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The girls are having a sleepover during the holiday season, and as usual it's on him to make the treats for them. This time, however, he may have a harder time than he expects.

The second story in my December Christmas Carol writing project: this story is based off of the carol 'The Christmas Song' ("Chestnuts roasting on an open fire...")

Rated T for one instance of pretty bad language.

Chapters (1)

After being sold a "magical" necklace from Trixie, Queen Chrysalis believes she is completely invisible, and begins systematically ruining the lives of Twilight Sparkle and everyone around her.

Sadly, Chrysalis is not invisible. Not even close.

Artwork by Ernestboy.

Chapters (1)

The day after Hearth's Warming, Snowfall Frost thinks back to her encounter with Applejack and decides that maybe she hasn't learned her lesson, not entirely. Maybe she needs a refresher.

It's time to put the romance back in necromancy.

Chapters (3)

The second changeling attack on Equestria has helped the Royal Crystaller Sunburst in getting a fresh perspective on several aspects of his life.

One particular aspect comes into focus when Shining Armor and Cadance offer him a weekend off, and he's temporarily alleviated from all responsibility of Flurry Heart.

Cover art by legionattack @ deviantart.

Chapters (10)

(Takes place after "Rock Solid Friendship". Proofread by yodajax10 on FiMFiction and Smity1038 on Deviant Art.)

Starlight has put up with a lot having Trixie as a friend. Nopony ever said friends were perfect, and Starlight has been willing to give Trixie the benefit of the doubt for some time now.

But after Trixie accidentally infects Starlight with poison joke when she doesn't listen to Starlight's warnings, Starlight starts to question if being friends with Trixie is really worth it, and threatens to break off their friendship if Trixie can't learn to listen.

While Maud tries to help Starlight calm down and reconsider her actions, Trixie seeks help from Twilight to figure out how to best apologize to Starlight and show that she's changed. But are Maud and Twilight up to the task of healing a broken bond? Or will Trixie lose her closest and best friend?

Chapters (1)

Part of the Wibblyverse continuity.

They have ruled for generations and lived for millennia. Their whims move the heavens and shape the earth. Their powers are immense. They are the Princesses. In these brief tales of weird terror, readers will be plunged into the darkness that lies behind the thrones of Equestria.

Find out what truly makes an alicorn in the Transition of Twilight Sparkle, a tale of transformation, terror, and getting 'the Talk' from your mother figure.

When Shining Armor tries to give his wife a massage, the force of an alicorn's uncontrolled power sweep across an empire in Liquid Crystal!

In Your Dreams sees Princess Luna, Defender of the Night, face off against what may be a force too great even for her; Pinkie Pie, loose in the Dreamworld.

In Call of Cthulestia, the Sun Princess considers her sister's banishment on its five-hundredth anniversary.

A bizarre object appears in Ponyville square, and everypony in town has a different idea of what it could be. The only way to truly describe it is as That Thing.

Over three thousand years ago, Luna and Celestia officially met with their new subjects for the first time. It could have gone better. Read about their first days of ruling under the tutelage of Starswirl the Bearded and other advisors in Be Not Afraid.

Ponyville's premier mailmare finds herself in a strange situation when she finds a shapeless figure in her basement in The Shape of Outer Time. The Doctor is in, and Ditzy only wants to know more...

During a visit from the Pie family for Pinkie's birthday, an ancient intelligence locked away in an ancient gemstone wreaks havoc on Ponyville in Rock of Ages. At least, it tries its best.

And more unearthly tales await!

Chapters (5)

After Nightmare Night, Zecora gets a special idea, and uses her costume to make a name for herself as the rapper Z-stripe

Chapters (1)

Sunburst too, is blind to much, but this doesn't stop him from being an excellent teacher. He lives a quiet life of excellence, unaware of his own greatness, blind to his own goodness. Teacher, friend, trusted advisor, lover, Sunburst is many things to many ponies.

Flurry Heart, his beloved student, tries his patience something awful.

An entry in the Weedverse.

Chapters (4)

Fifteen years in the future, Flurry Heart is now a grown teenager and Princess of the Crystal Empire. Over the years she's been taught by her parents and Aunts powerful magical spells and the lessons of growing up.

In the present year Twilight and the others are awoken by a loud sound resonating in the castle. Looking to see what it was they saw a young Alicorn mare who claims to be Twilight's niece from the future. Their morning just went from normal to weird.

Chapters (2)

With the Helping Hooves Music Festival behind her, Coloratura must decide how to plan her future and turns to Applejack for support.

Chapters (1)