_Incomplete 534 stories
  • _Incomplete 534 stories - 1933 unread chapters This is a sub folder for I Really Really Like
    Created by Llythinn
    - December, 2014
Found 359 stories in 59ms

Total Words: 31,604,899
Estimated Reading: 12 weeks



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Six months had passed since Spike had vanished during Twilight's ascension. Six months of frantic searching, worry, and finally grief for the Mane 6 and princesses

That is, until a strange object lands during Twilight and Tirek's battle, carrying the lost drake back home...with a few changes and one heck of a story.

(Inspired by Tatsurou's 'Another Hatchling')

Chapters (31)

This story is a sequel to Nightmare Moon's Tiny Adversary

Twilight Sparkle is a one-kilogram pony, shrunken by Princess Celestia following her entrance exam to the Celestia’s School for Gifted Unicorns to ensure that her power surges would not pose a danger to the ponies around her.

She’s spent thirteen years full of hard training at her new size, facing the life-threatening experiences that came with living in a world of giants. To survive those thirteen years of hardship and joy, of learning and adventure, and of pride and humility, Twilight has challenged herself to become stronger, to overcome any obstacle.

After defeating Nightmare Moon with the help of her friends and the princesses, Twilight is ready to start a new chapter of her life in Ponyville. What kind of secrets and surprises await the little but powerful unicorn? Will this eventful town survive such an unpredictable citizen?

List of editors:
Top editors:

Zecora lines editor:

Luna lines editor: (helped a lot with old Equestiran)

Pre-reader (pointing out issues and giving suggestions how to improve the story):

Seconary editors:
Pump+It+Up - some of Pinkie Pie's setences

If I forgot to add someone due to a long time that has passed, please PM me.

Chapters (45)

Limitless Technologies has been part of the leading scientific teams of America ever since their lead researcher Phillip Hadger discovered a limitless supply of energy for the world. They spent the next few years developing 'The Dream Machine', a device that can grant wishes. A contest was held, and a lucky winner was able to find himself at the building of Limitless Technologies.

Kevin Akiyama is your average asian-american, a simple mechanic if you will. All he wanted to do was his job and his hobbies. He entered himself in the contest to use the machine, hoping to become his new favorite manga character Saitama, from One Punch Man. The machine had a price when it was used on him, it turned him into pre-training Saitama and sent him to Equestria. After a minor freak out after meeting his first monster, he spent three years training his body and mind.

Now he has everything Saitama has, and will turn the hero world upside down... Or not bother with that at all and just do this hero stuff so he can actually buy groceries in this horse world, being a car mechanic doesn't really work when all the inhabitants still use carriages.

Chapters (5)

Richard Von Dracula is a very proud vampire, from a very proud lineage. Well, he was, until his blood seemed to sour. All he produces these days are bats. Not even normal bats. Bat ponies! They're not even VAMPIRE bat ponies! He's forced to make do.

Chapters (18)

Spike's got three whole days to himself while Twilight is away at the Crystal Empire. Three whole days to be independent and free to do whatever he wants.

Or he would have, if a female dragon hadn't mistaken him for an abandoned hatchling. Now he's been snatched up and taken to her home to be "properly cared for."

Stuck in a cave with an overly-protective dragon intent on mothering him...maybe he should have just gone with Twilight.

Thanks to QueenCold for letting me use this picture of theirs as cover art!

Chapters (12)

Lily is hungry, but the only person around to feed her is her sleeping father. So, what does any child do when they're hungry? They wake their parent and ask for food.

My Patreon. Help support me if you like my stuff! :rainbowdetermined2:

Chapters (2)

Dreams are a wonderful thing. They can inspire change or influence creativity.

An office worker by the name of Daniel finds himself returning home during a particularly strong downpour. He meets a strange bum sleeping on a bench beneath a covered bus stop. They have a stranger conversation and the bum offers to make a dream of his come true for a small price. Daniel laughingly accepts his offer, thinking it nothing more than the odd ramblings of a homeless man. He asks the bum to turn him into Zeus. Next thing he knows he was struck by lightning and sent to another world inside the womb of Rhea as she was ready to give birth.

Now it has been a few thousand years since all the myths and legends of Greek Mythology. Now, things have started to seem like a book series Daniel, now known as Zeus, always found to be a guilty pleasure. Percy Jackson.

Rainbow Dash & the Olympians -
The Parliament of Athena: Chapters 3 - ??

Chapters (9)

College is a fun time if you meet the right people and get the right teachers. Well college changes in a big way for me. For the past nine months a portal between Equestria and Earth has opened allowing free passage between the two realms. This is the story of how one unicorn could make college life much more different then you think,and her name is Twilight Sparkle from Equestria, and she is going to take me to places I've never been. I didn't even ask for half of this crap like helping aid in saving Equestria. All I wanted to do was have a normal college experience.

Chapters (47)

This story is a sequel to She's Having A Foal

In the final installment in the "My New Life In Equestria" series, Matthew Williams and Applejack are about to experience the trials, tribulations and joy of raising their newborn daughter, Clementine Rosemary Apple.

Chronicling close to twenty years, the two will find that no matter how much they think they learned before the birth, nothing will prepare them for the years that follow, as Clementine goes from a rambunctious filly, to a rebellious teenager.

Chapters (32)

*First story I will have written in the MLP:FiMverse.
*Dark will only be for the prologue scene.
*Human tag for prologue only, it will be pony from next chapter on.

A boy who saw his family die in front of him, on the same day when he finds out the war had killed his friends, takes his own life to escape insanity. Instead he is brought forth before Faust the Alicorn and is told of a world where he would get a second chance at life, love, and friendship. Though what Faust never counted for, was that the insanity had followed him, he thought she made fun of him, and lashed out. Faust was forced to seal his memories, but saw a glimmer of hope within him that what she said was truth. She sends him to the Everfree Forest, reversing his age to a young 5. Coincidentally, that night was the same night Princess Luna would be flying over his exact dropoff location, where she would find him, and would bring him back to Canterlot Castle with her.

This story is both a mix of planned and unplanned details, so I may not take too long to post chapters, however, I also have school, and much overdue homework I must deal with, so no promises can be made.

Chapters (9)