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  • Featured 23557 stories Stories that have been featured on Fimfiction ( Automatically populated! )

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Two thousand years after the return of Princess Luna, Equestria's technology and magic has advanced far enough that the once far off dream of faster than light travel is now a reality.

And that reality is the ES Harmony, the pride of its designer, Princess Twilight Sparkle, and Equestria's first FTL capable starship. It is due to make its maiden voyage to travel further than anypony before it.

And yet when they receive a distress call from origins unknown, this ship's maiden voyage will become one the crew will never forget.

(Featured on 31/7/2016)
(Not a strict crossover with Star Trek, but here Equestria Girls takes place in the Star Trek Universe)

Chapters (30)

Nightmare Moon returns and is hit once again with the Elements of Harmony rendering her a mischievous little filly.
Much to Nightmare Moon’s annoyance, Anon thinks she's cute as all hell and is the only one willing to put up with her antics and evil, so Celestia tasks him with reforming the bundle of misery and mischief.

Cover Image is by EvetsSteve, may he rest in peace.
Chapters 1-21 were converted into prose from my greentext stories with the help of Nav/WhatMustIDo

Chapters (103)

Equis has fallen. Long ago, those few gifted with immortality left their dying world, searching for a new home.

That was ages ago. They have been adrift in space for an eternity, and they have found nothing to brighten their spirits. They are starting to lose hope that there is anything for them out here.

However, what they don't realize is that their journey has just barely begun...

-GM, master of Immortals.

Cover drawn by Little Duke! http://www.fimfiction.net/user/Little+Duke

Edit: Woah. It got on the front page. This has never happened before. Thank you all so much.

Chapters (29)

Maggie Wilson (26), on a smoke break from her dead end convenience store job in the California mountains, encounters the divine god-princess of a dead world. The princess asks for her help. Mag says yes.

So how do you resurrect a dead world?

Featured on EQD.
Edited by Arcanist Ascendant.

Chapters (26)

For a thousand years, there was just Celestia. Then Cadance appeared, Luna returned -- and now Twilight has ascended. There are ponies who are very curious about just what happened, why -- and how. Especially the how. Twilight herself is on that list, a freshly-minted princess with far more questions than answers, about to face a brand new one: what truly makes an alicorn?

And what happens if it goes wrong?

(Part of the Triptych Continuum, which has its own TVTropes page and FIMFiction group. New members and trope edits welcome.)

Now with author Patreon and Ko-Fi pages.

Cover art by Harwick.

Chapters (56)

Dark machinations are at work, and for Rarity, life has taken a turn for the worst. She's now in a place called Ancelstierre on another world, where nopony has ever seen or scarcely even heard of a unicorn before. What dangers lay in wait in this new land of strange magic and mystery? What happened to Rainbow Dash or Pinkie Pie? More importantly, how does she get back home?

Welcome to the Old Kingdom, my little ponies. Magic works quite differently here...

This story runs parallel (as in it happens at the same time as) to the other stories in "The Madverse". Those stories are, A Twilight Landing, My Little Marriage, So Many Wonders, as well as The Mane Two : Contrail, started by Alex Nuage, and currently being written by Ludicrous Lycan. A few other side stories, too. I've written this story with people unfamiliar to the target crossover in mind as well, so approaching this with an open mind is all you need to enjoy the tale. I hope you all enjoy traveling with Rarity and Pinkie through this magical world, whether you are familiar with its mysteries or not. :pinkiesmile:

If you would like, I can send you the books through skype. ( I highly recommend them for a purchase, however.)

Sabriel is a fantasy novel by Garth Nix, published in the year 1995. It is the first in his Old Kingdom trilogy, and is followed by Lirael and Abhorsen. Most everything of substance in this story is the property of him. MLP is Hasbro (duh).

Author's Note

For anypony asking themselves 'why' I chose to crossover for a large piece of these crazy stories, the answer's simple. I had considered that some may not buy into this, but I felt that using established work would add credence and a solid foundation. In other words, that the stories would benefit from a pre-established fantasy setting, rather than one I just made up for the purpose of this series of fics. I can't really say if it was the right decision, but at least you can know that I didn't just throw the rest of the mane six into a sloppily made world rather than one written by a literary genius. (I honestly doubt I could make something as fascinating as this.) With that said, please enjoy.

Chapters (16)

Follow Speaker and his changeling brothers and sisters who, after the events of Canterlot, took it upon themselves to find a new queen. They found a portal in a deep cave and went through it, questionable circumstances aside. Now they find themselves in a world full of humans, and with a new queen!

Meet Catherine and her family as they cope with a gaggle of shape-shifting creatures who really do just want to fit in and be loved.

The problem is, Catherine's parents are not very keen on their daughter chosen to be the new Queen of the Changelings.

And the cat has gone missing.


Some chapters will have musical numbers in them!

The story that inspired the two short stories that lead up to this one!

FimFic Authors are In Your Bed by Admiral Biscuit

Which two stories, you ask?

Link to Estee's short story is here.

Link to my short story is here.

Chapters (19)

Ponyville has grown boring for Rainbow Dash. Sometimes, an entire week will pass between monster attacks.

What's a mare of action to do when her neighbors are all celebrating apples and hard work? When the weather bureau insists on gentle showers and sunny days, instead of something more exciting?

She has to find adventure, obviously. And when an airship captained by a pegasus pony flies through Ponyville one lazy summer day, dragging a flying iceberg behind it, Rainbow Dash realizes this might be the opportunity she's been waiting for.

But nopony ever said adventuring was easy.

Chapters (26)

Princess Cadance's life is fraught with intrigue, chaos, and diplomacy. She has been trained for it—educated, prepared, and hardened by her Aunt Celestia. However, all the training in the world couldn't prepare her for real life. Things only become crazier with the return of her formerly exiled and insane Aunt Luna, and she finds herself responsible for her newfound aunt amid the mysteries in the seaside town of Queensmouth.

A standalone Winningverse story.

Chapters (3)

This story is a sequel to Stormsinger

In wake of the assault on Starfall, Serale Everstar has agreed to her mother's wishes, and will travel the length of Equestria to pay respects to her mother's rival Courts. But burgeoning magical ability and the possibility of traitors around every corner have placed on the young Lady more stress than she could hope to bear alone.

Apprenticed to the Court Mage, Cobblestone, recently a cutpurse and recovering addict, is eager to begin her training in the arcane arts. But her own abilities have attracted the attention of old powers, not all of them with her best interests at heart.

Tasked with protecting his Lady at the cost of his honor, Vino Hedera is young and untested in the field of battle and the art of command. But all is not as it seems among his compatriots, and the greatest danger he faces may well come from within the ranks of those he should be able to trust with his life.

With the forces of the Shadow gathering, pursued by forces both foul and Fae, and unsure of who to turn to, these three ponies may have only each other to rely upon in the face of the most terrible enemy Equestria has ever known. It falls to them to prepare for oncoming war, one in which the stars may shake and the sun itself may fall from the sky.

Book Four of the Sunfall Saga. Book Three to be found here.

Chapters (35)