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"If I hadn't blown the whole thing years ago, I could be flying up there right now. With her, with them, the Wonderbolts. But... would I be better off for it?"

After being expelled from the Wonderbolts Academy, Lightning Dust traveled around Equestria in search of herself. Then, many years later, after a hard day of working she went to a bar and ran into the last pony she ever expected to meet again.

Who is jealous of who, though?

Written for the Everfree Northwest 2015 Iron Author Competition

Chapters (1)

While lazing around one day Rainbow Dash gets a visit from Gilda who is freaking the hay out! The reason behind this is fairly simple, she is to be crowned queen after accidentally finding the lost Idol of Boreas. She does not want to be queen but the other griffons wont take no for an answer. So she ran away to ask for Rainbow's help on the matter.

Just got a quick update, errors should be gone.

Edited by: KillerShadow 15

Chapters (1)

Sunset Shimmer, the protege of Princess Twilight, originally planned to wear her mentor's old Mare-Do-Well costume to a Nightmare Night party. A near-disaster that evening drove her to keep it, taking up the role of Equestria's newest hero.

Takes place after Season 4 in an alternate timeline where the Equestria Girls series and The Cutie Map, and as a result the map episodes of Season 5, never happened.

My first attempt at fan fiction. Any constructive feedback is appreciated!

Special thanks to my proofreader (Chapters 22 & 23), professorsawyer!

Chapters (25)

It has been a year since the Wonderbolts disbanded, and Spitfire now instructs foals on how to improve their flying. Once class ends, the last pony she ever wants to see visits her. It's Rainbow Dash. What does she want?

Thanks to Akashic Brony and Thunderbolt Sentinel for proofreading.

Chapters (1)

This story is a sequel to Scoot Camp

Her Great-Grandfather was a Wonderbolt. Her Grandfather was a Wonderbolt. Her Father was a Wonerbolt.

Lavender could also be a Wonderbolt, but she doesn't want to. With such a legacy behind her, however, can she really disappoint her family by not becoming one of Equestria's elite flyers?

Chapters (7)

While on a diplomatic trip to the Zebrican Isles, Cadance, Twilight, and Spike stumble across a hilariously embarrassing secret of Luna's.

Luna doesn't think it's nearly as funny as they do.

Chapters (1)

This story is a sequel to Luna's Protégé

'Or through Midnight's Radiance, the Sun extracts obedience.'

Things are looking up for Sunset Shimmer.
She's been a proud student of Princess Luna for over twelve years, has the best friends a pony could ask for, a young dragon she cares for dearly, and ambitions on the cusp of completion.
And even better, it looks like everypony will be spending the Winter Solstice together! Assuming of course, that Celestia's return doesn't end up ruining everything...

Distant sequel to Luna's Protégé
Thanks to Cloureed again for the cover!
Set in the Trio-verse.

Chapters (6)

Rainbow Dash teaches Scootaloo and Sweetie Belle how to fly. Sweetie Belle. Oh, and Derpy brings muffins.

Chapters (1)

Fluttershy and Big MacIntosh are arguably Ponyville's cutest couple.

Their friends and family wonder, though, how the extremely shy pegasus and taciturn earth pony even ended up together, let alone how they stay together.

Fluttershy and Big Mac don't worry about it too much.

Shoutout to my boy White Jesus for managing to push this back into the feature box with his favorite literally like two minutes after it fell out, lol.

Chapters (1)

Meet Pat the changeling. He's in Ponyville on an exchange programme to further pony-changeling relationships.

Based on the small changeling that appeared briefly in Slice of Life.

Chapters (1)