Human Stories 128 stories



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When Timber told the story of Gaia Everfree to the campers at Camp Everfree, Applejack laughed it off as a silly bedtime story. Before the night is through, however, she will find out that even the toughest of girls needs some friendly support every now and then.

Chapters (1)

Reports of magic being used in Canterlot High School has caught the attention of a secret organisation. Not too much attention, as it’s probably nothing to worry about, but enough to require some kind of investigation.

The agent assigned to the area is a junior recruit named Sweetie Drops, codename Bon-Bon, who is about to find this mission to be her most challenging yet. Challenging for a number of reasons.

Proofread by the wonderful docontra and Soren Mercer

Chapters (19)

Pinkie Pie is the owner of Sugarcube Corner Café! Everyday she serves her clients with a smile and offers the best sweets on the town. One day, a dark, lonely man comes to her little coffeehouse and brings a cold wind to her castle.

Will Pinkie submit to the melancholy of the old man? Or perhaps fate has a task for her that could lead him to inner peace?

Chapters (1)

It's time for the Little Miss Canterlot pageant, and with her friends and sister supporting her, Sweetie Belle is hoping to take home the crown.

Cover art commissioned from SJArt117.

Chapters (1)

Rarity is eager to gossip about the boys at Canterlot High School. So she invites a couple of her new friends along to do so. They're only too happy to oblige.

I mean honestly, how much experience can three immortal sirens stuck in the bodies of nubile sixteen year olds really have?

Rated teen and tagged with sex due to the subject matter discussed
Contains: real world references

Edited by: AutumnBramble
She has the patience of a saint, and described in depth how the heck speech tags work. So a huge thank you to her.

Chapters (1)

Principal Celestia and Vice-Principal Luna receive a rather interesting petition from their students. Soon, Canterlot High undergoes some vital changes.

Preread by Bootsy Slickmane

Chapters (1)

The sixth installment in Fuzzy's and Misago's shared Shipping Project.

Some reunions are more bitter than sweet.

Fuzzy and Misago ship mares like FedEx! Each of these will be published separately:
Sunset Shimmer x Berry Punch
Bon Bon x Cadance
Cherry Jubilee x Cheerilee
Celestia x Amira
Rarity x Chrysalis
Rarity x Celestia
Twilight Velvet x Cookie Crumbles
Aria x Fluttershy
Rainbow Dash x Nightmare Moon
Twilight x Sonata
Chrysalis x Flurry Heart
Luna x Sweetie Belle
Sugarcoat x Fleur de Lis
Sunset x Sonata
Ember x Rarity
Fleur x Photo Finish
Nightmare Moon x Chrysalis
Applejack x Adagio
Luna x The Mane-iac (Coming Soon!)

Chapters (2)

Shortly after the events of Friendship Games, Sunset Shimmer, Applejack, Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy have a casual conversation.

Rainbow Dash then mentions about Sunset's transformation during the games, and how she resembles a certain animal. Sunset is not amused.

Day 3 of my Self-Imposed 31 Fics in 31 Days Challenge

Chapters (1)

Pinkie Pie runs into Lyra on her walk. But the sidewalk was only made for one person at a time. Apparently Lyra thinks that should be her, but Pinkie has other thoughts.

Chapters (1)

Vice Principal Luna gets a call from Principal Celestia to come to her office.

One problem, though... Celestia's drunk.

A writing practice from Rated Ponystar!

Coverart made for me by Aunt Celestia!

Chapters (1)