• Member Since 8th Jun, 2015


Jackie Fing Weeks, the man who can't stay with one name at all! Haha!

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There are many legends whispered among the ponies of Equestria, but none are stranger than that of the metal man that fell from the stars. Legend has it that the metal man's suit of armor still exists to this very day, slumbering the centuries away in the Canterlot Archives ...

Takes place during the season four finale.

Here's some quick background info on what you need to know, seeing as the 40K universe is huge and no one can be expected to know everything.

The Space Marine chapter involved in this story is a little known chapter known as the Celestial Lions, who are a descendant of the Imperial Fists. They were targeted for destruction by the Inquisition after defying them on an Exterminatus that was due to purge a world the Lions had fought for and saved. They fought during the Third War for Armageddon mainly, and during the fighting, they were reduced from 950+ battle brothers to just 96. Their numbers are even lower now, due to events that will be explored during this story.

Edited and Proofread by the amazing Loyalist. He's seen some heresy.

Featured on 4/26/15 and again on 7/25/15

Chapters (3)

Tirek is defeated and Twilight is princess of friendship, but all is not well in Equestria. An ancient force has been released and prepares to plunge the land into misery. Only true friendship can stop it, but in order to do so, the mane six must confront the shadows within themselves. Old wounds reopen and old memories surface as our heroes face despair itself and find that the evil at work is greater than anypony could imagine. There are some spoilers in this story if you haven't seen the season 4 finale or Rainbow Rocks, as this takes place right after those. It has a lot of chapters but they are mostly very short, less than 2000 words each.

Thanks to Silverbirch for the cover art.
Update: Apologies for the abrupt and unfinished ending. College, work, and family has been very strenuous for the past 2 years and when I wrote the latest chapter I knew that I may not be able to get back to this for a long time. I intended an epilogue and sequel and to come back and improve the story, but time is something I have had little of for a long time. I don't know if and when I'll be able to complete this and I'm sorry for that, you deserve better. I will try to finish this and give it the ending I envisioned.
Update: It is complete, thank you dear reader if you followed me all the way through this journey.

Chapters (27)

Hi, my name is Kaiyo, but you can call me Delta. In fact, I would even go so far as to say don't call me Kaiyo. I don't know why I stopped using my name, but now... Delta just feels like me. Anyway, this all started one day when my sister and I went to a convention, and I went as Subject Delta while my sister went as Merry Nightmare.
I had a feeling about that guy, sold me a jar of Adam with the infinity sign on it and told me all of the stuff that'll come with it, but I ignored it. Now, now I'm an adoptive father for a strange creature in a world that feels familiar, and I'm also turned into Subject Delta.

Chapters (6)

My name's John. I guess my last name doesn't really matter any more. Life is ironic, isn't it? Life nurtures all kinds of species that can get along, but it also creates the species that kills others. In fact, there are some species, who's sole purpose is the death of everything but itself. I'm talking about diseases, of course. Viruses, bacteria, fungi, and even parasites. All my life, I found these things interesting. I loved studying them, so naturally I grew up to be an epidemiologist. When I wasn't studying diseases or doing other basic functions, I was playing one of my favorite games, Plague Inc. It's a game where you try to wipe out humanity using diseases. Over the years, I've become a master of the game, to the point where it isn't really a challenge anymore.

But, that all changed when the game sucked me into itself, and I wind up in a strange land, with even stranger creatures. But that isn't all. I've somehow gained the ability to create and control every single disease I can think of. Now, I have to survive in this harsh world, knowing that I'm one step away from wiping out the entire planet.

Like I said, life is ironic, right?

[Displaced fic]

To any newcomers reading this fic, I want to point this out. The story may seem confusing in the first five chapters, as I was trying to figure out how I want to write the story. I won't be getting rid of any chapters, but some small points might contradict each other across both of them. These points hopefully won't affect much of the future.

Chapters (7)

The life of a villain can have its highs and lows. You have to build it up, mold yourself based on what you want to be. The bar for being the villain isn't that high. Hell, all you have to do is preform some evil deed.

An evil overlord on the other hand, that takes things like planning and common sense. You can't just expect to get what you want by throwing magic bombs or having some dastardly plot that has so many holes in it that it will inevitably fail when some heroic group decides to put you under.

It's even harder when you have magic powered deities who will stand in your way, like what I have right now. So no, it's not easy. Sorry buddy, domination of anything takes time.

Back to me though.

The multiverse is filled with countless possibilities. I am now a member of this mess of worlds and universes. Now in a land unknown to those who haven't watch a kid's show, within a body foreign to me, I must face those who are considered gods.

My old identity matters little and I only have one purpose now. And unlike those colleagues of mine, very kind of me to consider my fellow villains colleagues, I have a plan to outdo those who would stand in my way.

So join me on my little quest and watch as an evil overlord builds his way to the top. After all, we all know you came to see the villain, not some ridiculous heroic youth embarking to face the forces of evil.

I am Makuta Teridax, Master of Shadows.

Let's face it, everyone's rooting for the villain............

I just want to thank all of you who have supported my story A New Wheel. I also want to thank Ssendam the Masked, the one who inspired me to start writing displaced fics with his own Teridax.

[This is a Displaced Fic]

[Will have foul language and violence]

Chapters (10)


A writer, after having disappeared from the site over a year ago, comes across his old story and sees how bad the writing is. Deciding that he could fix this, presses the button he had set aside for such an emergency... The Game Has Been Reset, and with this comes a whole maelstrom of changes. The characters will have actual character! The story will make more sense! The writing won't be as rushed! I'll seriously try to update it more frequently... let's go to this new world with old friends!

Warnings below still apply, as well as the story it's based on. Also HUGE WARNING: I haven't watched the show in a long, long while. I might write down things that are not canon with the new episodes, sorry, but I will not be watching the new episodes to fix this.


Four guys never realized that their lives could change so much. Each of them had dreams of the future, soon all they can think about is their survival in the present.

Gore is going to be used somewhat, sex is only some sexual themes.

Inspiration and credit goes to Neoandermcd for his story Gamers in Equestria. All characters belong to their respective companies. Feedback is welcomed and appreciated.

SF = Street Fighter
MK = Mortal Kombat
GTA = Grand Theft Auto
SSB = Super Smash Brothers

Chapters (14)

Princess Celestia young and foolish had commited a grave error. Long ago to create her empire she tried to eliminate any threat and gain any power she could to protect her kingdom. In one such gambit she tried to recruit the King of Storms. An alicorn with full control over the weather when he fought back she ended him with the elements of harmony. In doing so she lost the power setting it free as a ghost that none should summon the storm. The king however put a spell on his power making it seek a new host with one condition, the host could not be equine.

Chapters (7)

While rooting through some older books in the canterlot library, Princess Celestia stumbles across a tome entitled, "Conjure Dremora Lord". Confidant in her spellcasting and taking all the necessary precautions, she decides to experiment with the spell. With this fearsome creature as her new most faithful companion and bodyguard, things begin to change around canterlot rather quickly.

Chapters (1)

An Enderman wakes up in Equestria due to mysterious cricumstances, how will he cope with the fact everything is no longer Cubic and these new beings that he has never
met before.
Yeah I suck at these

Credit for pic goes to TheElusiveQuill

Chapters (9)

John Smith, the one and only Human In Equestria. He has been there for a few months, and has been feeling, Lonely. He has been craving the touch of another being like himself. One Night, as he gazes at the moon, he wishes for just that. The Next morning, which was the Summer Sun Celebration, a strange female creature, lizard like, but humanoid like John, appears in Ponyville square, completely nude. Because of these slight similarities, John is tasked with getting to know and learning about the "Argonian" as she calls herself. he accepts the task, wanting to get to know her better. Slowly, she opens up to him, and he finds out secrets that she holds. But as he finds out more about her, he begins to connect with her, and their friendship evolves into something more

Chapters (1)