• Member Since 8th Jun, 2015


Jackie Fing Weeks, the man who can't stay with one name at all! Haha!

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I am the Burnt Ivory king and this is my new life in Equestria. I am now stuck in the land of Technicolor ponies and rainbows

Please before reading this learn about the lore of the souls series from dark souls 1 and 2 to get a better understanding of whats going on in the story.

If you like this story and want similar content take a look at my story Sir Alonne

Chapters (1)

As of this morning everything was normal but at 11:00 Pm when a huge storm hit I was teleported to the land of technicolor ponies! I am now also in the body of my faveorate dark souls boss! ORNSTEIN THE DRAGON SLAYER!!!

Chapters (4)

Lagnus the Raven is a old and very experienced hunter who was once one of the many close apprentices of Gehrman the First Hunter, but what happens when Lagnus is finally killed and ends up in Equestria? Lagnus now finds himself in a alien world filled with pastel colored ponies. Lagnus may think his hunting carrier is over now but little does he know a group of mages with evil intentions had came with him to Equestria. Now the hunt shall begin again...

Warning if you don't know Bloodborne lore or have a rough idea of its story you won't get most references in the story and be able to put together what it all means. But if you wish to continue anyways be my guest. I have also but my own twist into the lore so just be warned lore obsessers. Lore is meant to be taken differently for everyone so if its not up to what Vaati Vidia, or Silver Mont says the lore is remember all lore is interpreted differently for each person!

Anyways guys I have worked for a good month to get this first chapter and the story in general to be up and running so I hope ya'll like it, and I hope it does well!

Editor: Requiem17

Chapters (2)

Limitless Technologies has been part of the leading scientific teams of America ever since their lead researcher Phillip Hadger discovered a limitless supply of energy for the world. They spent the next few years developing 'The Dream Machine', a device that can grant wishes. A contest was held, and a lucky winner was able to find himself at the building of Limitless Technologies.

Kevin Akiyama is your average asian-american, a simple mechanic if you will. All he wanted to do was his job and his hobbies. He entered himself in the contest to use the machine, hoping to become his new favorite manga character Saitama, from One Punch Man. The machine had a price when it was used on him, it turned him into pre-training Saitama and sent him to Equestria. After a minor freak out after meeting his first monster, he spent three years training his body and mind.

Now he has everything Saitama has, and will turn the hero world upside down... Or not bother with that at all and just do this hero stuff so he can actually buy groceries in this horse world, being a car mechanic doesn't really work when all the inhabitants still use carriages.

Chapters (5)

(Undergoing rewrites and edits expect chapters to be down for a while)

"Equestrians have everything. Water, food, love and land. They do not share and they do not accept no as an answer." What will they do when they get the biggest ''No'' they've seen in centuries from a human and his allies?

I take no credit for the cover and any Mlp characters those are owned by hasbro.(they sure are)

Chapters (3)

Idea was given from a story on Reddits r/HFY. Story has also changed course and no longer reflects the singular story, but now many from r/HFY.

They say the being in the Everfree is what you really have to be careful of. With an ax and blood lust, many who entered did not leave. Rumor says the beast can jump to incredible heights, is extremely strong, and is very fast.

The Lumberjack has been living here for ten years and he's made a life for himself deep in the forest, away from the natives. He has territory that the predators wouldn't dream of crossing without permission and he has the resources he needs for a simple life. Too bad everything breaks like paper mache around him.

Chapters (3)

Huh? Oh hey! Didn't see you there! Considering my eyes cant exactly move at the moment.... Anyways! Nice to have an audience! What? You cant hear me? Thats alright, my mouth cant move anyway. So! Your probably wondering how I got here eh? Well, it involves a convention, a costume, and a very stupid decision. Got some cool gloves out of it though! Eh, ok they're not that cool, well to me anyways. Back to what I was saying...
What was I saying?
Eh, it doesnt matter! Because I can feel my prison breaking and my freedom is at hand!
Let freedom ring!!!

Chapters (12)

I'm a brony, big surprise there but I'm proud of it. When given the chance to go to Equestria I wrote it off as the ramblings of a mad man. Boy was I sure wrong, now I'm stuck in the middle of something way over my head in a body three sizes to big trying desperately to reunite a filly with her mother.

Thus begins my days in Equestria, my days as Thud, the mountain troll.

This is set in the chess game of the gods universe with other stories like griffin the griffin and the ballad of echo so enjoy.

All characters and places used with permission from the authors.

Chapters (4)

My name's Adam. Well that's my name this time around, anyways. This isn't the first time I've been alive. I suppose that the best way to describe me would be a reincarnation.
Yeah, so I in the middle of another game. Yes, you heard me right, another game. Seems that the gods get bored easily. Last one that I was in was only 2000 years ago, give or take.
Anyways, here I am, in the middle of 'Equestria', with a newborn god as my sponsor. Well, at least she's fairly powerful.

This story takes place in Rust's and BlackWIng's Chess Game of the Gods universe. It's been approved! Horay!

This is NOT a self insert, I don't do those.

I hesitantly put the romance tag in this, and I may take it out later.

Ponies are owned by Hasbro and/or Habsro

Chapters (10)

Dan was just a normal cowboy, working on his parent's ranch. When a stranger comes to visit, and asks Dan if he wants to go to Equestria, all hell breaks lose. He wakes as a minotaur, and has to fit in with this new world. He gains friends and enemies along the way to enlightenment.
Will he be able to cope with racism as ponies cower from his magnificence?
Will he ever find a way home? Or even want to?
What does the future hold for our hero of the jungle?

Contains country slang and abbreviations, such as turning "Coming" to "Comin" and "Running" to "Runnin".
Contains language inappropriate for some readers.
Contains Gore and Death
Viewer discretion is advised.

Part of the Chess Game of the Gods collab, a universe created by Blackwing and Rust.

Chapters (23)