Human Stories 128 stories



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Four years ago, Shining Armor’s parents died in a horrific car accident, leaving him and his wife to take care of his little sister, Twilight Sparkle. There isn’t a thing that he wouldn’t do for her, yet there are times when it feels like there isn’t anything he can do for her. To him, the time she spent under his care has been nothing but a long string of him letting her down.

All things considered, it is understandable that she wouldn’t want to spend a day reserved for celebrating one’s parents with him.

After all, he is not Twilight’s father, and she’s not his daughter, right?

An official entry in my Harmony and Valor series.

Cover art by the talented PaulySentry.

Rated Teen for mild language.

Featured on Fimfiction somewhere between June 15 and June 16.

Now has its own TVTropes page.

Chapters (1)

Adagio reflects on her fascination with Daring Do as she attempts to write her first fanfiction.

Preread by Cerulean Voice!

Chapters (1)

Rainbow Dash wants to get better at writing, so she tries her hand at prompt writing.

Sunset Shimmer is not impressed with the results.

Edited by Rainedash!

Chapters (1)

Trixie was looking forward for her cruise trip on her summer vacation, but was ruined the moment she met up with a member of the Rainbooms and the Dazzlings and ended up on a trip with them. Just when her day couldn't get any worse, their ship was caught in a hurricane and then ended up stranded on a desert island. As Pinkie and Sonata were busy having fun, Trixie was determined to get herself off of this island without losing any more of her sanity.

Cover art designed by me.

Constructive criticism welcomed!

Chapters (13)

Everyone has embarrassing stories, things they'd happily take to the grave with them.

Not if Rainbow Dash has anything to say about it.

Chapters (1)

Lyra Heartstrings finally achieves her dream of traveling to the other world. In a new body, and living among a different species, she experiences new things and discovers what’s most important to her. But will she ever return home?

Chapters (8)

She wish they would remember their bond of friendship.
Sunset Shimmer and her friends separated since they graduated from high school.
They haven't talked to each other in years.
They have gotten new friends and carried on with their lives.
But one day, Sunset Shimmer remembered the deep bond they had, and tries to rekindle their deep friendship.

Edited by the awesome Malozi. Check his stuff out. You will not be disappointed.

Chapters (4)

Soarin and Rainbow Dash are always bickering. Always. In fact, if Twilight didn't know better, she'd think that they didn't like each other.

Of course, that's not the case at all.

Takes place after Friendship Games

Chapters (1)

This story is a sequel to Expulsion

Sonata Dusk, once lost and unsure, is living proof that people can change. When she realizes how hard it is to make amends and regain the respect of her peers, she will make an attempt to do some good, so the students of Canterlot High could see who she really is.

Setting up a café sounds like a great start.

Chapters (2)

Sunset Shimmer, once overbearing and rude, is living proof that people can change. When she finds out that the Dazzlings are being expelled from Canterlot High for their crimes, she will make an attempt to understand their past and salvage their future.

Even if she can help only one of them, she believes it's worth it.

Chapters (1)