Rainbow Dash Stories 960 stories
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Dash should really go to sleep, but she just can't stop thinking how she was so falsely accused.

Soarin feels so terrible for the way he and the others treated Rainbow that its affecting his sleep.

Maybe a leisure flight in the night will help clear their minds...

Chapters (1)

There's one week to go until the second Hearth's Warming Eve since Rainbow claimed her Element, and that week finds her in Ponyville. Where everypony is playing the same old holiday standards, over and over: gramophones in every store, carolers on every street, without mercy. Where the sheer pointless din of it all can grind against a pony's nerves after a while, at least if that pony is bright enough to recognize how meaningless all those sounds are. Ponyville just before the holiday, in a gentle snowfall, with music all around.

It's the last place in the world Rainbow wants to be.

(Part of the Triptych Continuum, which has its own TVTropes page, FIMFiction group, and a newborn character page: new members and trope edits are welcome. This story can be read as a standalone, and no knowledge of the others is required.)

Now with author Patreon and Ko-Fi pages.

Chapters (1)

Flight, its a strange thing. To some ponies it is cause of fear and anxiety, to others its a source of pleasure and freedom. Follow an unlikely pegasus as she tells her inspirational tale about flying.

Cover art is a picture I found in a Google search made by Deviant Art artist xWhitex77.

Authors Notes: I am really not trying to go anywhere with this story, its a first attempt at a first person (or pony) story and I thought I'd share it with all of my followers, readers, and fellow writers.

Chapters (1)

Rainbow Dash finds a hypnosis amulet and uses it to make Applejack and Rarity act like her and each other. She finds it quite entertaining, even if it means Rarity biting her tail a few times.

Requested by superfun. Title is based off a Dragonball Z episode.

Chapters (1)

Winter has come early this year, and after a long night out rounding up her animals in the face of Rainbow Dash's "awesome" snowstorm, Fluttershy is oh so cold.

But the worst of it is that Rarity knows exactly which pony Fluttershy wishes would come along to warm her up.

Chapters (1)

After her own rather unpleasant heartbreak over Blue Blood, Rarity's decided never to let anyone date someone they'll regret. And so, after some unnecessarily complicated diagrams are drawn up, she makes a list of possible ships for every pony she knows, and starts setting up blind dates. Sometimes, when she really needs to feel the passion of love, she'll get drunk before writing up ship ideas.

Unfortunately, Rarity knows nothing about emotional chemistry.

And she may also have accidentally set up a date between Rainbow Dash and Trixie.

(Note; rated Teen for alcohol and some references to sex towards the end. Also, takes place in "The Nature of Nurture" universe, but you don't have to read that to understand this mini-story.)

Chapters (2)

Shouldn’t have said she’d gotten bigger. Now she’s become obsessed with losing weight she’s convinced she’s gained. Good going Pinkie. Yeah you just sit and watch her burn those calories. Maybe Rainbow Dash could assist too.

Check out this awesome reading!

Note: Currently, this story is planned to be rewritten someday. I'll be frank: This is pretty bad as it stands now, and I cringe when looking back on what I wrote, which is a good thing in terms of improvement, I guess. The reading, which was extremely generous of the the kind soul who took the time and effort to read this, is available, and if there's something to take away from this story, it's that and not the story itself. Don't read this unless you don't mind bad writing.

Chapters (1)

It's been little over a few weeks since Scootaloo was given a supply of pills to help her with the soreness of her back after she had back surgery. But what seems like an eternity due to of her crying and lack eating from all the pain she's feeling, I think that enough is enough.

Special thanks to my sister who came up with the idea and proofreading it.

This takes place into the near future. Not filly Scootaloo, Aged-Up.
Original Art By- PrincessSilverGlow
Cover Text Provided By Me. Go check out my profile!

Chapters (1)

Luna invites Rainbow Dash on her dreamwalking duties.

Dream-ruining, spider-safety lessons, abduction, and imprisonment ensue.

Maybe the dream realm can't handle this much awesome.

Special thanks to SoloBrony for helping me hammer out the details.

Thanks to SoloBrony and JWolfSilver for editing, and to them and Wanderer D and AliceLiz for prereading.

Chapters (6)

Rainbow Dash's enthusiasm over a new trick becomes a serious contemplation over her own intentions and foresight after visiting Rarity.

Chapters (1)