Twilight Stories 434 stories
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After trying, Twilight Sparkle becomes sure that she has indeed lost all hope and decides that she has officially given up.

Chapters (1)

One beautiful morning, Twilight Sparkle decides she wants a free salad. After a small amount of theft, assault, battery, and arson, she sits down to enjoy what is sure to be the best tasting salad ever.

...Or she would have, if it weren’t for the Equestrian Intelligence Service locking her up as a potential threat to national security. Now, Twilight must escape a maximum security holding facility hidden deep underneath Canterlot. And to do it, she’ll need a paperclip, a spymare catsuit, an escape plan, and an alliance with the dastardly Drakbog, King of Frogs.

Chapters (1)

Twilight was in an accident and can't use wings or magic leaving her in a bit of a pickle.

It's times like this where Twilight has to give earth ponies more credit than she could dream of.

(In this story Twilight has gone without magic before realistically, but in this scenario she's a bit too used to using magic.)

[Any alternate title suggestions are appreciated]

Chapters (1)

Twilight is in the mood to flex her creative muscle and write a story. But when she gets her parchment and quill out, her mind comes to a complete halt. What does she write about? Her idea bank is completely empty.

What to do? Well, why not ask the mare whose mind is always flowing with new and random thoughts?

Random idea I had :rainbowwild:

Chapters (1)

When Twilight finds out that her favorite Canterlot bookstore, Haystings, is going out of business, she sets out to save it in the most overdramatic way possible...

...with pop star outfits and a trio of princesses who have no clue what they're supposed to be doing.

What better way to commemorate Hastings Entertainment's memory than with music parodies, jam sessions, and anime references? Cover art by zodiacnlh.

Chapters (1)

This story is a sequel to Advanced Lessons

Twilight has no idea how she's supposed to go about dating. It always seemed so mundane and unworthy of her precious brainpower. Now she's trying to romance Prince Blueblood, and has no idea what to do.

Fortunately, Chrysalis has some free time.

The Changeling Queen. Evil Mastermind, willing prisoner of Equestria, and Princess Celestia's significant other. That Chrysalis, was going to be offering her a bit of romantic advice.

There was no way, that Twilight could see that going well.

-A brief two-shot sequel to my story "Advanced Lessons" purely made for a bit of fun, at Twilight's expense.

Chapters (2)

Twilight finds herself struggling without a clear path in front of her as a princess. In a bout of panic, she seeks out her mentor, Princess Celestia, in the hopes of gaining answers, only to find herself with some much more distressing questions.

With a decidedly unexpected guest making herself comfortable in Canterlot Castle, it quickly becomes evident that her mentor has been keeping some interesting company over the years. Twilight quickly begins to realize just how much things are going to change for her. She's practically immortal. Which, apparently, means she's going to be spending a lot of time with beings a lot less mature than they first seemed.

(First Story-Woot. Likely to be broken down into three parts.)

Chapters (3)

When Starlight Glimmer and Twilight Sparkle conduct an experiment into the inherent properties of magical duplications, both end up with far more then they bargained for when one such embodiment of Twilight's own image starts to show an unprecedented level of unique understanding and self preservation. The copy is alive when by all definition it shouldn't be, and Twilight and Staright must discover a solution while the duplicate continues to contemplate the nature of its existence and identity.

Featured 08/05/16

Chapters (4)

This story is a sequel to What do You do With a Drunken Unicorn?

Twilight Sparkle hosts a gathering for all the other pretty pony princesses at her magical castle. Sometimes, even royalty needs to let their hair down, right?

Hitting the liquor cabinet is a very important part of that process.

Chapters (3)

When a realization dawns on Twilight Sparkle, she immediately seeks to ask her old mentor a serious question... why doesn't she help?

Chapters (1)