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A short tail of love and lighthouses, seas and sea ponies.

Placed First in the June 2016 Write-Off Event: In Over Your Head

Chapters (1)

It was a cold winter's day in Canterlot, the snow was falling and ponies huddled close to their partners for warmth. Octavia however, was alone. Exhausted from having to perform three days in a row she was looking forward to the break that Hearth's Warming Eve would bring, even if she had to spend it alone. She had only one performance left before she could take a long needed break.

On her way home from the stage she noticed that it was empty of an audience, confused and angry she heard a strange song coming from nearby. She followed the music, wanting to confront the pony that was stealing her show. What she found was no pony, but a creature she had never seen around before.

Rated Teen for alcohol use in story

Chapters (1)

Daniel decides he's done with the party he's at and thinks it best to head home, but being the responsible 24 year old chooses to walk home. Or should he have just stayed at his friends house.

Chapters (5)

This story is a sequel to Finding Home

Short stories that expand on ideas I didn't fully explore or ended up cutting from Finding Home. Sequels, prequels and expansions to Finding Home. Mostly short stories.

Cover art is by reiduran.

Chapters (53)

After being purged of the darkness at the Fall Formal Sunset was hurt, and badly. She needed a home, and a place in someone's heart.

Luckily for her, Celestia has room for her in both.

Lovingly edited by RK

Chapters (10)

On the one year anniversary of Luna's banishment, Celestia has an honest and open talk with her sister about what went wrong, how it happened, and what she's going to do to fix it.

And hopefully Luna can hear, because Celestia's question will reveal just how much she loves her sister.

Chapters (1)

Losing a sibling can be tough, especially a sister. Rarity tries to cope in the aftermath of sister's unexpected passing as she thinks back about what was and what could have been.

Chapters (1)

Troubled. Disturbed. Stabbed. Entombed.

Sometimes, when you're playing a word game with a magical princess from another world, the words you choose aren't just words.

Dramatic reading by Scribbler and Neighrator Pony!

Now has an authorized sequel, written by Cynewulf!

This is a brief "Humanized Pony Visits Earth" tale, based on a minific I wrote for (but was unable to submit to) the July 2017 "TBD" Writeoff.

Rated "Recommended" by Titanium Dragon! "While the Pony On Earth thing might put some people off, here I felt like it made excellent use of the idea … This is a short and punchy piece, and I think a lot of folks will find it worth their while."

Reviewed by Chris! "It's refreshing to read a story with a clear, explicit moral that nevertheless doesn't beat you over the head."

Reviewed by Present Perfect! "Peering into the darkness of one's own heart is difficult and painful. But this is also about the nature of goodness ... plus, it'll teach you a really unique driving game."

Thanks to Morning Sun for prereading/copy-editing changes, and to Titanium Dragon for the story description.

Chapters (1)

One day, when Rarity was filling out an order for a client, she got interrupted by Rainbow Dash. While originally angry, she made a discovery about the pegasus's hair that might have turned her entire day around...

Commissioned by an anonymous user.

Chapters (2)

A man wakes up in a hospital surrounded by ponies, and learns that he arrived the previous night after carrying a princess to their doors. The princess was terribly injured, and he was pronounced dead upon arrival.

The strangest thing of all? The ponies are more concerned than he is about everything!

...Everything except the Talons of Shadow, of course...

NOTICE: If you do not tell me why you downvoted my story, I have to assume it is the concept you dislike, and not a mistake on my part. If I do not know how to write better, I have no choice but to assume that my writing is not the problem.

Please leave feedback in the comments. Keep notes as you read, if you need to. I love to write, but I need feedback to improve. I need to know I can be good at this, and the only way to be good is to find out where I'm going wrong. Hate comments will be ignored, of course. I expect constructive criticism, not mindless ranting.

Also, if you feel I should have a specific tag, please feel free to suggest it. I am also taking suggestions on groups to submit the story to, if anyone has any ideas.

Chapters (7)