• Member Since 4th Jul, 2015


Male to female crossdresser , Has tenddencies to scream (when scaired ) or cry like a girl ,Loves My Little Pony ( Hugh Fan ) and Loves Dragons ( And loves to go shopping for women's clothes ) ^_^

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Team Yankee is an armor-heavy company, or 'team', composed mainly of M1 Abrams tanks. Their parent unit, the 1st Battalion of the 4th Armored, is stationed in southern Germany to help defend against possible Soviet attacks. Under the command of Captain Sean Bannon, the team is quickly placed on the border during a period of high tensions with the Warsaw Pact during the late 1980's. Though there is nothing special about this particular team, they will quickly find themselves in a very unique situation.

Notes: Prior knowledge of the book is not required.
Rated Teen for harsh language and some gore.
My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic created by Lauren Faust and owned by Hasbro.
Team Yankee written by Harold Coyle.

Chapters (8)

Lieutenant Rodger T. Laurence, a pilot in the United States Navy, had just taken off from the USS Wasp on a routine recon mission. Mid-flight, Rodger experienced an event that he could never have imagined. Miraculously, the stunned pilot finds himself in foreign skies with no way of contacting home, and is greeted by an unexpected inhabitant of this strange new land.

Chapters (11)

When a deep state of depression hits him, Drew realizes that his only option is put an end to his own life, but what happens if a certain blue Alicorn doesn't want him to die?

Follow Drew in his journey into a completely new world, a world of hope, joy and pastel ponies!

A.N. yes, I know, this is another "human in Equestria" story...

Chapters (6)

Second note, pay Spartan-117a vist. He's a poser and giant liar
A U.S. Marine is somehow sent to Equestria after a special operation involving a high value target goes wrong. He finds himself alone, wondering just how he will get home, if he can get home. Can he figure out how he got there, and if so, will he like the answer to his question?

Just a little shout out to our men and women in uniform who defend our nation from tyrants, and those who wish to corrupt and interrupt our very way of life, thank you and stay safe. (You too Bronies who are currently serving).

A/N: This isn't some Call of Duty/ video game crap. The places mentioned are real and do have significance, along with some people. Also to note is if you're here to read this because you think it's video game related, I pity you, please leave. Other than that, enjoy.

Chapters (17)

Where the HELL am I? Last thing I knew me and my spotter were providing overwatch for a convoy but now I'm in a forest that was no where near my position. I know this because with all that green it would easily stand out in all the sand. Is there any possible way that I can get home or am I going to be stuck here with all these weird talking horse things?

Chapters (16)

During a dogfight that takes place above the sea, an F-15 pilot is shot down causing him to plummet towards the ocean, but what happens when his plane crashes in a small field surrounded by a forest?

*Warning: Cursing, minor gore.*
*This is my first story, but feel free to point out anything that bothers you.*
*Multiple POV*

*Didn't go so well when I first released this but thanks to everyone's tips and criticism, the story is going much better now, thank you everyone!*

My little pony belongs to Lauren Faust and Hasbro, the rights to the music used belong to the creators.

Chapters (8)

When a United States Army Ranger arrives in Equestria, the land is plauged by chaos, even the Royal guards cannot fight them off. Befriended by the mane six, the soldier is hired to help guard and fight for Equestria...

A reposting of a story on fanfiction.net


Author has consented

I remember noticing some grammar errors when reading this first time, unfortunately I'm too lazy to correct. If you guys'll comment on them, I'll fix 'em.

Chapters (47)

As long as there have been humans, people have disappeared without explanation; and as long as there has been militaries, there have been those who go missing. In 1986 I was one of those who vanished into the land of Equestria. At the time I was flying an F-14 Tomcat with the U.S. Navy's VF-84 fighter squadron. But life has a funny way of getting in the way of our plans and causes us to create new ones. My story was one of many. Along the way I got to know many famous people and help improve the nation of Equestria. I now write my story and hope you enjoy.

~James Jones, Royal Equestrian Air Force

New side story here.

Chapters (41)

Following the harrowing experiences of D-Day and the Battle of Normandy, Sergeant Matthew Baker prepares to lead his squad of new and old faces in the infamous Operation Market-Garden. However, they get blown a little off course along the way. Now stuck in Equestria, Baker must do his best to help the ponies, confront his past, and lead his men back home. But, one man can only do so much.

Notes: Prior knowledge of the game is not required, but would be useful.
Rated Teen for harsh language and some gore.
My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic created by Lauren Faust and owned by Hasbro.
Brothers in Arms developed by Gearbox Software and published by Ubisoft.

Chapters (16)

Forged in air combat, the best of the best, the F-22 Raptor. The best aircraft on the planet, soon to be the best and first aircraft in Equestria. An ace pilot is transported to Equestria, he has to learn to get along with a peaceful race of ponies.

Chapters (2)