Human Stories 128 stories



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The fourteenth installment in Fuzzy's and Misago's shared Shipping Project.

There's nothing quite like your first.

Fuzzy and Misago ship mares like FedEx! Each of these will be published separately:
Sunset Shimmer x Berry Punch
Bon Bon x Cadance
Cherry Jubilee x Cheerilee
Celestia x Amira
Rarity x Chrysalis
Rarity x Celestia
Twilight Velvet x Cookie Crumbles
Aria x Fluttershy
Rainbow Dash x Nightmare Moon
Twilight x Sonata
Chrysalis x Flurry Heart
Luna x Sweetie Belle
Sugarcoat x Fleur de Lis
Sunset x Sonata
Ember x Rarity
Fleur x Photo Finish
Nightmare Moon x Chrysalis
Applejack x Adagio
Luna x The Mane-iac (Coming Soon!)

Chapters (1)

**Friendship Games Spoilers**

Just days after the Friendship Games, Sunset Shimmer finds their world's Twilight Sparkle staring at what's left of the Wondercolt statue. The two then have a conversation about what it means to have been a monster, what it will take to move on from it, and what it all means for who they are.

Chapters (1)

The thirteenth installment in Fuzzy's and Misago's shared Shipping Project.

Before the Friendship Games, Sugarcoat was crushing it at a different game with completely different stakes.

Fuzzy and Misago ship mares like FedEx! Each of these will be published separately:
Sunset Shimmer x Berry Punch
Bon Bon x Cadance
Cherry Jubilee x Cheerilee
Celestia x Amira
Rarity x Chrysalis
Rarity x Celestia
Twilight Velvet x Cookie Crumbles
Aria x Fluttershy
Rainbow Dash x Nightmare Moon
Twilight x Sonata
Chrysalis x Flurry Heart
Luna x Sweetie Belle
Sugarcoat x Fleur de Lis
Sunset x Sonata
Ember x Rarity
Fleur x Photo Finish
Nightmare Moon x Chrysalis
Applejack x Adagio
Luna x The Mane-iac (Coming Soon!)

Chapters (1)

Spoilers for "Legend of Everfree".

For her life, miracles were only told around the campfire by passing campers each year. In all her life, Gloriosa Daisy had never hoped that any tale of magic could possibly be true. Yet, in her darkest hour, an hour brought upon by greedy wolves and starving vultures, her hopes were all she had left. And sadly, they were answered.

It was fear that led her down an unknown path.

Chapters (1)

The twelfth installment in Fuzzy's and Misago's shared Shipping Project.

Sometimes you're the guardian of foal's dreams, sometimes you're a metaphor for adulthood.

Fuzzy and Misago ship mares like FedEx! Each of these will be published separately:
Sunset Shimmer x Berry Punch
Bon Bon x Cadance
Cherry Jubilee x Cheerilee
Celestia x Amira
Rarity x Chrysalis
Rarity x Celestia
Twilight Velvet x Cookie Crumbles
Aria x Fluttershy
Rainbow Dash x Nightmare Moon
Twilight x Sonata
Chrysalis x Flurry Heart
Luna x Sweetie Belle
Sugarcoat x Fleur de Lis
Sunset x Sonata
Ember x Rarity
Fleur x Photo Finish
Nightmare Moon x Chrysalis
Applejack x Adagio
Luna x The Mane-iac (Coming Soon!)

Chapters (1)

Equestria is full of all kind of strange and magical things, from mystic evil amulets to flying cities, even cannons that shoot cake batter. But there's one thing that Sunset never expected to find in the human world: bubble wrap.

Edited by Nugget Thank you for all the help!

Cover Picture by:Luminaura Art used with permission.

Featured on 01/12/2017

Chapters (1)

This story is a sequel to Asking a Favor

Sunset Shimmer has an interesting encounter with this world's version of a horse when she goes to help Applejack on the farm. This leads into a conversation that gets a bit more introspective than Sunset was probably hoping for when she came over that day. Sometimes you just need to hear the right advice from a friend though, and Applejack is plenty happy to oblige.

Set between the first Equestria Girls movie and Rainbow Rocks. Part of a series of fics I've been working on about Sunset's early days learning how friendship works, which starts with my previous story Asking a Favor. Can absolutely be read as a standalone though.

Rated Teen for one double entendre joke that I feel keeps it just out of E territory.

Chapters (1)

Sunset's favorite jacket is looking pretty beaten up after that whole rainbow laser explosion, and she doesn't know the first thing about fixing leather. Obviously she knows someone who could help her, someone who's already agreed to be her friend. But after everything she's done, she doesn't really think she's in a position to be asking favors. She hasn't earned anyone's friendship yet, and she certainly doesn't deserve anyone's help. Still, she's got no other options. So she'll just have to swallow her pride and beg Rarity to take some pity on her.
Rarity certainly has her work cut out explaining to her how friendship works.

Set after Equestria Girls, but before Rainbow Rocks. No shipping. Just awkward, self-loathing Sunset and generous, understanding Rarity.

Chapters (1)

On her first night in the human world, Twilight discovers she's not alone in the CHS library.

Written for Sunset Shimmer Day, and based on a scene from the Equestria Girls Holiday Special where we see Sunset living in the CHS library.

Chapters (1)