• Member Since 3rd Jan, 2012

Noble Cause

she/her they/them, reader more than writer these days.

In Progress 504 stories
  • In Progress 504 stories - 8640 unread chapters Stuff that's updating
    Created by Noble Cause
    - December, 2014
Found 328 stories in 69ms

Total Words: 34,560,576
Estimated Reading: 13 weeks



  • Featured 23574 stories Stories that have been featured on Fimfiction ( Automatically populated! )

  • Interviews 408 stories Stories that have had their author interviewed

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In order to improve their skills at detecting changeling infiltrators, Twilight Sparkle and the Council of Friendship ask their new friend Thorax to help them with a little training exercise. Their goal? Figure out which of their six friends is actually Thorax in disguise.

Dialogue heavy, as this story focuses on the cross-interrogation of the game itself.

Note: This story takes place before "To Where and Back Again."

Chapters (9)

This story is a sequel to Sunspawned

"Hey, Glimglim--can I call you Glimglim? I've got a serious important question for you. Why aren't you snogging Sunburst yet?"

Chapters (5)

When Twilight and Celestia have an argument about the existence of leap years, there’s only one possible way to settle their differences: a race around the world!

With the full benefit of hindsight, there may have been other ways.

An 80 Days crossover, written as part of Horizon's writing challenge. Edited by Ether Echoes, Soge, Giant Hat, and Tormented Dragon, who are all amazing.

Chapters (22)

Florina Harshwhinny's life story told through hotel reviews.

Loosely inspired by Rick Moody's novel 'Hotels of North America.'

Chapters (5)

This story is a sequel to What do You do With a Drunken Unicorn?

Twilight Sparkle hosts a gathering for all the other pretty pony princesses at her magical castle. Sometimes, even royalty needs to let their hair down, right?

Hitting the liquor cabinet is a very important part of that process.

Chapters (3)

There is a hidden village deep within the untamed forest surrounding Neighagara Falls. Should one ever journey to this village, those who live there will welcome them for a simple price: love.

When the village accepts a new family from Cloudsdale, a not-quite-altruistic pair of changeling siblings offer a young filly friendship and a chance to find her place in the strange village she hopes to call home.

New cover art done by Arcticwaters.

Chapters (52)

This is a fic based on the Time Loop Files, the format of which was first codified by Innortal on fanfiction.net.
Here's a brief guide.
The basic idea is, one character (the Anchor, usually the main character of a fictional setting) is looping back to the very first moments of their parent series every time either they die or some kind of time limit expires. They of course end up monumentally stir crazy given enough time.
Eventually others start to loop as well.
The reset is not always perfect. Sometimes a loop's history will be different to the "prime" loop, or canonical plot.
"Crossover" or "Fusion" loops also occur, randomly. These can involve the home loopers having a guest, or the anchor for one universe spending time in another, or replacements of one character by another.
Vacation Loops are where the Anchor (or others) decide/s "buck it" and lets off steam by doing whatever comes to mind. There's little or no attempt to maintain the original timeline.

In addition, and particularly more recently, it should be known that this story has a collaborative element to it - people may submit loop ideas or loops, ideally at the Spacebattles thread (a link to the current version of which is on the Trope page), and they may become included.

There's two page image options, thanks to Filraen - the current page image has been edited by the original creator from this work of theirs.. The other one is here:

Chapters (233)

A young girl, having been robbed of her childhood and very life by illness finds herself given a second chance in a strange world and with an even stranger body. With a new life, family, and even a brother, she tries to cope with the bizarre world she's found herself in while also trying to embrace her role and become worthy of the gift she has been given.
Being a princess can be hard however, even if it's only an honorary title, especially when you're the twin sister of Prince Blueblood.

Warning, very slow burn.

Chapters (39)

"Nopony exists but you, and you are but a thought."

Twilight's life as she knows it harbored a sense of security, but all that changes when Princess Celestia then arrives to deliver a message. To reveal the truth about Twilight's world that the mare's conscious mind has long since forgotten.

As her memories return, she is forced to come to terms with the fact that she was never Twilight Sparkle at all, but rather a structured thought experiment whose knowledge expanded through lives she herself requested to live in order to harbor a greater understanding of existence.

But sometimes there's one life among many that's the hardest to let go of...

Inspired in part by a "Three words" game in The Writer's Group, and Mark Twain's "The Mysterious Stranger".

Edited by Breath of Plagues

Featured on Equestria Daily!
TV Tropes page.

Chapters (5)

A few months have gone by since the last season of MLP, and it seemed as though the fandom would slip quietly into obscurity. But strange things are happening, things nobody can explain. People who have never seen the show report sightings of strange monsters wandering at night. Bronies develop strange powers, and sometimes they disappear. Strangest of all are the blurry images of familiar characters, all seeming convinced of terrible danger just around the corner.

Jacob never imagined his life would be anything but ordinary. He’d finish his degree, make a living, maybe have a few kids. Until he almost got eaten on his way home from school and found himself thrust headlong into danger he could barely understand. Jacob (and his humanity) may not survive it.

Updates weekdays.

Editing by Two Bit and Sparktail. Art by Zutcha!

Chapters (50)