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The challenge? Daunting. The reward? Worthy. Failure? Not an option. For Big Macintosh has accepted the bet, and thus begins A Ballad of Eeyup and Nope - in which he isn't allowed to say either.

Chapters (13)

This story is a sequel to Quizzical

Quiz's friends are telling ghost stories around a campfire. When it's Quiz's turn she surprises everypony. She tells a story of her own.

Chapters (1)

This story is a sequel to Luna's Protégé

Growing up is an adventure. Especially when it takes place under the tutelage of Princess Luna! Under her care, Twilight, Trixie, and Sunset are now friends. However, they're not quite PBFFs, yet. And since they've barely begun being Luna's Protégées, there's still a great deal left for them to learn.

Naturally, since they're still fillies, there will be some missteps, mistakes, and even the odd problem or two along the way. But, it's nothing they can't handle, as long as they have each other!

Direct sequel to Luna's Protégé
Set in the Trio-verse.

Chapters (7)

A changeling who has lived at the side of an Equestrian mare for most of his life finds himself in the middle of the changeling invasion of Canterlot. He has no idea who the invading queen or hive are, and just wants to stay where he is, and more importantly, who he is.

The spell that ends the invasion doesn't discriminate, though. With his old pony form irreversibly stripped away, and the whole kingdom out to hunt his kind, he tries to keep his family together, and struggles to find his place in the world.

Please comment! Even now, I'd love to hear what people think as they read through :pinkiehappy:

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Czech version:
Flitter on Google Docs translated by Draim (published at bronies.cz)

Russian version:
Флиттер on ponyfiction.org translated by repitter.
Audio book on YouTube by Diogenus.

Spanish version:
Flitter on DeviantArt, translated by SPANIARD KIWI.

Chapters (12)

Shining Armor and Princess Cadance's wedding didn't exactly go off without a hitch - in more ways than one. But with the day's excitement over, the pair head to the honeymoon suite in Canterlot Castle for a different kind of excitement. However, Princess Cadance has something she needs to tell her husband...

A/N: Started "one-shot" fic, written after reading "Adventures of a Teenage Foalsitter" and realizing there was a decided lack of romantic and knowing/consenting Shining Armor x Queen Chrysalis. The first chapter can be read as a standalone story, but, well I suppose it's obvious, the story does go on.

Chapters (13)

A Cutie Mark is meant to represent the personality and special talent of each pony that has one. Cheerilee's flowers symbolize her desire to help her students bloom, and the smiles represent the cheer that she hopes to bring to their lives.

At least...that's what she tells everypony who asks.


Chapters (4)

Mark your calendars for the Sadie Hoofkins Dance! Silver Spoon dares Diamond Tiara to take Snips, and the stakes are high. She must accept, or she won’t be invited to Silver Spoon’s birthday party. The daughter of Filthy Rich, however, develops secret feelings for the little unicorn. Can Diamond Tiara preserve her image as the Princess of Privilege while courting Snips, the Pauper of Ponyville?

Author's note: This story has eleven chapters, and three non-bronies proofread and edited each one. Updates every Friday.

Chapters (12)

Cheese Sandwich, the premier party planner in all of Equestria. With a large grin, musical talent, and a head full of crazy ideas with the skills to make them happen, this stallion polkas has way through life, making parties bigger and better wherever he goes.

Tomato Sandwich, a relatively low-key college student. Frugal and sensible, with a penchant for sarcasm and casual indifference to any weirdness that comes his way, he's simply content with having a mostly normal life.

Imagine Pinkie Pie's surprise when she learns that not only are these two stallions brothers, but they seem to hate each other. Thinking that their current relationship just won't do, she attempts to get them to mend their brotherly bond, hoping that they would be the "Best Brother Buddies" she knows they could be.

Now if only they would cooperate.

Cover art by PoIkaHorse.

Chapters (10)

Quizzical Greystone has just come to Ponyville as an assistant in Friendship Research. Such a socially inept filly might not be the best pony for the job. But this just might be the job she needs. If you can't make friends in Ponyville can you make friends anywhere?

Chapters (11)

This story is a sequel to A Teacher With No Class

After his encounter with Ms. Cheerilee and her students, Prince Blueblood decides to leave Equestria and wander the Everfree Forest in hopes of making the world a better place through his absence. With the help of a rhyming zebra and a restless ghost, he struggles to learn more about himself, his lineage, and his ultimate destiny. And if he's lucky, maybe he'll even find a reason to survive.

Chapters (8)