• Member Since 3rd Jan, 2012

Noble Cause

she/her they/them, reader more than writer these days.

In Progress 504 stories
  • In Progress 504 stories - 8641 unread chapters Stuff that's updating
    Created by Noble Cause
    - December, 2014
Found 328 stories in 104ms

Total Words: 34,568,223
Estimated Reading: 13 weeks



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  • Interviews 408 stories Stories that have had their author interviewed

  • Reviewed 0 stories Stories that have been reviewed

Bringing a lost empire into the modern age is stressful enough, but for a pair of young lovers, the weight can be difficult to bear. Fortunately, their love is stronger than ever. Their vows to one another the solid foundation of their marriage. There is nothing he wouldn't do to protect her from harm, nothing he wouldn't do to show his love. But, whether he is Captain of the Guard or Prince of the Crystal Empire, Shining Armor is her stallion, first and foremost. Her beloved. For the one who captured her heart, Princess Cadence will protect him from that which would harm his spirit—whether he knows it or not.

Editing and prereading done by The Albinocorn, Bad_Seed_72, Foals Errand, Meridian Prime, and Zodiacspear

Artwork originally done by Silfoe/RoyalSketchbook and used with permission.

Chapters (26)

A delivery boy/aspiring racer and his rockstar girlfriend are visited by a very cultured pony.

This being Japan, things go exactly as expected right up until the point where they go completely weird.

Editing by Shinzakura

Chapters (5)

In her successful attempt to stop Twilight Sparkle, Sunset Shimmer ends up in the universe of The Batman. Now, with the help of her mentor Zatanna Zatara and two best friends—Barbara Gordon and Pamela Isley—she has to figure out her place in a brand new world.

Currently being written by Ackbarfan5556 and Produced/Developed by yours truly.

My personal thanks go to Pen Stroke and Burraku_Pansa for helping me bounce this idea around and suffering through my naming process.

Chapters (41)

Long after the Event that transformed all of humanity into ponies, griffins, or other fanciful creatures, and sent most hurtling forward in time, many were still randomly popping out of the timestream. This was a real problem when it came to a whole airplane full of passengers arriving in mid air, and the pilots could no longer control their vessel. Who do you call in this situation? The Aeronautical Returnee Rescue Response Squad!

This is an episodic story which is a side-fic based in the "Ponies after People" universe from Starscribe's story - "The Last Pony on Earth".

Chapters (6)

Alpine Star lives up on Big Mountain, the second-tallest mountain in Equestria, which also houses the number-one skiing and snowboarding spot in the continent. Every day she deals with the joys and troubles of snowboarding down the mountainside. As a member of the Snow Patrol, it is her duty to keep riders in check, keep them away from the out-of-bounds areas, and acting in search parties for any of those who get lost in the treacherous white wilderness.

With the Snowboarding Supercross coming back in two months, the biggest snowboarding and skiing event in the continent, she's in a crunch to balance her job, her friends, and her dreams, all at once!

Chapters (1)

This story is a sequel to My Little Dynamite: Book One

Twilight Sparkle, prodigy of Celestia's elite Battle Mage corps, has protected Princess Cadance from changeling assassins, but that can't prepare her for what she must face off against next. A foe even the Royal Sisters have reason to fear has resurfaced and he has debts to settle with the former High Priestesses of the Everfree.

In the far north, beyond the Minotaur lands and Caribou tundra, an unnatural storm is brewing. The Midnight Lord is returned and readying for war. He does not plan to fight fair.

Even Love can be a weapon.

Chapters to be posted on the 15th OR 30th of each month unless life gets in the way.

Chapters (13)

A damaged robot pony, unlike anything ever seen in pre-industrial Equestria, is found in the orchard. Before it collapses, it says only two words: "Twilight Sparkle..."

Twilight fixes the mechanical mare and gives her a new directive: "Make friends." Now a robot must learn what it takes to be a good friend and, while she's at it, what it means to live...

Featured on Equestria Daily (11/22/15) and The Goodfic Bin! (3/20/16)!
Featuring illustrations by Colby Green (Illustration Gallery found HERE.)
Editors: GaPJaxie,The Knight Templar, GenerousGhibli, E3gner, and Reese.
Technical Consultants: Artichoke Lust and JFalk.

Now with its own TV Tropes page!

Chapters (68)

Rarity and Rainbow Dash are about as in love as two ponies can be. Every once in a while, they do something utterly exciting and amazing. Between those moments, they live their lives just like any other couple does. These are some of those between times.

Basically, when a little idea for a Raridash scene comes to mind, I'll be adding to this. Updates will come whenever something comes to mind.

Rated teen for occasional saucy material. Largely inspired by a wonderful little tumblr called Raridash Doodles.

Chapters (6)

It started with a Nightmare: a corrupted monarch, a desperate sister, and a fragmented kingdom left in their wake. Saddled with the burden of protecting Equestria alone, Celestia chose to be strong enough not to. Instead, she found another way: three mortal ponies, the most magically gifted of their generation, to stand by her side as defenders of the realm.

For a thousand years, they've been everything Equestria needed them to be. Scholars, guardians, warriors, heroes—or, as Celestia prefers to call them, Angels. And if their inaugural achievements are any indication, her latest nominees for that illustrious order might just be the best ones yet.

Provided, of course, they don't blow up half the kingdom proving it.

An alternate universe retelling of the events of Friendship is Magic. A non-zero number of changelings were harmed in the making of said account.

Special thanks to CouchCrusader and totallynotabrony for their editing assistance.

Chapters (4)

Twilight Sparkle is an expert in unicorn magic, but earth pony magic remains a mystery to her. The books in her library have very little information about the earth tribe's abilities, other than their famous strength. Twilight is determined to uncover their secrets.

What she learns will change her life.

And it just might change Applejack's life as well.

Featured on Equestria Daily.

Chapters (3)