stops caring for a day.

Spike Stopped Caring cover done by the wonderful, 2135D. Please check him out; his art is better than my stories.

Edited by gaming goof, Diamond Brook, along with the ever so mysterious, Silent Watcher, the new and improved, Obsidian Shard, and tea drinker, Vexy.

FamousLastWords calls the story: "Swag."

Chapters (4)

Twilight was always a studious little filly. She always wanted to learn more, do more. Yet, there was one thing she wondered about more then most. Something she didn't get to see often, given her unicorn prominent home.


{Artwork by GiantMosquito}

Chapters (1)

Spike does not like hugs. And he definitely does not like sleeping next to Twilight. At all.

A story of compromising and growing up.

Written for Everfree Northwest Scribblefest 2017

Chapters (1)

Pinkie Pie has mystified Discord for a long time. How is it that she can regularly break the laws of physics, be everywhere at once, and never run out of energy? In many ways, she reminds him of his own abilities. That gets him thinking about things, and a lightbulb goes off in his head.

This brainstorming gives Discord a rather interesting theory, one he's eager to find out if it's correct. If so, it would delight him to no end. Of course, he has to put his theory to the test, in the way only a draconequus can.

It might be a good idea to pray for Pinkie's safety right about now.

Edited with the help of Salnalus.

Chapters (1)