• Member Since 3rd Jan, 2012

Noble Cause

she/her they/them, reader more than writer these days.

In Progress 504 stories
  • In Progress 504 stories - 8641 unread chapters Stuff that's updating
    Created by Noble Cause
    - December, 2014
Found 328 stories in 69ms

Total Words: 34,568,223
Estimated Reading: 13 weeks



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The wedding was a disaster, Twilight abandoned by her friends and family alike during it yet expected to get things fixed up after the defeat of the changelings, it is understandable that she is upset. Trying to clear her mind she takes a walk and comes across a normally guarded corridor, though is left unguarded due to the recent crisis causing her to investigate. It isn't to get out of worrying about a wedding she isn't invited to, not at all.

She finds the portal mirror and enters it to explore it, her anger at the others encouraging her to skip any safety precautions. Unfortunately, she ends up trapped on the other side on the run from people trying to catch her. That is until one girl finds her, a girl willing to believe her story and offers to help. A girl with a much more painful past who is still working on her own issues. A girl who goes by the name of Sunset Shimmer.

Featured on:
April 25, 2016
April 26, 2016
A big thanks to everyone who made this possible! :heart:

Chapters (10)

Ember's been the Dragon Lord for a few months now, and the pressures of the throne are beginning to get to her. Although she told her new (and only) pony friend Twilight that she could write to her with any questions about dragon culture, she was beginning to think that maybe she would need to send a letter the other way. After all, Ember's a young princess, just like Twilight! Surely she can give her some princess-ly advice? But Twilight may find that a dragon princess has a few problems that might be a bit different from her own.

*Mods, Ember character tag pls.

Chapters (6)

Nopony has heard from Fluttershy for three months. Not Rainbow Dash, not Rarity, not even Pinkie Pie. Her friends have been tending to the cottage and her animals, keeping it clean and organized, but even with Twilight's constant magic scans and a semi-constant guard search Equestria-wide, no hint has been found of where she went, how she vanished, or why she didn't tell anyone. Some ponies even think, in their darkest nightmares, that she might be dead.

Then she shows up one day, very definitely not dead, but just as definitely not the same as she was.

And does she have a story to tell. Boy, does she ever...

Coverart by Paladin.

Chapters (10)

Vinyl Scratch is alone. Her parents are gone and she's estranged herself from the rest of her family years ago. Now she's fallen on hard times; she spends her days drinking, her nights partying and the intervening time in trouble with the guards.

After one too many run-ins with the authorities she is assigned a personal guard to help her get her life back on track. The only question is: can she truly be helped, or is she far too gone at this point?

Proof-reading provided by Shrink Laureate.

Cover art by Mytho.

Chapters (38)

Welcome to the Lunar Republic and the reign of Nightmare Moon. In Ponyville, the survivors of those first tumultuous years after the fall of Endless Night struggle just to feed the few who are left. In Canterlot a young stallion dreams of standing with honour before the First Citizen herself, while in the far north, an ancient evil dreams of southern conquests.

Chapter one of this story was the winning entry of the Hazardous Writing Materials and Challenges group's April 2016 competition.
Edited by RadicalDishonesty, artwork by the amazing WingFlyte (click here for DeviantArt page.)

Chapters (5)

After Twilight and her friends rediscover Starswirl’s last spell in the ruins of Golden Oaks Library Rainbow Dash asks, ‘why can’t we all become alicorns?’ Now Ponyville is host to five brand new alicorns and the girls have everything they could ever want; magic, flight, power, influence and all of Equestria wide-open before them... but being a Princess is far more than just having wings and a horn.

With thanks to Luna-tic Scientist, Lord of Dorkness, docontra, and JCatt for their help pre-reading. Cover image by Pixel-Prism.

Chapters (6)

This story is a sequel to About Last Night

One month ago, Twilight Sparkle and Applejack got drunk and then got married.

Now Twilight's a princess, and the pair have to work on integrating that new aspect of it into their relationship. Add to that Spike's feelings on the matter and the fact that he's getting the attention of fillies his age, and Fluttershy and Rainbow Dash's relationship, maybe they're better off grabbing a few more drinks...

Chapters (4)

One month, they said. One month completely to themselves. One month of talking to one another, cuddling with one another, going on walks with one another, and living together. One month of sharing breakfast, sharing beds, sharing stories, and sharing sweet talk.

One month, they agreed on, and after the thirty days had gone by... if they were still as madly in love with each other as the day they first kissed... then they would share the joy of their relationship with their friends.

Chapters (6)

Sunset Shimmer has just graduated from Canterlot High School, and while that would normally be cause for celebration, it fills her only with a nameless dread as her friends begin to scatter to the winds to pursue their futures. With the latent magic of the human world contained and categorized and the Rainboom's idyllic days of schoolwork over, she finds herself without aim and listless, as though something important is missing from her life.

Fortunately for her, Princess Twilight Sparkle might know what ails her.
So. First time posting on the site after a VERY long period of lurking and reading and enjoying the tales this fandom can produce. To my surprise, I found a dearth of a certain subset of story that I wanted to read, and so I have done this, to put my thoughts to words. After all, it is said that one should write the story they want to read, yes? I've been inspired by a variety of stories like it that came before, and I hope to equal their quality.

I'll try to update roughly once every couple of weeks; please be patient with me and I hope you give this tale a once-over. Pre-emptively tagging with AU, that I might diverge freely from what may come if needed.

Chapters (22)

After a horrible accident, Luna is forced to resort to drastic measures in order to save Twilights life. While unconscious, Twilight meets a powerful stallion who claims to be responsible for death, sleep, and all other states of unconsciousness. He turns out to have quite a tale to spin for her, and what he reveals may well be the undoing of one thousand years of harmony.

And so, the rewrite has begun.

Chapters (11)