Twilight Stories 434 stories
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Princess Twilight Sparkle was flying with Rainbow Dash when she gets stuck in the sky.

...and this fic is the fic that pierced Twilight's Library on 7/20/2014!

Chapters (1)

After a strange awakening, a concerning shower, and a rough scrubbing with a loofah, Twilight Sparkle finds herself with a new palette of colors. And she thinks she knows whoā€™s responsibleā€¦

A collab with CosmicAfro! Check out his page!

Coverart provided by the wonderful ArgonMatrix!


So this red and black alicorn fic got accepted into Twilightā€™s Library on 8/30/2014. Madness, I say.

Chapters (1)

This story is a sequel to You're NOT a Lesbian, Rainbow Dash!

Displeased at the chaos that their lack of basic sexual education has caused, Princess Celestia teleports Spike, Rainbow Dash, and Twilight Sparkle to her throne room to have a few words.

Unfortunately, Twilight manages to derail the conversation with something she sees as being of far greater importance.

Warning! Contains suggestive topic references of sexual nature.

Special thanks to Octavia Harmony for editing.

Chapters (1)

Celestia invites Twilight over to help her plan for the next Grand Galloping Gala.

Twilight raises some questions about Celestia's plans.

Chapters (1)

Stories of Twilight getting up to mischief as a filly.

Chapters (11)

A voice is telling Twilight to build a cottage cheese laser.

But she's not having any of it.

Edited by PegasusMesa!

Chapters (1)

Twilight Sparkle, archmage, local Princess and part time friendship tutor, finds a book about a long lost school of magic on her doorstep.
It just so happens that the actual act of necromancy is more difficult than your average spell. Follow Twilight as she attempts to find virgins to sacrifice, carve pentagrams into her floor and generally do evil necromancy things.
All in the pursuit of knowledge, of course.

Chapters (1)