_Incomplete 534 stories
  • _Incomplete 534 stories - 1933 unread chapters This is a sub folder for I Really Really Like
    Created by Llythinn
    - December, 2014
Found 359 stories in 79ms

Total Words: 31,604,899
Estimated Reading: 12 weeks



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It was just another worthless day to me. Nothing happening. No friends to speak of really. Just a lonely life of emptiness. Until that one cold day when I stopped for a moment to collect my warmth in an alley. That day changed my life forever.

Cover image found here

Found me a pre-reader finally. She will be starting as of chapter 12. My lovely friend Beverly Morris Martinez

Chapters (11)

In her successful attempt to stop Twilight Sparkle, Sunset Shimmer ends up in the universe of The Batman. Now, with the help of her mentor Zatanna Zatara and two best friends—Barbara Gordon and Pamela Isley—she has to figure out her place in a brand new world.

Currently being written by Ackbarfan5556 and Produced/Developed by yours truly.

My personal thanks go to Pen Stroke and Burraku_Pansa for helping me bounce this idea around and suffering through my naming process.

Chapters (41)

Prequel to: The Zombie Chronicles

A few months after the Fall Formal, a new student enters Canterlot High. Now he must discover it's crazy students and wild backstory...

Credit to my editor who helped me find this story's gift: Colonel Celtic Fire

Chapters (21)

This story is a sequel to My Dear Shy

Between two difficult choices to leave or stay, Rick Gartners chose the former and was sent to Equestria to be reunited with his beloved and adopted daughter, Fluttershy. However, Rick must habituate himself to a brand new world full of ponies.

Chapters (31)

This story is a sequel to A Certain Railgun in Canterlot

Misaka Mikoto, the third most powerful level 5 in all of Academy City, known famously by her signature move "The Railgun" is brought back to Equestria by Princess Celestia in order to save her friend Fancy Pants and unravel a plot that may threaten all of Equestria! This time she wont be alone as she teams up with Equestria's most daring hero and it's fastest flier. Can the unlikely trio save Fancy Pants? What is the connection between Misaka's world and Equestria? And who would win in a race between the three of them? Find out in my cross over Daring, Dash and A Certain Railgun!

Chapters (3)

Discord was thought to have finally come to the side of harmony and light, but it turns out to be quite the opposite. He betrayed the land of Equestria--a land which has forgiven him twice--for a second time. He has now released all of Equestria's greatest foes against his most formidable adversaries, the Elements of Harmony.

The land was flooded with smoke, and great fires that ravage all in its path. The treacherous Chrysalis aims to control the land and oppress the ponies into nothing but mindless servants for her hungry children, while brutes like Tirek aim to gain as much power as possible. In the mean time Discord just sits back and watches with a gleeful, menacing, and malicious smile.

Luckily for Equestria, they just got a new hero.

Chapters (1)

This story is a sequel to My Little Dynamite: Book One

Twilight Sparkle, prodigy of Celestia's elite Battle Mage corps, has protected Princess Cadance from changeling assassins, but that can't prepare her for what she must face off against next. A foe even the Royal Sisters have reason to fear has resurfaced and he has debts to settle with the former High Priestesses of the Everfree.

In the far north, beyond the Minotaur lands and Caribou tundra, an unnatural storm is brewing. The Midnight Lord is returned and readying for war. He does not plan to fight fair.

Even Love can be a weapon.

Chapters to be posted on the 15th OR 30th of each month unless life gets in the way.

Chapters (13)

A human has arrived in Ponyville that the Apples dubbed, "Anonymous."
Twilight is worried he might be dangerous. They know nothing about him after all. However, the Apples still treat him like a common pet, until he begins mimicking speech.

Chapters (13)

Based on the fanfic The Monster of Canterlot

Chris' life as the son of Celestia gets threatened again when, for the second time, the changelings strike.

However this time, it leads to the arrival of an unexpected guest : Chrysalis' son

Chapters (6)

This story is a sequel to The Monster of Canterlot

Sixteen years ago, the Lachances lost their only child in a flash, literally. What they didn't know was that their son Christopher was being cared for by Princess Celestia as if he was her own foal. Now, with Christopher's upcoming nuptials with Fluttershy, the family needed to be whole again. What could possibly go wrong?

Chapters (9)