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If you wish to be angry at those that surround you, you will soon find yourself alone. The best thing to do is forgive your friends and family for past wrongs. Life is too short to be angry with your loved ones.

Warning: This story may make you cry. Read this story with care.

Chapters (1)

Everypony who has ever been surrounded by the love of a family relies on them. But what if you lost them in one of the worst ways possible?

Being disowned by your family isn't the best feeling in the world. It is a major tragedy nopony should go through. Good thing for Pear Butter Buttercup, comfort is on its way.

Chapters (1)

After three years of marriage, and things being a bit frosty with Granny Smith. Bright Mac and Pear Butter have received some news that will effect their lives going forward. Bright Mac rushes to tell his friends, Buttercup is left alone with Granny Smith.

What happens when an Apple and a Pear Tree come together.

Chapters (1)

Big Macintosh knows himself. He knows how life works on the farm. And he definitely knows that ponies don’t return once their lives are over.

But when somepony Big Mac doesn’t expect begins appearing at Sweet Apple Acres, he finds the biggest questions lie not with the visitor, but with himself.

A draft of this story appeared in the February 2018 Writeoff, "No Turning Back." Editing assistance by Xepher and Moosetasm! Featured on FimFiction 31Mar.2018 :heart:

Chapters (1)

The Life of a Wonderbolt can be daring, demanding and dangerous. And yet, even the most elite flyers of Equestria are ponies, in the end.

Spitfire, like the rest of her team, knows that fact only too well. She knows that a Wonderbolt has to not only cope with stress, but with a certain set of routines, as well.

The proud Captain of the Wonderbolts wakes up to just another day of work. There’s nothing she’d rather do.

Edited by Samey90. Thanks a ton for the help, bud!

Chapters (3)

Being a Wonderbolt doesn't mean you're infallible. It doesn't mean you always have to win no matter what. It does mean, however, that you have to set an example for other ponies to follow.

Spitfire doesn't feel like she did that at the Equestria Games tryouts. Even though her intentions weren't as callous as they appeared, she still feels awful about doing wrong by Rainbow Dash and Soarin'. Luckily, she has a great team that will hear her out even when she screws up.

My mini-epilogue to the episode Rainbow Falls.

Chapters (1)

No matter how high a pegasus flies, they are bound to fall one way or another. For some, the fall is far less literal than others. Sometimes a pony can fall on the inside.

Such can be said for Spitfire who, after a botched routine, thinks that perhaps her days as the Wonderbolts captain are numbered.

Fluttershy sets out to prove her otherwise.

Chapters (1)

After her second loss to Twilight Sparkle, Trixie has moved on, done the hard yards, and worked to be the best magician Equestria has ever seen. A small altercation with Spitfire, captain of the Wonderbolts, gives Trixie reason to question why they have "The Greatest Show in Equestria"

Takes place before Season 6, (as the idea was spawned around S4 and written in pieces, scrapped and re-written countless times since)
Initially was going to be a multi-chapter story involving the two, but I don't think I'm capable of writing something like that.
Comments, suggestions and ideas welcome, let's have at it.

Chapters (1)

It was all passion and confidence in the way of judgement, both of which almost led to her to be booted from the Academy. Almost. Offered a second chance, Lightning Dust must prove to her peers she can reign in her ego and work together with her squadmates.

But nothing is ever easy. Humiliation. Doubt. Fear. Can she overcome such tribulations?

Cover Art: Mirta-Riga

Chapters (1)