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On a snowy night, Cheerilee receives an unwelcome visit from her alcoholic sister, Berry Punch. They have a chat concerning each other, what it really means to be family, and the distance they have put between them.

Chapters (0)

Berry Punch was an alcoholic. Everypony in Ponyville knew this. She knew this.

But she never had a good enough reason to quit drinking.

And then, one night, she got one.

Chapters (1)

My name is Diamond Tiara. I am the most popular filly in school, and with good reason. I'm smart, I'm funny, I'm cool, I'm rich, and I'm resourceful. Everypony wants to be me... which can be kind of a burden at times. Alula, get off of me already!

I'm Alula! I'm not quite as smart as DT here, but I'm a really good athlete, and I'm full of energy every day! After all, I get to see Diamond Tiara every day, so how can I not be?

Chapters (14)

All Carrot Top wanted was a good night’s sleep – but then a fight broke out between Twilight Sparkle and the forces of evil. Since there was no way she could go back to bed with all that noise going on, she went outside and joined the party. With Vinyl Scratch providing the music and Pinkie Pie the popcorn, Carrot Top grabbed a chair and watched the battle.

After all, when life gives you lemons, sometimes the only thing to do is party the night away!

Chapters (1)

When a freak and powerful storm rolls in from the Everfree, strange events are set in motion. Reports of bizarre creatures, odd ponies and wild magic abound.

The Bearers of the Elements of Harmony must face down their enemies, fight for their world and face their fears. Some of the bearers must face even more than that, and face them alone. Read now as ancient secrets are unveiled, powers thought lost are unearthed and powerful despots seek to rule with an iron hoof.

Chapters (10)

When Carrot Top discovers that her coltfriend is cheating on her, her first reaction is to kick him to next Monday. The fact that at the moment her coltfriend is attending Blueblood's birthday party doesn't seem to convince her otherwise.

The good news, her friends are all there to get her out of trouble.

The bad news, her friends are all a bunch of sociopaths.

Proofreading by:

• The-baas
• Rainshine
• Selbi (Chapter 2 onwards)
• Neko Majin C

Chapters (10)

When what starts as an attempt on Princess Luna's life becomes a mad grab for power, Celestia must call upon her most skilled weapon, the Paladin. Cheerilee is an ordinary school teacher with a very unorthodox side job. Will her training in the ways of justice, and honor be enough to stop the threat against Equestria? Along her journey she will make new allies, gain new strengths, and become more personally involved then she ever would have imagined.

Note: As for the tags it is only slightly dark and only slightly sad, and not grim-dark at all (more light-dark sometimes). It is Adventure first.

Chapters (14)

8/21/2014 Yay! My first fic to get to the Feature Box! I'm so excited. Thank all y'all for helping this story reach this achievement. You all are awesome.

Retroactively giving this the AU Tag, and making this part of a series: "The Golden Saga". Stories will be split into arcs. With each new story having a recap chapter so new readers can catch up to stuff without being lost.

Part 1 of "The Golden Saga"

Raindrops is a mare who's lived a full and interesting life, and is a close friend of Ditzy Do, as well as a volunteer to various help groups in the community. When she sees Scootaloo diving for a meal in an alley way while covering for an ill Ditzy Do. She decides to take her in before the upcoming early winter hits. All the while trying to help her find the family she's lost long ago. This is a story of love, friendship, and the healing of old wounds.

Cover Art by: ImJustAnotherBrony

Editor: kingtiger666

Thank all of you readers for getting this story into the Popular Stories box. [8/14]

Chapters (16)

Berry Punch and Berry Pinch are a happy mother and daughter that live in Ponyville. They have many friends there, and, despite being changelings, have managed to live a nice life of obscurity for many years.

But when Berry Pinch finally reaches maturity, she learns that, rather than feeding off of love, she gives it.

How will this new revelation effect the citizens of Ponyville, and more importantly, Berry Pinch herself?

Inspired by Karin/Chibi Vampire, by Yuna Kagesaki.

Chapters (20)

This story is a sequel to Quizzical

Maud Pie and Quizzical Greystone meet. They discover they have some things in common.

Chapters (1)