• Member Since 3rd Jan, 2012

Noble Cause

she/her they/them, reader more than writer these days.

In Progress 504 stories
  • In Progress 504 stories - 8639 unread chapters Stuff that's updating
    Created by Noble Cause
    - December, 2014
Found 328 stories in 91ms

Total Words: 34,560,055
Estimated Reading: 13 weeks



  • Featured 23557 stories Stories that have been featured on Fimfiction ( Automatically populated! )

  • Interviews 408 stories Stories that have had their author interviewed

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Did you ever look at that battered old Knight in the Forest and wonder, What happened to him? Ever wonder what his history was? Or how he ended up there? Well my friends, this story should tell you all that and more.

Cover art is not mine, it is SharkAlpha's.

FEATURED ON JULY 6TH OF 2016!! Oh my gosh! I...I have no words! I never thought this would happen to me! Thank you to everyone who supported me! Thank you so much!


Chapters (8)

Further wanderings through the Leroverse. This fic continues on after the Xenophilia main story so you'll need to read that to be able to understand anything that's going on here. This fic may not be clop (so no explicit man-on-tiny-horse action to be found here) but the original is so you have been warned.

Most importantly, a huge shower of gratitude goes to AnonAuthor and AnonponyDASHIE for granting me permission to play around in their pool. Hopefully they won't need too much extra chlorine once I'm done. I'd also like to thank all my co-authors and guest authors. You're fantastic, every one of you.

Chapters (89)

A series of random glimpses into the Xenophilia universe from a diverse collection of authors and Xenofans - some moved over from the Xenophilia forum, others brand new and fresh from the stables - all stored here for your enjoyment.

But is it canon? Fanon? Head-canon? Who knows? That's up to you to decide.

All ficlets used with the authors' kind permission.

Chapters (84)

Twilight Sparkle presents a collection of interviews, letters, essays, poetry and prose compiled over several years of her relationship with the human Bellerophon and his "herd", covering subjects as broad as Equestrian social taboos, comparisons of earth and Equestrian mythology, romance and the occasional recipe. Compiled by Twilight Sparkle, with foreword by Her Royal Highness, Princess Celestia.

(This is a bit of an experiment based on the worldbuilding concepts presented in AnonAuthor's Xenophilia [[NSFW] - caveat lector!], which intrigued me enough to want to take a closer look. It's likely you'll be very confused by this unless you read at least some of Xenophilia. Updates will appear as and when an idea pops into my head for a thing to add. And fair warning, some of this might come across very dry and dusty. Thank you academia! And thank you AnonAuthor for letting me have a go, and both AnonAuthor and AnonponyDASHIE for all the collab work they're doing. I'll make up for the dust by tossing in the odd piece of art now and then.)

Chapters (24)

The second changeling attack on Equestria has helped the Royal Crystaller Sunburst in getting a fresh perspective on several aspects of his life.

One particular aspect comes into focus when Shining Armor and Cadance offer him a weekend off, and he's temporarily alleviated from all responsibility of Flurry Heart.

Cover art by legionattack @ deviantart.

Chapters (10)

When a drowning Twilight Sparkle is pulled from the ocean by a group of salvagers, she receives news that changes her life: she is now two-thousand years into the future, and Equestria no longer exists. Instead, there is the kingdom of Centuria, ruled over by the seemingly immortal tyrant, King Ganymede.

In this new world, unicorns are a rare sight and advanced technology is shunned by the general public. Twilight finds allies in Kevrana, a salvager with a heart of gold, and Hadran, Kevrana's suspicious and cynical brother. As a war brews in the land, Twilight, with only her new friends and legends of a strange place called the Vale to guide her, must set out to unravel the mystery of how she came to be in the future, and whether or not she can ever return to her own time.

Edited by Eldorado, Toothless the Night Fury, and Comrade Sparkle.

Image by SugarYoshi

Chapters (3)

Warning: The following story is currently unedited and contains some M/M shipping. If you don't like one or both of these, you know where the exit button is. This is an experimental piece that I'm working with.

Prince Blueblood's newest guards want to humiliate the Prince at the gala by slipping a love poison in his drink. After he consumed it, the Prince spontaneously falls in love with the first pony he sees. Unfortunately, it's Spike the Dragon.

Chapters (6)

As the Princess of Friendship, the only thing Twilight Sparkle loves as much as books, reading, books, making new friends, books, spending time with her friends, and...books...

...is spreading the magic of friendship. And one easy way to do that is to introduce your friends to each other.

In need of a weekend away from the castle before heading out to the Crystal Empire to spend time with her family, Twilight decides to take a little vacation to the human world...and brings three of her newest friends along.

After all, if Princess Ember, Moondancer, and Starlight Glimmer are all Twilight's friends, surely they'll get along well with each other and with Sunset Shimmer!


(Cover compiled from various source vectors.)

Chapters (8)

A simple Tunneler drone is catapulted from Equestria during the infamous Wedding to Planet Earth. Confused, injured and alone, the drone must figure out how to survive in an alien environment with all of humanity watching.

(Crossovers with XCOM, Men In Black and Stargate: SG1)
(Changeling on Earth fic / Available to hire artists for a cover art commission! Current Cover art by Ashinda on FimFiction)

(People have apparently been turned off by the whole 'pet' thing in the title; it's only relevant for a few chapters and has nothing kinky or lewd about it. )

Chapters (57)

All he knew was his globe. He was left inside of it as punishment for his devious crimes, but that was hundreds of years ago. Still, he sits inside his spherical home, his mind slowly degrading as each day passes.

He can't even remember what he did wrong in the first place.

The scary thing is, neither can the alicorn who put him there.

Regardless of how justified his situation is, he knows for sure that he will make the absolute best of it.

His snow globe will be the best snow globe.

Cover image by HoodwinkedTales
Story input by Enigmatic Otaku and ROBCakeran53

Chapters (8)