• Member Since 19th Dec, 2014


I like Pokemon, Ponies, and anything else with p in it.

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HIE, a Displaced story.
I dont get it. I didn't even wanna go to that stupid convention. I suck around big crowds. Didn't help, what with all the talk of people dressing up in cosplay going missing. I pick up an Escafil cube off some random table to take a look at it, and now I'm stuck in a world of vibrant pony-people?

Holy rusted metal, Batman! Featured on 4/24/15! And again on 8/5/15!...and... again? on 8/6/15?
Thank you guys so much!~

Chapters (26)

Chapter 24: In progress.

I’ve been in Equestria for over 1500 years, and the memory of what I did to Luna and Celestia is still there, like a dull ache that will never go away. As an immortal, I’m going to have the next few thousand years to get used to it. Despite that, only thirty years have passed back on Earth. I wonder what’s become of Luna since we traded places. Is she alive? Dead? Married with kids?

My name’s Catherine, and you’re probably wondering what I’m babbling on about. If you’ll bear with me, I’ll start where it all began.

Tags (character and otherwise) will be updated as necessary. Rated teen for strong themes.

Character Sheet. (Work in progress.)

Cover art by Silfoe
Textless version

Edited and Proofread by:
Jay the Stormtrooper
This list will be added to as people help. This includes single chapters and mutual favours.

Creative discussion and constructive criticism are welcome.

All OCs belong to me unless otherwise specified. Any likeness towards other characters and names is purely coincidental.

Update Features (D/M)
2017: 24/05, 24/06, 15/11, 19/12
2018: 21/02, 15/03, 9/04, 17/5, 4/6, 23/7, 29/08, 18/9, 26/10, 14/12
2019: 9/03
2020: 9/03
2022: 26/01

Chapters (25)

Spike gets blasted by a magical spell that wasn't meant for him. It makes it impossible for ponies to realize things are different about him. He takes advantage. Weight gain ensues.

Chapters (2)

Advances in science and magic had detected the Anomaly – a star in the heavens that was unlike all the others in the night sky. Intense research had only served to deepen the mystery. Although Equus had a vibrant space program, going forty-two light years to investigate had been considered impossible until now. The Cosmic Lotus program was born, and over a hundred crew-members of multiple species were sent into the void to discover the unknown. After a journey of years, what they would find would both amaze and terrify them.

The prequel to this story is the "Ad Astra" arc in the story – "Life, Love, and Death in the House of Path".

This will be a crossover story with my "Chakat Universe".

Chapters (43)

I've been a Pokémon fan for a while now. And by how much I play it, you'd correctly guess that I was addicted to it.

But all that changed, as one night, while I was sleeping, someone decided I wasn't good enough in my world anymore, so they turned me into a fennekin, and then just dumped me out into a land of magical, talking ponies.

Perfect! (That's sarcastic, by the way.)

(I don't own this cover art, so I don't take credit for making it. Also, criticism is welcomed)

(Story now cancelled to work on other projects)

Chapters (2)

Human X Pony

Human in Equestria

Kenneth is your average everyday person, all up until he was tossed off a boat and into an insane asylum. Unable to speak nor learn their language, ken decides to stick by the only two ponies that he can communicate with. Just when things are starting to look up, and the ponies start to grow on him, reality throws one last curve ball his way.

*Comments contain spoilers, read at your own risk.*

:heart: Featured :heart:
05/04/2017, 24/04/2017, 27/04/2017, 15/07/2017, 24/10/2017, 20/3/2018

Chapters (26)

The nobles of Canterlot are up to their old schemes again. Trying desperately to elevate themselves from mere nobles to that of royalty, the high council begins to pressure both Princess Celestia and Princess Luna into marriage. There is only one problem the two sisters face. As the law of old states, only a pony of nobility or foreign dignitary may be eligible to wed either of the princesses. The two sisters must now find a suitable candidate willing to adhere to the balance of power they had so desperately fought to maintain, or lose their right to rule.
Luckily, there seems to be a certain somebody that meets the strict criteria and who would also not abuse his position as royal consort to the Moon and Sun. Now, if only there was a way to convince him.

((I know I am terrible at writing synopsis, but please don't let that dissuade you from giving my story a chance. Rated T for light cussing, teasing, flirtatious mares, and provocative situations. May change later on depending on how I feel and the input from the readers.))

Update: I finally got a beautiful cover art for the story! It looks so freaking amazing and I am super happy with how it turned out. The artist is super talented and you should all go view her stuff and maybe even commission something from her! I literally can't justify how amazing this picture is!
Artist: Cotton
Thank you all so much for your feedback and support! Because of you all I was featured! *happy pony noises*

Chapters (12)

Drake McCain was your typical adult nerd doing typical adult nerd stuff. Until he got dragged to Equestria by a certain chaotic weirdo. What could possibly go wrong? Everything.

Note: this story will contain the following- sarcasm, ineptitude, dirty jokes (are there any other kind?) and much, much, more!

Chapters (38)

A student is accidentally transported to Equestria through a crystal mirror. Lost and confused in an unfamiliar world, he struggles to get home. Circumstances conspire to make things difficult. The ponies he meets do the opposite.

Story starts between Season 6 and Season 7. After Equestria Girls: Friendship Games but before Legend of Everfree and the EqG specials.

Rated teen for language. Preread/edited by no one (in case it wasn't obvious). Cover art by some nerd.

Chapters (17)

Nathan Frédérick Nadeau Bergeron doesn't come from an ordinary family. They have resources—maybe even enough to survive the end of the world. As CelestAI gradually supersedes the instruments of human civilization, the greatest dangers are often entirely natural. But he's determined, determined to survive no matter what it takes. Nathan has given himself a mission: to record the end of humanity.

Now if only that pony would leave him alone...

A Friendship is Optimal story. Makes passing reference to my previous work in the universe, though reading it isn't required.

Editing by Two Bit and Sparktail, cover by Zutcha.

Updates daily until complete.

Chapters (8)