Human Stories 128 stories



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Ever wondered what Sunset does for a job? Mechanic, maybe? Computer analyst, perhaps? How about a waitress at a sushi bar?

Wait... what was that last one?

Silly little thing I came up with after the reveal of the "Sunset Sushi" Mini (which is utterly adorable!}

Chapters (1)

After saving Camp Everfree, Sunset Shimmer just wants to kick and celebrate like any typical teenaged girl. Or at least as typical as one can be when you now possess magic powers that let you see into the hearts and minds of others.

But memories are a fickle thing, and when Sunset Shimmer runs into her ex-boyfriend, she soon discovers that even a memory can be deceptive.

Special thanks to SolidFire for his editing work.
Cover art by Ponut Joe (can't link cause super-NSFW tumblr)

Chapters (1)

Sunset Shimmer wears a leather jacket, walks with confidence, and used to be the school bully. So it's only obvious that she could probably kick anybody's ass.

Tonight, she's having her friends over and they're going to find out just how true that statement really is.

Edited by: Autumn Bramble

Apparently someone made a Spanish translation of this fic, so that's pretty rad.

Chapters (1)

One night while hanging out with her boyfriend, Sunset Shimmer finds herself falling ill with the flu. Despite Sunset assuring him it's no problem, Flash insists on assisting.

Takes place before the events of the first Equestria Girls movie.
Pre-read by DragonShadow, Samey90, and Phoenix Frost

Chapters (1)

Miss Cheerilee is out shopping and happens to bump into Miss Harshwhinny at a Hallmark store, who's looking for just the right card for the occasion.

Chapters (1)

Sunset is a pretty skilled person. But just how many things can Sunset do, Rainbow has to wonder.

Contains spoilers for Legends of Everfree


Chapters (2)

With the intramural soccer championships in full swing, team captain Indigo Zap is riding high. But one day after practice, old rivals show up equipped with trash talk that cuts right through Indigo's confidence and straight to her heart.

Just as she's about to give in, Rainbow Dash arrives to remind her what's really important.

Part of the Montage Cinematic Universe.

Cover Art: Jabbie / Edits: FSSZilla

Chapters (1)

This story is a sequel to Subconscious Being

After surprisingly coming to life, Midnight Sparkle is more than ready to tackle on the adventure called life. Her "sister" doesn't really share her excitement. Velvet and Nightlight are pretty much lost. Shining Armor is as unhelpful as always. Cadance feels guilty. And the Rainbooms are ready to pull off another rainbow-laser-beam exorcise.

[Tags added as needed]

Chapters (5)

This story is a sequel to Cracks

The Regional Science Fair. The five top schools in the region are competing and sending their best and brightest. Among those five are Canterlot High School, Crystal Prep Academy, and the Science Fair's host school, Everton Engineering Academy...the school whose independent study program Twilight Sparkle once applied to.

Twilight Sparkle is among the representatives from CHS attending the Science Fair. Sunset Shimmer and the other girls all have their own things going on and can't be there to cheer her on. It's Twilight's first time away from her new friends since leaving Crystal Prep. At the Science Fair, she runs into some old familiar faces...

...and the most dangerous foe her world has ever faced.

Can Twilight Sparkle and her former schoolmates save the world when the friends she's come to rely on are scattered?

Commissioned through Patreon. Find out how you can commission a story today!

Chapters (2)

Midnight Sparkle never really went away, she just stalked Sunset Shimmer for a while. Now, a couple of hours after Twilight's incident Sunset has a magic obsessed roommate who insists on following her to CHS. Oh, and she will be attending class as well, Principal Celestia already approved the paperwork. It is going to be one interesting year.

Rated Teen for some light raunchy banter.

Chapters (1)