• Member Since 18th Dec, 2015


Just a dude reading stories

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Princess Luna has always been more at home on the battlefield than in a palace. The reasons for that were left mostly unexamined, for things are what they are, so why try to fight fate? Fish do not fly, birds do not swim, and the princess of the moon cannot be anything other than what she is. But when a dream reveals that in this modern age the impossible can become reality, she begins to examine who she is in an all new light.

A story about identity, discovery, and love.

This is technically set in the same world as Over a Cardboard Sea, but the two stories are only vaguely related and you do not have to read one in order to appreciate the other. It also takes place in the same world as Either Or and shares some themes with it.

Gorgeous cover art by blankflank.

Chapters (8)

There exists in any given location either an inn or bar where the locals meet at the end of a long work day and trade drinks and stories. By the ancient laws of happenstance, the same must be true for areas where the permanent population is exactly one. Now, most would assume it would default to those creatures preferred drinking area in their own house. These people have never been to the only truly lonely place in Equestria. On the border of the unending sea and the badlands there sits an Inn, with a strange bartender. If one comes seeking riches or fame, he will gladly kick you out, stating the only riches here are booze and misery. But if you come for a strong drink and an ear to listen to your problems, then you have found your home.

Rocking the featured box again. Can I get a hoorah? 2/12/19 for those curious.

Chapters (15)

After waking up alone and trapped in Equestria, I found myself treated with noticeable caution by its inhabitants. Not that I blame them; I am a predator species after all, but that still doesn’t make it easy. Will I ever find my place in this world? Turns out I may not be so alone in my struggle for acceptance. Following Luna’s return, the bat-ponies are also faced with adversity and although most ponies see their return as ultimately positive, it only takes a couple bad apples to spoil the bunch. We are all individuals, with strengths and weaknesses and should treat each other as such. Unfortunately, not everypony sees it that way and although it’s natural to group yourself (and others) together, it’s still ultimately harmful.

Cover art by byDaliaPamela on DeviantArt

Chapters (3)

For many a millennia he has slumbered beneath the earth, his strength recovering from a conflict as old as the sands it was fought upon. For many a millennia he and his people withered away into legends, spoken of by the elderly to their young as nothing more than stories before bed. For many a millennia the world itself forgot about this being, hidden away within a cage of dirt and rock and time.

But now he has awoken to find himself lost in a world nearly unrecognisable, dominated by a species he'd not laid eyes upon for many, many years indeed.

Yet there still lived a select few who knew him personally. To them, he was an old yet dear friend, long believed to have been lost to the cataclysm that cost him his people and his kingdom. Despite all the time that had elapsed and despite all that had happened throughout the years, they still knew his name.

Cyrus Perennem, 'The King Without a Crown'.

Chapters (6)

This story is a sequel to I Don't Want to Grow Up

Celestia was a filly living on an isolated farm with her sister and harboring dreams of greatness. Chrysalis was a black goo poured out from a screaming wound in the walls of reality, with a weak grasp on the appropriate amount of fangs one should have. Friendship was inevitable.

Image used with permission from miszasta

Editing by the wonderful Carabas and FanOfMostEverything

Pre-reading and suggestions by bloons3

Chapters (27)

Ragar the Ageless has seen many things in his non-life. He has seen fields of cotton candy, the wails of the soon-to-be-dead chanting in chorus. Once he even saw a unicorn. Well, there are a lot of those in Equestria, so maybe that one was less noteworthy. But still, he's seen a lot. Now he wants others to see him in all his glorious evil. The only issue is he's not so good at it.

** EDIT **

Well crap, featured with every chapter. I feel all special and stuff. So let me give you all some love. You're all wonderful people, trees or whatever internet capable folks have been reading.

Dang, look at all those likes. I'm feeling the love. Thank all of you for enjoying my wonderful trip through insane necromancy.

Many Thanks to Locke_Jaw for his wonderful artwork that is my new cover.

Chapters (24)

In another life, they may have threatened the world, but here they merely changed Anon's. It's an odd little family, but he wouldn't trade it for all the treasures in the world.

Chapters (1)

Story version of the post of the same name! Credit for the concept goes entirely to Whiskeylullaby.

It's been a couple years or so ever since the Dimensional Tear Incident of 2018—something that no one would've ever thought of happening. On both worlds, everyone is still getting used to the fact that alien life does indeed exist, some coming to terms faster than others. Cultural exchange is slow but relations only continue to get stronger.

In a show of kindness, the U.S sends a volunteer over to the Equestrian side to help manage their security problems; something that's been plaguing them for quite some time now.

It is quite the shame that MA Brandt is in for quite the shock.

Chapters (5)

Our protaganist's life (mine) turns from dramatic to tragic in a single moment...but then an out-of-left-field event happens, and I find myself in an alternate universe version of My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic where the only difference seems to be Queen Chrysalis hatches a new queen years before the 1,000th Summer Sun Celebration...and I'm that new queen.

Jumping in on this particular bandwagon. Tagged "Gore" for the opening chapter (and possibly later chapters) and "Sex" because you can't mention any part of the reproductive process without the sex tag on this site.

Chapters (13)

AU to a Canterlot Wedding with a twist. Shades of the movie.

Twilight left Equestria ashamed of calling Cadence evil without knowing she was replaced by Queen Chrysalis. The real Cadence was accidentally found and the Changeling invasion was foiled.

Since then Princess Celestia and her friends have been searching for Twilight.

2 years later the Crystal Empire returns and Twilight's friends are sent but it seemed that an armada led by the stern faced Tempest got there first. She is there on behalf of a new empire ruled by Queen Twilight.

20th January 2018, Featured! First of my stories that I know of to be featured on the main page!

Chapters (10)