_Incomplete 534 stories
  • _Incomplete 534 stories - 1933 unread chapters This is a sub folder for I Really Really Like
    Created by Llythinn
    - December, 2014
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Total Words: 31,604,899
Estimated Reading: 12 weeks



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At the Valley of the End, Naruto and Sasuke clashed with their best jutsus only for Naruto to miss with his rasengan and have his heart pierced by Sasuke, resulting in his death. Kami sends him to a new world to live a new life. join Naruto in his adventures with the Mane 6 and others through the land of Equestria.

Chapters (46)

As the elements were unleashed, the Nightmare knew it was over. But it would not let it's fun end. No, it would not be left behind. It would find another world to bring to ruin. As for the poor sap that was left in It's place? He was going to get blasted, what did it matter what he ended up getting from It?

Cover Image by NetherWalker

Realized there was no link, so I'm adding two, one here and one in the chapter. After the events of Don't Underestimate the Power of a Bored Mare , the juicy bits that I cant put in a T fic: Defining Love

Edit: I swear, half of you are uncultured heathens. The thing in the image with the Nightmare's hair is a substitute doll

Chapters (107)

She can swim far and wide across the waters of Equestria, but it's not enough. There are places above those waters, places she plans to reach. Where biology failed her, her mind would succeed. Equestria better be ready, because she plans to visit!

Chapters (54)

Princess Celestia always thought she knew how her kingdom worked. The Unicorns used magic specialized to their jobs. Pegasi flew in the sky and handled the weather. And Earth ponies... Earth ponies... uhhmmm...
Huh. Maybe Princess Celestia didn't know everything about her ponies after all.
Princess Celestia realized this after Applejack came to speak with her about a tax unfair to Earth pony farmers. It was during their conversation that Celestia realized she needed help.
Huh, isn't that odd Princess Celestia has had to leave on emergency business, leaving Luna to raise and set the sun? And hey, is that a new pony living and working at Sweet Apple Acres? I think her name is Sunshine Meadow. Surely, it's just a coincidence. Surely.

Chapters (6)

Seath the Scaleless, White Dragon God of Verdite, Traitor to the Everlasting Dragons, Duke of Anor Londo, Grandfather of Sorcery, and now the new friend and mentor to Twilight Sparkle? What will happen when two like-minded souls from opposite ends of the morality spectrum match wits? And what will remain in their wake?

A somewhat more meta twist on a MLP/Dark Souls cross-over, inspired predominantly by a few pictures I found of Seath and Twilight together, and my bewildered discovery that for all of the stories on this site that cover these two franchises, there's only one that focuses on Seath the Scaleless and so far it hasn't seen any updates in over a year ( http://www.fimfiction.net/story/68621/scales for those curious).

For those who haven't played either the King's Field or Dark Souls games worry not. I'll do my best to either explain the lore of both in the story itself, or add an author's notes for anything that gets referenced.

UPDATE: New custom cover art at last! Courtesy of Cryophase ( http://cryophase.deviantart.com/ )

Editing is courtesy of lunarstallion

Chapters (62)

On the night that Cloudchaser's parents have something special planned, the unexpected happened. They find an infant in their backyard after a strange occurrence, only it isn't a pony. With nowhere else to turn to, they decide to adopt the infant as their own, and raise it in the town of Ponyville. Through the years in Ponyville, this infant, Sky, will grow to learn that no matter what life throws at you, whether it be fortune or hardships, you will always have friends and loved ones around you to help you through it. Especially when you're sisters are Cloudchaser and Flitter.

[Human in Equestria]

Chapters (11)

Nopony has heard from Fluttershy for three months. Not Rainbow Dash, not Rarity, not even Pinkie Pie. Her friends have been tending to the cottage and her animals, keeping it clean and organized, but even with Twilight's constant magic scans and a semi-constant guard search Equestria-wide, no hint has been found of where she went, how she vanished, or why she didn't tell anyone. Some ponies even think, in their darkest nightmares, that she might be dead.

Then she shows up one day, very definitely not dead, but just as definitely not the same as she was.

And does she have a story to tell. Boy, does she ever...

Coverart by Paladin.

Chapters (10)

Nightmare has been defeated and wanders the Verses for a new host but instead finds her lost elder sister Tempest Flare the most powerful of the Three Royal Pony sisters and the middle filly in the birth order. As she finds out more about me and my soul I find out I can hop dimensions through my dreams and that I control Destiny itself in all Verses. When we return to my home Verse I find we both have to go to Equis to help Luna and Tia defeat a threat that once was thought long dead. I'm going to need all my newfound power to make sure that this thing never returns.

Chapters (2)

A close encounter with a category three Kaiju leaves Midsummer Night, a Mark-II Jaeger, in the inky depths of an unknown ocean. With no communications or navigation available, the pilots, Shane and Michael O'Connell, are well and truly out of their element.

Good thing they accidentally brought something with them to liven up the party,

Pacific Rim crossover

Art by: Zeiram0034.
Edited by: Pixel brony.

Now with a Tvtropes page!

Chapters (28)

We all know the story of how Sunset Shimmer left Equestria and went to the human world. But what if that didn't happen? What if the mirror that Sunset took didn't lead to the Equestria Girls universe, but the world of Remnant? How would Sunset's life take a different turn? Well, just read and find out.

(Rewrite of the original Sunset Huntress)

(Crossover between this Story, The Beacon's Tempest, and Kamen Rider Arms)

(12/29/2016) This story got featured! Thank you all!

Chapters (14)