Favourites 1113 stories
  • Favourites 1113 stories - 46 unread chapters
    Created by mune72
    - October, 2014
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It was supposed to be a fun day. Simple, really. All Fluttershy wanted was to help shepherd adorable baby turtles into the sea, and eat a nice lunch on the beach with Angel afterwards.

She was not expecting to be scared out her mind by an orange-purple cube thing that seemed to distort reality with its very presence.

Additional Tags: [Action] [Cuteness]

Chapters (1)

This story is a sequel to A Boy and his Box

My name is Jake Witt... or is it Lego Craft now? I'm here to live my brother's dream to be in Equestria all while living my dream to be Steve? from Minecraft. Luckily I'm still ginger and my creation mode powers can make up for my terrible endurance! ...I'm not supposed to say that last part, am I?

I have an ax wielding Mine Little Pony! His name is Box Hooves... for obvious reason. While my powers can get boring after a while, he knows how to spice things up! How? Minecraft MODS, that's how!

Join us as we fight monsters, find bosses, make friends, bake cakes, have sleepovers- Hold on...

Request Anything Below!

Canon Mods so far:
Mine Little Pony
DNA splicing
House Things
Battle Gear 2
Sync Machine
Deadly Swords
Mini Me
Secret Doors
Portal Gun

Chapters (12)

Everypony in Ponyville goes to attend a DJ Pon-3 concert, but instead Not Eminem shows up and begins rapping spaghetti related rhymes causing mass hysteria, ear damage, and casualties. Can the main 6 possible stop this danger? No, probably not...

Are your keens weak and arms heavy? Well don't vomit on your sweater, cause it's mom's spaghetti.

I know this story is terrible, I wrote it in a couple hours after making some 'mom's spaghetti' jokes with my friends. Please don't hate me for completely wasting your time.

Chapters (1)

There are few things that manage to irritate the Princess of Equestria.

One is eating her cake.

The other, is strange creatures getting wined and dined by an inter-dimesional being that end up landing in Equestria causing enough chaos to make Discord look like second best.

[Displaced Crack Fic]
[Teen for language]

I regret everything nothing.

Chapters (1)

This story is a sequel to The Luna Cypher

Twilight sets out to learn more of the ways of the world, and soon decides that the whole planet is disorganized, insanely dangerous, and desperately needs to be fixed. And she's just the mare to do it... with a little help from her friends.

Also, there are sky-pirates!

Book 3 of the Alicorn Adventure series.

A few extra, slice-o-life chapters are here: On the Rocks

Chapters (25)

So, I go to Comic-con to have fun with my friends and have a normal experience. I even resisted the temptations around me so I would not go cosplay as something. Go me. Unfortunately, the universe knows no bounds when it comes to screwing around with me.

Now stranded in a world and a body no longer my own, I'll have no choice but to face the politics and war that surround me. That and I also has to face the fact I'm in charge of a new kingdom and I have to look out for them as well.

My name is Philip. But some recognize me now as Yveltal, Pokemon of Destruction and Lord of Death.

Well, without further adiue, down the rabbit hole we go!

Displaced fic so if you hate that don't read. Displaced as a Shiny Yveltal!

Rated teen due to some violence and foul language!

We've got a great editor, Blood Angel Kirito who will edit things when he can, so don't rush the poor guy :3

The cover art is a clip from the amazing, and fluffy :3 , art series of SoftMonKeychains. So check out her work. She gave me permission to use her art as long as she gets credit, so thanks for that!

Crossovers will be done once I get situated!

Chapters (11)

In the year 2000 on Sol Earth, the JSDF managed to rid themselves of Godzilla by sucking him through an artificial black hole. Fifteen Years later in Equestria, an excavation team supervised by Daring Do uncovered a series of underground mountains. As the public gathered, the ground began to rumble and the so called mountains revealed their true nature. Not wanting to adopt this beast, the citizens must find a way to rid of Godzilla.

Occurs in both the Old (After Other Voices) and New Timelines during and a while after the Season 5 premiere.

Chapters (9)

Supreme Overlord of the Dominion of Equestria.
Wonderful title isn't it?
Capture the Country, Marry the Princess, Take over the world.
Sounds like an Adventure story doesn't it?
Well this is no story.
How do I know? Well I'm not stupid for one.
All those other dolts that came before fell into too many simple traps.
They're all so easy to avoid.
That's why I work to rule.
The rules.
The Rules of an Evil Overlord.

Chapters (84)

Taking place 1000 years after the Legend of Spyro series, Cynder breaks Spyro from the bowels of the Earth to appear in the land of Equestria. Confused and lost, the two dragons struggle to befreind the local population, and are quite surprised over Celestia's kindness to them.

But as dragon sightings in Equestria begin to arise, history of the purple one is revealed, unravelling a 1000 year secret which Celestia has kept fom young Twilight and Equestria for as long as she has ruled. What is Spike and Twilight destined for? Why are dragons coming to Equestria? And who is Harmony?

Chapters (1)

Shortly after Tirek's defeat, Celestia chooses to descend back into the depths of Tartarus to have a few choice...words, with the one being who's sole job is to prevent escapes like that of the mad centaurs'. With questions unanswered plaguing her, she decides the only way to silence her fears are to go to its source. To speak to the jailer of Tartarus.

While few know his name and fewer know what he exactly is, many call him by what he does. He is simply, The Warden.

Trigger Warnings: Displaced, Slightly OOC Celestia.

Chapters (3)