Twilight Stories 434 stories
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Shining Armor and Twilight Sparkle live an average life in an average home in the most above-average city in Equestria. Growing up in Canterlot they are subject to the inner workings of the government and Princess Celestia. Even though Shining SHOULD be studying, when his little sister asks him to help her with something, how can he refuse? After all, there's only one reasonable course of action at that point: take over Equestria.

Creative Consulting with MoonlitSparkle
Special thanks to ScratchnTavi, and docontra for editing/pre-reading.
Artwork done by Sleepy Panda
Featured 11/16 :twilightoops: didn't see that one coming

Chapters (1)

Twilight knows Starlight Glimmer has been reformed under her guidance. Er, mostly—she’s still a work in progress, but there is no doubt Starlight is improving in her eyes.

However, there’s just one bad habit Twilight noticed that’s been nagging at her ever since she first saw it. But how would she converse about it? Should it be handled delicately? And when would she bring it up?

Today. Today, she would talk about it.

Chapters (1)

After the changeling invasion, Starlight becomes very possessive protective over Twilight.

Edited by Violet Rose in the Rain

Chapters (1)

This story is a sequel to Pinkie Pie Places Her Tongue on a Polar-temperature Pole

Our dear, darling Princess of dusk decides to directly defy her sister’s dangerous designs. This delivers her to a definitively undignified destiny.

Cover art by the undoubtedly dashing and debonair Yakovlev-vad.

Chapters (1)

This story is a sequel to Forest Trees and Morning Tea

Twilight spends a cold, winter day indoors reorganizing her book collection, her thoughts drifting from one thing to another.

My tags: Relaxing/Descriptive Heartwarming

Audio reading by Agent0Fluffy:


Audio reading my Brook the Book Horse:


This is part of a series of similar-styled (but unrelated) stories. See also:

Rainy Skies and Sleepless Pie (Pinkie Pie)
Forest Trees and Morning Tea (Fluttershy)
City Streets and Fancy Eats (Rarity)
Soaring Flight and Scenic Sights (Rainbow Dash)

Chapters (1)

The changelings have been reformed, but many ponies are hesitant to accept them due to their sinister past. Twilight converses with Celestia and Luna about the proper action to take soon after Chrysalis's second defeat, but all three are met with differing opinions.

Chapters (1)

Twilight falls asleep at her desk and Spike remembers all the reasons he loves and cares for her. Shortly after, Twilight returns the favor.

My tags: Heartwarming Relaxing/Descriptive

"Her Faithful Companion" artwork by SpainFischer. Definitely check them out!

Audio reading by Clever Hooves:


Chapters (1)

Celestia has been woken by nightmares of her sister's banishment for a great many years now. She's used to comforting herself back to sleep on these nights. But maybe that's not what she needs.

An unexpected visit from her new student, Twilight Sparkle, may prove to be more helpful than she would have thought. Sometimes, we just need a few kind words and the presence of a friend to make things better.

Cover art was quickly sketched in about an hour by me.

Chapters (1)

The odds of ramming face-first into the same pony twice are high enough, but by the third time you start to question if the universe is doing this on purpose.
Twilight wrestles with how do deal with her rapidly developing crush while said crush helps her find her way around the palace of the Crystal Empire. Feelings are hard, especially when you have zero prior experience with this particular sort.

This is a Flashlight fic, but it was written less as a romance and more as a character study on how Twilight behaves when she's got a crush. Cover art is mine.

Chapters (1)

Princess Twilight Sparkle discovers a fact about alicorn reproduction she never expected.

So do the other princesses.

Editors: Pascoite

Image Credit: Twilight Sparkle Play Doh Eggs from Toy Kingdom (Honest! It surprised me a little too.)
Now on Equestria Daily. Those cruel, cruel people.
And a wonderful reading by Pony and Wolf Productions

Chapters (2)