• Member Since 3rd Jan, 2012

Noble Cause

she/her they/them, reader more than writer these days.

In Progress 504 stories
  • In Progress 504 stories - 8641 unread chapters Stuff that's updating
    Created by Noble Cause
    - December, 2014
Found 328 stories in 85ms

Total Words: 34,568,223
Estimated Reading: 13 weeks



  • Featured 23597 stories Stories that have been featured on Fimfiction ( Automatically populated! )

  • Interviews 408 stories Stories that have had their author interviewed

  • Reviewed 0 stories Stories that have been reviewed

(New readers, unsure where to start? The Education of Clover the Clever is best.)

The stars can see the future, and they don't like what they see.
Beset by signs of a great evil approaching on the horizon, Princess Luna and a young unicorn who speaks to the stars set out to uncover and prevent an unknown disaster.

Star Swirl the Bearded: the greatest wizard nopony has ever heard of. Why is that? What did he do? Why do so few now remember that he existed at all, and why do those who do remember him say he was one of the most important unicorns of all time?
A mythical retelling of Equestrian history.

23.02.2014 Featured on Equestria Daily!
Prequel to a more popular and completed sequel, The Education of Clover the Clever. Feel free to read either one first.

Cover art by VSabbath, used with permission.

Chapters (23)

This story is a sequel to The Crown of Night

Now available in print from Lulu.com! Hardcover - Paperback.

(New readers, unsure where to start? The Education of Clover the Clever is best.)

Clover Cordelia is a freshmare student at the Cambridle Academy of Magic who is determined to become a great sorceress.

Star Swirl the Bearded is a legendary wizard in need of an apprentice.

It's a tough job, working for the world's greatest wizard. On top of the usual challenges of student life there are apocalypses to deal with, and assassins who show up at inconvenient times, and plant life scheming for world conquest.

It's probably nothing Star Swirl can't take care of, provided he and Clover manage to resist killing each other first.

Previously updated alongside its prequel, The Crown of Night. It is not necessary to read The Crown of Night first.

Featured on Equestria Daily!
Featured on the Royal Guard!

Cover art by iisaw.

"Characterization is the name of the game here, and this story's take on Star Swirl is one of the most enigmatic and intriguing I've seen. His eccentricity is offset perfectly by his straight mare, Clover the Clever, and the interactions between them are a joy to behold."
-Prak, PR for the Royal Guard.

Rated "Why Haven't You Read These Yet?" by PaulAsaran.

Weird praise for The Education of Clover the Clever from the comments:

"........The sadist in me is grinning while the student is screaming it's little lungs out :pinkiecrazy::raritydespair:"

"I can't tell if he's insane or not. And it's glorious."

"I am unsure if this is merely silly and deranged or subtly brilliant."

"Ok, so I like this story. I actually like it quite a bit. I have no clue why though. Not a single clue.
I haven't a clue what you're doing right, but keep doing it. You're awesome."
-Vibrato con Amore.

Chapters (26)

Surely she must be sick. Unusual actions, strange thoughts, and new feelings...
Yep, just a bit under the weather. Nothing a little hard work can't cure.

Chapters (3)

Stinkbug, a changeling worker drone slated for reproduction purposes once he matures, is exiled from his hive after an unfortunate magical condition causes him to emit a malodorous funk. Cut off from the swarm, tossed out of the hive, can Stinkbug survive the dangerous wilds of Equestria?

Chapters (8)

I am Equestria's first sentient automaton. Electricity pulses through my wires, and logic gates dictate the threading of my thoughts. For some of the others, this difference appears to be too great to overcome. My only friends in life are my creator, her lab assistant, and a stuffed doll from a young foal.

I'm so lonely...why can't they see that?

Chapters (7)

The day after Hearth's Warming, Snowfall Frost thinks back to her encounter with Applejack and decides that maybe she hasn't learned her lesson, not entirely. Maybe she needs a refresher.

It's time to put the romance back in necromancy.

Chapters (3)

Pinkie Pie and Twilight Sparkle have been accidentally locked in a vault in the Royal Canterlot Bank. With the vault soundproof, windowless, and immune to magic and even Pinkie’s methods of… Pinkie-ness, they cannot escape for several hours. They use this time for shenanigans and introspection.

Chapters (4)

It was just like any other night. The moon had been up for hours and the ponies rested peacefully in their beds. Celestia, on this normal night, decides to take a stroll around the quiet palace.

This seemingly routine walk changes everything for her as she finds one young unicorn thief trying to rob her.

And this thief, harnessing magical powers quite rare to normal unicorns, catches Celestia's attention.

Chapters (20)

This story is a sequel to My Little Apprentice: Apogee

A year has passed since Second Chance arrived in Equestria. She has a loving adoptive family, one of the best teachers of magic in Equestria, and some fantastic new friends. Compared to a world destroyed by war, her new life seems like a paradise.

Unfortunately for her, Equestria isn't as safe as it sometimes looks. It has its own dangers; powerful evils that won't spare her just because she came from Earth. Between human dangers and natural ones, Equestria's ponies may not survive.

As usual, editing by Two Bit and Sparktail, with art by the talented Zutcha (who's got a Patreon now, if you're feeling generous!)

Chapters (19)

It started when they first met. A growing flame that began to burn in their hearts. It was unknown to them what this flame was, but it grew stronger as they got older and their feelings moved on from friendship to something else. Some fires grow slowly, but when given time they burn more passionate and brighter then any volcano.

Edited by CommanderX5 and roker12

Just a small series of chapters (no less then a thousand words) of a new ship I like a lot.

Now with a TV Tropes Page

Chapters (20)