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Big Macintosh goes on strike when he sees he's the one doing all the heavy lifting and harder work at Sweet Apple Acres while his sisters frolic. His idea catches fire throughout Ponyville, and soon every stallion is up in arms! Sexism explodes in the tiny town, it's Stallions on Strike!

Chapters (15)

Of all the royal figures who lead Equestria, much is known of most of them. Celestia and Luna came from parts unknown and were offered the crown by the founders of the nation. Cadance was an orphan of distant noble descent who was raised by a humble village. Twilight was a lonely bookworm who eventually became one of the greatest heroes in history.

The prince, however, has very little in the way of backstory. How did he become a prince, since the title does not award itself? What is the meaning of his cutie mark? If he grew up with Celestia, as is sometimes speculated, then how did he get on with Princess Mi Amore Cadenza, or with Spike? While few are interested in providing answers for such an infuriating public figure, they nonetheless exist. This is one man's attempt to piece them together.

Cover art created by Chryseum.

Chapters (12)

This story is a sequel to Quizzical

Quizzical Greystone is about to have her first Hearts And Hooves Day in Ponyville. She takes copious notes. Not a Quiz shipfic (probably).

Chapters (1)

After finding her assistant missing again during her court duties, Twilight finds Spike with none other then Fluttershy and learns that the two have been a couple for a while. After overcoming her shock, she is told the story of how the two, unexpectedly, found comfort in each others embrace...

Chapters (10)

Fancy Pants and his lovely wife Fleur are quite possibly Canterlot's most heroic duet. Together they conquered countless events, faced hordes of snobbish socialites, and emerged victorious from the most dire of faux pas. May their bravery and finesse be forever remembered on parties to come!

There is a missing element in their perfect life, though: the joy of having a child and becoming a family. When conventional methods fail, will the couple muster enough courage to seek out the alternative, or will they stay a duet forever?

Enter Chestnut—a daring filly from beyond Equestria, out of their social stratum, and definitely exceeding their boldest expectations.

For better or worse.

Chapters (10)

Button Mash and Sweetie Belle decides to spend one of their dates playing video games (Button's Idea) But things go bad when Sweetie Belle gets Fillynapped.
Now trapped in another world Button Mash must battle his way through countless trials, vicious monsters, and rivals if he's going to rescue Sweetie Belle from the Evil Unicorn King Codex!

2/21/2014 Big thanks goes out to hailetheking for being the prologue stage editor

Chapters (12)

This story is a sequel to Quizzical

The Cutie Mark Crusaders' friend Quiz must face her greatest fear. The CMC do what they can to help her, with predictable results.

This story takes place shortly after the end of Quizzical.

Chapters (1)

Friendship lasts forever.


Three years ago, Gilda and Rainbow Dash became fast friends at Junior Speedsters' Flight Camp. Time took its toll, though, and the pair drifted apart.

When Gilda tries to reconnect with her not-so-long lost friend, she'll discover that things can change a pony after three years: a new home, new job, and new friends.

This story continues in Summer Days

Title Image Credits
Original: http://mallorysbeast.deviantart.com
Coloring: Bandit (no link available)

Chapters (7)

TrixieX???? Random Ship Fic contest entry.

A mentally broken Trixie, the mare behind the greatest financial disaster in all of Equestria, is saved by the Princesses on the day she decides to end her life. Afterwards, she strives to go from the shadows of the past that haunted her, into the light she's always yearned to touch. With the help of the Princesses, and some old enemies turned friends it'll be up to Trixie to choose between the shadows that had so long defined her, and the chance to become the mare she's always wished she could be.

Cover Art By ImJustAnotherBrony

9/1/2013: This story won the contest. Thank you everyone for your favs, upvotes, and comments.

Chapters (11)

Every night when Pinkie Pie goes to bed, Pinkamina rises. Using the cryptic powers of the Pinkie Sense, she deciphers the clues and goes out to prevent the deaths of others. Meanwhile, the Stallion Lickity Split is developing feelings for Pinkie's darker half, and the Royal Sisters do NOT like Pinkamina messing with fate.

Chapters (10)