Favourites 1113 stories
  • Favourites 1113 stories - 46 unread chapters
    Created by mune72
    - October, 2014
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Estimated Reading: 7 weeks



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Trixie just wants a little attention. Male attention, in particular. However, considering her winning personality, unique charm, and social grace... physical appeal is really the only option she has left. And Trixie wouldn't be Trixie if she didn't try to fudge things a little bit in her favor.

And it wouldn't be Trixie's life if the universe didn't inexplicably conspire to ensure all of her efforts ended in failure and great personal embarrassment.

Warning: Contains breast expansion for comedic effect; humanized ponies; pervy Rainbow Dash; Twixie; an extremely juvenile sense of humor; and Trixie's endless misfortune, also for comedic effect.

Chapters (1)

Twilight Sparkle - magus, heroine and Princess - has learned of worlds overlapping Ungulatia in space and time. Though this has been a well known phenomenon, safely traveling to these other worlds has always eluded pony mages. But now - after years of research and careful experiments - she prepares herself for the most audacious of all experiments: stepping hoof on the surface of an alien world and returning safely! What wonders will she find once she walks through her magic portal?

This assumes that Equestria Girls never happened.

Chapters (1)

A burst of energy from the heavens, felt by every being from Discord himself to the little foal crying next door. Mysterious golden rings rained from the sky, dropping to Equestria, almost as if with a purpose. With rings scattered throughout the lands, all holding untold power, the Princesses send for an immediate investigation, including themselves and the Mane Six.

What secrets do the rings hold? Who or what sent them to Equestria, if anything at all? Would they prove a threat to the nation? Despite their awesome power and years of experience, nopony, be it the Princesses, the Elements of Harmony, or even Discord, had been prepared for what was to come.
Okay, maybe Discord was, but it's Discord.
Maybe Pinkie too, she has emergency cakes stashed all over Ponyville!

So, a Pokémon crossover! And game-centric, so don't expect anything from the anime to pop up. Not certain whether humans will pop up at all, though it's 50/50 in my head right now. The name and cover art aren't my final choices, though I'm not sure what I have in mind.

I'm the only one that's edited this, and while I do personally think I'm a fairly good editor, a nitpicky person, and one with high expectations too, I know for a fact I tend to become blind when it's my own work. So, feel free to tell me why this story sucks. But don't tell me that the story sucks. Kay? Just why would really be nice.

Hey, this is on the 5th page when you click on More Popular Stories on the Homepage for a while! Didn't expect that at all! Thanks to everyone that added this to their Favourites, and everyone that's viewed or liked as well!

Cover art by Ken Sugimori.

Chapters (2)

Tirek gave Twilight a choice: give up her magic, or lose her friends. Twilight chose the latter.

Now, the last of the rebellion has been brought to justice. And Twilight is their final judge, juror, and executioner.

She never expected that the Crusaders would still be alive.

Thanks to Rated Ponystar for help with this story. Wouldn't have finished it without ya.
Also, someone did a reading of it here, if you're into that sorta thing.

Chapters (1)

Once, I was a simple human. I spent my days living my life and enjoying as the days slowly ticked past. I had a girlfriend who loved me and who I loved in return.

That all changed one day when I went to a costume party dressed up as the character Amaterasu from the game Okami.

Now I don't even know what I am anymore.

I have the powers of a god, but what am I supposed to use them for?

Edited and Proofread by Courage Fire and tytyvm starting from Fourth and Fifth Howl.

Chapters (7)

After a thrashing from a certain plumber leads to a magical mishap, Bowser and his adviser Kammy find themselves in Equestria.

Will they discover the Magic of Friendship? Will they realize this is perhaps their one last chance to change their ways and become good before it's too late?

Will Bowser rethink his whole "kidnapping princesses" thing?



Written in the 1st-person. Considers all Mario games, aside from the sports games/party games/Smash Bros to be canon. Bowser has his RPG personality.

Art by CyrusCloud

Chapters (2)

After having come into existence out of seemingly nowhere, Fleshy the hacked Sylveon proceeded to abuse her already fully developed powers. After warping around dimensions with her Baton Pass, Psystrike'ing fat objects with red vests on, and Boomburst'ing the remainder, she eventually found herself in Equestria.

Chapters (1)

My dearest Twilight. It has come to my attention that a new king has been crowned in Griffinstone. Though I would normally not get involved in the people's decision to elect a new leader as that is their right, the reports I have received hold some ...odd details about him. Some rumors state that he is a dragon, a pony, and various types of pokemon. Then there are the laws that he had apparently passed. It seems that those delicious scones I remember have been replaced by something called pizza, which is now the official national food of Griffinstone. I would go myself but I seem to have a sudden increase in the amount of paperwork I have to do now that the ponies of Canterlot have become used to the pokemon in the city. So I must ask you to go in my place to both investigate and welcome the new king.

your friend Celestia.

p.s. I will be sending Blueblood with you in the hopes that he will learn how to behave from your example.

p.p.s. Please take Biochem with you. He just blew up his lab, again...along with two other classrooms. I told him to leave that Voltorb alone.

Pre-read by Zeusdemigod131, and ZeroChill.
This is a side story set in the world of A New World A New Way, written by zeusdemigod131.

Sex and Gore tags are for safety.

Chapters (8)

Thousands of years after the seas rose up (literally) and destroyed civilization as we know it, a pair of evolved sea species, the Inklings and the Octarians, found themselves locked in conflict over a land mass that was rapidly shrinking.

Facing the prospect of a never-ending stalemate, the Inkling High Council authorized "Operation Expansion," a covert military program in which small teams of Inklings were deployed across the world to look for other lands that the Inklings could claim as their own.

One such team, led by their intrepid splatoon leader Danielle, struck gold in the form of a large island perfect for colonization. Upon investigation, however, the team discovered that the land was inhabited by a group of four-legged creatures with some crazy ideas about friendship...

(Splatoon x MLP crossover.)

Chapters (11)

Since the incident that led to the meeting of Earth and Equestria, Luna, Celestia, Twilight and just about every other high-ranking official in Canterlot have been scrambling to work out how to introduce humans and their culture to Equestrians. Thus far, human interaction with ponykind has been kept deliberately sparse outside inter-governmental talks. Human and pony civilians are advised to keep contact to a minimum until the details are worked out.

So when Twilight takes a break from her duties to clear her head, she is taken rather aback by the sudden presence of a human record store in an alley. This deserves investigation!

Chapters (1)