• Member Since 25th Nov, 2014


just a guy that likes to read

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Estimated Reading: 3 weeks



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When Rainbow Dash learns that her number one fan is being abused, how far will she go to keep Scootaloo safe?

Rather than update this box every time I post a new chapter, it's safe to assume that all my chapters are pre-read and edited by:

The Patriot, eggynack, and juter4397

and they're all great, so if you liked this go give them a thumbs up or something.

Woot, I made the featured tab! (For like an hour, but it still counts)

Sequel is here

Now with a Reading

Chapters (11)

As it turns out, not all I do is make music. I actually have a pretty decent talent making plush pony dolls on the side. It brings in good bits... on occasion, such as this one time a little baby dragon commissioned me into crafting him a white unicorn with a blue mane to snuggle with at night.

Then one day, about a week later, I suddenly found myself with more clients. Like... a lot more clients.

Chapters (1)

Princess Celestia's been dealing with some rather embrassing issues for as long as she can remember, and she decides it's finally time to do something about it.

Fortunately, she just so happens to have a sister and a student that are more than willing to lend a helping hoof.

Now with a reading by Scarlett Blade. Click here to view.

Chapters (1)

The ever-helpful Twilight Sparkle sets out to design a compound to help increase brain activity in those who have a willingness to learn, but have trouble grasping difficult concepts. After acquiring a test subject in Rainbow Dash, the results are indisputable! Rainbow grasps new ideas and theories faster and more completely than ever before! But, how smart is too smart?

Chapters (3)

Octavia is stressed, her day was not exactly the best. She just needed to lie down and have some snuggles while somepony to hear her. Good thing Vinyl was there.

Octascratch cuteness 'cause I wanted and because it's simply cute (duh). And ya' know you love it!
Edited by this adorkable person
Cover Art by InuHoshi-to-DarkPen
Now with reading by Merlitz. Check it out!
This was featured on The Goodfic Bin! - 06/03/15 :raritystarry:

Chapters (1)

Shining Armor is a tooth. Really. Princess Luna says so.

With a reading that had once been done by Scarlett Blade, only now missing (darn).

And a review by Present Perfect.

Chapters (1)

Today is an extra-special day for Discord. One he's been looking forward to all year. Or rather all day, since he had just learned about it previously from Fluttershy. A day that's all about him, all about his needs, his greatness, and how truly awesome he is. A day to feed his ego like the gluttonous pig it is.

Why, it's Discord's birthday of course!

What, you thought it was another type of celebration day? Please, don't be a fool.

Super amazing awesome cover art can be found here!

Chapters (1)

Hearth's Warming is supposed to be a time of rest, relaxation, and time spent with friends or loved ones. For Twilight, it's more of the opposite.

Luckily, she's not alone.


Chapters (1)

When Cadance comes to foalsit Twilight Sparkle, she finds the young filly playing a pretend game of cards with her stuffed animals. Curious, Cadance joins the game, only to find Twilight is far more serious about her betting than she lets on. Can she help Twilight learn what's really valuable?

Originally meant for the Writeoff Association's January contest, "All In" but quickly surpassed the word limit and was never entered. I really liked it though, and finished it anyway.

Chapters (1)

Scootaloo's birthday is coming up, and Rainbow Dash is unsure of what to get her number one fan. Upon asking her, it seemed her birthday wish would be a little harder to obtain than Dash thought. Enlisting the help of Twilight, the two mares set out to ensure that little Scootaloo has the best birthday ever.

That's right, a fic about best filly where nothing bad, tragic, or otherwise horrible happens to her, or anypony else. This is my attempt at an episode like fic.

Special thanks to RazedRainbow for getting this thing ready for public consumption.

Chapters (1)