• Member Since 8th Jun, 2015


Jackie Fing Weeks, the man who can't stay with one name at all! Haha!

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I never wanted this. I had a good life. Granted it wasn't very exciting, and I wasn't exactly the most important person in it, but it was mine. I don't know why you did this, or why you chose me, but I promise you I will find you. I don't know when. I don't know where, but I will find you. Trust me, I've got all the time in the world, thanks to you.

Carlos Aviles was taken from his life and pushed into a role he thought was only fantasy. In a new place, with access to strange knowledge and power, he has to decide what to do with the rest of his life. More importantly, will this new-found purpose change who he is? Or will he hang on to himself?


My take on an old classic. I write this in an attempt to freshen up older cliches, and as an exercise in showing and not telling.

Chapters (3)

Shortly after Tirek's defeat, Celestia chooses to descend back into the depths of Tartarus to have a few choice...words, with the one being who's sole job is to prevent escapes like that of the mad centaurs'. With questions unanswered plaguing her, she decides the only way to silence her fears are to go to its source. To speak to the jailer of Tartarus.

While few know his name and fewer know what he exactly is, many call him by what he does. He is simply, The Warden.

Trigger Warnings: Displaced, Slightly OOC Celestia.

Chapters (3)

It brings...pain.

This is the first story in the Gods of Equestria series.

Ah Puch, the Mayan god of death and the lord of the Ninth Hell is the most fearsome of gods and all mortals tremble before him. He stalks the night with his ghostly owls and drags any mortal he finds straight to his realm. Naturally, he gets sent to Equestria.

Without his hellish realm to shelter in and without his ghastly powers, can this god learn the kindness that was forever denied to him?

Chapters (4)

Time, the ever-flowing measure of action. It is not a physical thing that one can touch or feel, but an abstract thought of the difference between now, then, and later; it is the indefinite continued progress of existence. What happens when one has the ability to control time? He is deemed one of the most powerful beings on the planet, for he can stop you in your tracks without any effort at all.

I am this being.

I control Time.

If you're wondering why this story is canceled, check my blogs. I am rewriting it, and will post the new version under a new title. Do not worry.

Featured on 7/6/14 thank you all!!

And featured again on 3/3/15, after it was canceled!!! What has this world come to?!?!

If you're too lazy to read it yourself, (I don't blame you, I do this myself, sometimes) listen to my good friend, The Naive Narrator, read it on his video, Time Ticks on Chapter one! Give him some love!

This is my first LoHAV/LoHAH story. I know how hated the genera is, because it's so overused, but I like the idea of being taken from your home only to be shoved into a world where you don't belong.

Also, some credit is due in the department of the idea. The steampunk theme was inspired by the story Son of Invention, a great story to read if you like this one. The character of Mike goes to this image. I looked for a long time and the closest I could get to the artist was this page.

Thank you for reading and please tell me what you think in the comments.

PS. Any and all chapters in this story are subject to change without notice. I will periodically go back into past chapters and rewrite something that doesn't mach with what is currently going on, so if something seems off, that would be why. Do not PM me telling me how "you didn't tell us that you changed that" or "but it was like this" or any of that stuff. As mentioned before, I will probably not tell anyone about it.

Chapters (24)

When Luna thinks the lack of elements has left Equestria weak she summons a warrior from beyond the stars to help.

But let hope Discord doesn't get killed by him.

the other tag below is all the character that aren`t tagged as a character, I don`t know how many that's going to be though

Chapters (10)

Meet Joseph Conrad, a regular teenager who has suddenly been thrust into a world of friendship, bright colors, ponies, and mythical beasts. In time he will discover a power only held by humans in this world, a power that will make him godlike. But can he handle the responsibility of this new power? Will he be able to keep his humanity and morals in the face of growing pressure, or will the power go straight to his head? Whether he knows it or not, Joseph will hold the fate of an entire world in his hands, and that fate will become anything he so chooses.

Authors Note: So yeah, this is my second story and I was inspired by a few others to try out a different style. Hopefully it will turn out OK, but be sure to let me know what I can improve on.

I should warn you now that the main OC will be slightly Marie Sue-ish, but this is the type of story that people read to see the main character actually get shit done.

I do not own My Little Pony. My Little Pony is owned by Hasbro and I make no profit from the making of this fic.

Also, there are going to be references, lots of references.

Chapters (6)

I was a basic engineer in my thirties, but I had many side hobbies such as investigation, and chemistry.
One day I came across a certain rumor from a conversation my clients were having, so I decided to investigate this said rumor which is starting to appear more true than people would like. When I went to investigate I decided I would blend into the crowd by making a costume, but that was a fatal flaw that got me trapped in another world. In this new world I must survive and thrive, but I seemed to have dragged something with me. Now it's time to turn back the clock.

Crossover: Wakfu-Tactical RPG game/animated series
Warnings: This shit is obviously cancelled, just turn back there's nothing here to see. The story itself has been rewritten about 4 times already each with their own set of problems and improvements; This story also attempts to deal with multiple characters at once, however, due to how short the chapters are for each character it never truly goes anywhere giving no progress to anyone; This is very clearly displaced meaning it falls under certain tropes at times.

Chapters (7)

Greetings, I am Yetagain. I am a lich that travels the multiverse and tries to make everyone see that necromancy is not inherently evil. I have lived for thousands of years and have made this journal to catalog some of my more significant adventures in the hopes that others may learn from my past. Some of the things I have written here will seem ridiculous and may seem like outright lies but I assure you I have written nothing but the truth. When you find yourself doubting my words simply stop and say to yourself one of the phrases that has kept me sane throughout the years. Stranger things have happened.
(other tags and characters may be added over time, dark now guaranteed to happen eventually but NOT grimdark)

Chapters (9)

[Note: The story will get Gory later chapters, not exaggerated gore just for corpses and small kills.]
Confound these FIM fics! They drive me to make fanfics of colorful equines… Gun Dammit!
Just another Human Me in Equestria, since I know you people love them so much… Yeah, kind of an Asshole in Equestria. There will be bad jokes, good jokes, dark as F**k jokes, action, romance, sadness, sexy bitches (not you winona), paranoia, ninjas, vampires, zombies, all the good stuff in one epic story.

And the fanfic comes with his own miny Grimoire! Isn’t this exiting! Oh yea I forget to tell you guys this fanfic will use serious real magic used in our planet (If you believe in Wicca, Voodoo, and GodNorris).

Here’s the Plot (not sexy Celestias plot… mmm, who wouldn’t tap that).

Vincent is just a normal Shy Necromancer who is sent to Equestria by mistake to obey Nightmare Moon and help her archive her goals. The problem is everything goes to the drain and Vincent is forced to live in Equestria, till he is strong enough to go back to planet earth.

In the meantime will he be able to survive without vodka, will he still end up been an Asshole, will he find true love, will he learn the magic of friendship, and were the hell did he get that Headless Horse! All will be answer as soon you start reading!

Warning this fanfic may cause: Paranoia and Mind F**K
[Not a Clop fic… unless you are willing to help me with that]

Last I am not the owner of Mlp or other references: they each belong to their copyright owners.
This is just fan made.

Chapters (19)

After fighting for a torn, apocalyptic, world a Human is given a chance to experience peace. However he must fight for this peace and become stronger to defend the innocent. On this journey he will discover what he truly stands for, to fight for what is right. And learn wondrous mystical things such as magic and Angelic Martial Arts. He will learn, to be weak, strong and to love.............

Chapters (20)