• Member Since 19th Dec, 2014


I like Pokemon, Ponies, and anything else with p in it.

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You know, after reading many displaced stories I never imagined that buying a scaled Koenigsegg one:1 would land me on the same situations of those stories, only that I do not have any cool powers but some really good skills and a very rare and expensive earth car. Even though, Celestia did not like any of that and thought that by stoning me and confiscating my car I would change. Well, she is going to learn that she must not piss off a human as he will give a sh*t if you move the sun or not.

Even though I am really mad at her, I have more important problems to solve.

Starting by the butterfly effect that my car caused.

While pissing off the princess and another human.

Also, who is that misterious unicorn mare that had almost beaten me in a race?

Expect crossover with racing games such as need for speed and asphalt.

Chapters (8)

She's a princess. If not THE Princess. You know- the ruler of Equestria, keeper of the sun, most powerful being on earth, all that jazz.
It's not your fault she's also unbelievably, irrefutably, incomparably gorgeous.

But it was your fault that she overheard you saying just that. Oh yeah, it really was. And let me just tell you something:

To let that happen was really freakin' stupid.

We've been featured! As of 08/10/2018! Thanks a lot you guys!

Chapters (3)

What would happen if Luna went to the Cookieverse? Find out!

Yes, all of you got trolled. So enjoy this story while you are all just dumbstruck by the fact that this story is about cookies. Good day!

Cookie Clicker copyright its owners
Cover Art copyright http://theponymuseum.deviantart.com

Chapters (1)

This story is a sequel to Havoc: Godhood

My mortal life was like any other; live, eat, drink, sleep, and make sure the ever-looming fate of death doesn't get you earlier than it's supposed to. But I digress.

As anyone could guess (and know), my life would eventually meet its end at the hands of death, earlier than it was supposed to, in fact. But instead of Being whisked off into some afterlife as I expected, I was sent to a magical land, filled with colorful and talking ponies, among other species, who's personalities often featured great naivety and an amazing amount of gullibility.

I was also given many new powers as well. Powers in which, to the ponies' eyes, were very much godlike. Well, scratch that, they are godlike. As well as terrifying.

"Why would they find them terrifying?" you may ask, and I'll tell you this, would you like it if you saw thousands of people murdered in in a blink of an eye right in front of you? No? That's why my powers are terrifying. Because they kill more than they heal. They caused. . . havoc, if you will.

How did I cope with this new purpose of being a Goddess who thrived on the suffering of others? Well, by the time I'm writing this, I have gotten used to it a long time ago, probably about millions of years past. So instead, I'll start with when I broke out of that stone prison those ponies put me in. A lot of things had changed since I was imprisoned, and I was a little eager to find out what.

Oh, and don't worry, I'll also explain how I became a Goddess. That just comes a bit later.

Criticism on this story is welcomed here. I'd like to know of any mistakes and inconsistencies.

*This story is now cancelled, and is currently being rewritten as The Ancient Arcanist.

Chapters (26)

Humanity has essentially destroyed itself and I was the lucky one who didn't really change at all, negatively anyway. Everyone was transformed to have animal features and even became feral, animalistic in nature and intelligence. Hopefully the new world won't be so bad, WHEN it comes about anyway.

Clop side story is out https://www.fimfiction.net/story/420103/can-we-not-mature-chapters

Also decided to gender bend some characters.

First few chapters are pretty fast paced, will fix this eventually.

I may use content from other sources hence the crossover tag, I hope that won't be a problem, I also hope you get any references I make.

Story being rewritten, it's your choice if you read the original. Rewrite chapters will be published on this story though.

Featured... I don't know how to respond given the timing of this...

Chapters (32)

The overriding goal of the Conversion programs are to find a way to allow humanity to survive the impending Rejection. But thus far, the only solution that has worked is the ponification serum. However, in the development of the canification serum, a potential avenue of survival is found. Whether or not it will work remains to be seen, but with time continuing to run out, waiting for surety isn't a luxury humanity has.

Chapters (10)

Discord was defeated, but what if the Princess was unable to reach her student. What if Twilight didn't get the friendship reports that she had written, and rediscovered the magic of friendship.

What if...she had written one last letter...and left Ponyville forever?

Inspired by the song One Last Letter by SoundofTheAviators, this is a dark oneshot I decided to do. I hope you all enjoy it.

Hey, it got onto Equestria Daily! Three Cheers for eternal chaos, muahahahah!!

Chapters (1)

It's said that dreams are actually portals, well gateways if you will. These gateways can lead to distant worlds or even parallel universes. Anon however doesn't put much stock in such notions, to him it is all an elaborate firing of neurons within his brain. Something like alternative universes are just wild delusions. One Day however Anon finds himself in a weird dream, one from which he can't seem to wake.

Finally took the time to go through my entire story, the earlier chapters needed to be rewritten as they were in the wrong person and the later chapters need to be reformatted. I've completed both objectives hopefully improving your reading experience.
Also, check out my attempt at remaking the prologue in visual novel format

Chapters (15)

When a second chance arises, do you jump on the fleeting moment changing your fate forever, or do you let it pass?

For Ada, help called from Equestria leads her on a collision with a daemon of old, broken, defeated, and banished. Swiping the opportunity, she chooses to leave behind her old life in favor of trying to redeem a lost soul, who once tried to force the world into an eternal slumber. Ada must help Nightmare Moon in a journey to prevent evil from prevailing once more, and do so while facing prosecution from the world itself.

Art belongs to aurarrius from Deviant art.

Those who contributed to this story: RandomHamster33, Echo_Off, Terabye West, and JadeDusk.

10/27/19 Status: This story has been cancelled due to me having lost motivation in trying to fix the overall plot for it. I might decide in starting from the ground up to create a better story line for it that fits the bill to show improvement in my writing.

Chapters (7)

This story is a sequel to The Titans' Orb

Book 2 in the Titans' Orb saga.
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Now a third of the way into their quest, Twilight's Company are well on their way to collecting the next fragment of the Titans' Orb, but after their mission is discovered by Nah'Lek the Defiler, they are now in a race against time.

As the dark path ahead becomes even more treacherous, friendships are pushed to the limits and tensions begin to rise. Will the group be able to stick together as a unit as they continue on their increasingly dangerous mission?

And will they be able to find the remaining pieces of the Orb...
before Nah'Lek finds them?

[TTO Facebook Group][TTO Discord Server]

Chapters (36)